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SteamID64 76561198052096214
SteamID3 [U:1:91830486]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:45915243
Country Switzerland
Signed Up February 9, 2014
Last Posted April 2, 2016 at 1:52 PM
Posts 116 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.7
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Mouse Logitech G700s
Keyboard Steelseries Apex
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Extended Edition
Headphones Astro a40
Monitor 2x ASUS something something
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#48 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic
kounterpartsDataHerganDataunfyou're going super fucking emo over this Data

you have noone to blame but yourself for the success/failure of your own projects, stop deflecting like an obsessed fucking child

Have i been blaming other people?


The fact that no one really wanted to see eSource in the first place shows "no support from the community".
Am I blaming TF.TV? No. I dont understand why everyone is so butthurt.

A hell of a lot of people wanted to see this take off, Youre thread was super popular and a lot of people were hyped including myself, the reason people are so butthurt is because we had all this faith in you, and you had no faith in eSource, thats why.

Tell me how much faith you have after staff walking out on you because of "past experiences". I was 13 when my first "bad experience" happened.

posted about 9 years ago
#46 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic
mDataWell lets take a look.
I've lived in 3 different countries.
i'm sure ur the one who financed all of these housing locations and not ur parents I speak 4 languages. english + swiss and counting in french and german isnt 4 languages Made a successful server community. ive never heard of it nor can i find anybody who has, from what i can see its quite dead"Had a go" at online business. idk what this means but if ur describing this encounter my pets have had a go at online business as well as i made 230 bucks in 5th grade selling mugs with their faces on them While most people here just play games.u list ur pc specs on ur profile, have shitty handrawn anime on ur steam page and brag about the 5 dollar steam template u bought roflAm I the only one who has done this? No. Howerver, I'm pretty proud of myself.seems to me like ur grasping at straws but whatever Also wouldnt mind if a mod would close this bullshit of a thread. And while you're at it, delete my account.ya when i think im right i always ask all the evidence to be deleted

u sound like a spoiled brat with 0 life skills (technical or otherwise) who loses his mind when people dont share ur same 'vision'

i use the term 'vision' loosely

nothing of value was lost

c u

Fair points.
Is it a bad thing that my parents financed it?
I speak Dutch, German, French & English. < 2000 is enough for me
Had a go doesnt mean i have to be successful
Dont see what my pc specs have to do with gaming, oh wait, you generalize everything on gaming.
I simply put the price next to the name
Thanks for your opinion on my drawing, duly noted.
Go ask a random pot head, he hasnt done any of this.

posted about 9 years ago
#42 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic
HerganDataHergankounterpartsIf you want this thread to close, just admit you were wrong and everyone will probably accept it.
You think it'll gonna happen?

Probably not, people are amused by this.

Who asked you?


posted about 9 years ago
#40 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic
HergankounterpartsIf you want this thread to close, just admit you were wrong and everyone will probably accept it.
You think it'll gonna happen?

Probably not, people are amused by this.
EDIT: Oops misread that.

Yes i admit i was wrong. I shouldnt have started eSource when the demand for it was so low.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic
HerganDataunfyou're going super fucking emo over this Data

you have noone to blame but yourself for the success/failure of your own projects, stop deflecting like an obsessed fucking child

Have i been blaming other people?


The fact that no one really wanted to see eSource in the first place shows "no support from the community".
Am I blaming TF.TV? No. I dont understand why everyone is so butthurt.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic
HerganDataHerganDataHerganDataI asked for friendly help.
Not begging.

Also, I'm saying the community is a joke since everyone tends to be assholes to each other. Oh wait, that's the internet.

Hate on me all you want, look at what you've done with your life before saying things.

Take your own adviceDatalook at what you've done with your life before saying things.

Well lets take a look.
I've lived in 3 different countries. I speak 4 languages. Made a successful server community. "Had a go" at online business. While most people here just play games.
Am I the only one who has done this? No. Howerver, I'm pretty proud of myself.

We're on the internet, I can say I can speak world's all languages, lived in all countries, created the TV, the radio, if you have no proof, it's probably bullshit

The fact that you dont believe this shows me how often you go outside and talk to people.

I go out and talk to people every day you dumbass, you don't know how world works don't you?


posted about 9 years ago
#33 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic
unfyou're going super fucking emo over this Data

you have noone to blame but yourself for the success/failure of your own projects, stop deflecting like an obsessed fucking child


posted about 9 years ago
#30 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#29 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#26 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#22 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#19 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#13 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#58 [WIP] eSource - New Tournament League in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#8 If you can code, please read. in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
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