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Signed Up September 3, 2014
Last Posted September 3, 2014 at 6:44 PM
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#34 BenQ xl2411t which cables for 120hz? in Hardware

Lol, I already have an unlocked bios, also tried to disable optimus putting in the bios primary display to : sg but it make the screen black after the reboot.

It depends of the games but I upgraded the gpu by a 780m and in one month I will upgrade the 3230m to a 3820qm.

That is weird because if use an external 120hz screen I should be able to set more than 60hz in nvidia panel ?

I am asking because the next plan is to get a benq monitor. Would like to use my laptop as a computer.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 BenQ xl2411t which cables for 120hz? in Hardware

I have like the same laptop of the guy who posted but with optimus. People say here with http://www.amazon.com/Mediabridge-High-Speed-Cable-Ethernet/dp/B0031TRZX2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1382743236&sr=8-1&keywords=High+Speed+HDMI+Cable he could get 120 hz

posted about 10 years ago
#29 BenQ xl2411t which cables for 120hz? in Hardware

Hello guys, i have a msi gt60 0nc 491xfr but with optimus, if i buy the hdmi câble linked, would I be able to run 120 or 140hz with a benq monitor knowing that my system have optimus which limit the system at 60hz.

( have only vga and hdmi output )


posted about 10 years ago