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Signed Up February 11, 2013
Last Posted September 1, 2017 at 6:39 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ⋅⋅ 104
sacDavidthewin: please, read up on your own country's history and you will notice this thing called "the civil war" happened.

FYI I'm English

posted about 9 years ago
#34 cp_gravelpit testing in Map Discussion

That's exactly what I said.

SideshowI agree with you in the sense that a straight A->B (->C if needed) map would be awesome but I don't think changing gravelpit is the answer, I think it needs a different map.

Then why are you trying to change gravelpit and force it into a tournament?

posted about 9 years ago
#239 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
Pheeshyour fps seems kind of off David (I have an i7-4790k @ stock and even w/ dx9 I get higher fps w/ a crappier vid card.) Are you able to see the CPU core loading when it's running?

Are you running the game at close to max settings though? I do that because I only use TF2 to stream for TFTV so I'm not bothered about getting 120fps, so long as my game is at 60 or higher it's fine for the stream. I said that my CPU doesn't go above 30% usage or so but I'll do a test now to see if that's all on one core or something.

posted about 9 years ago
#141 DreamHack Winter 2015 TF2 Invitational powered by Marketplace.tf & esportunited in News
kaidusDid you speak to every one of my team? I think you'll find that's not so true!

Who else? I've seen Stark, Perm, Kaptain and I think zebbosai say they're against the idea.

posted about 9 years ago
valkeriDavidTheWinThat just goes to show how susceptible people are to brainwashing. People used religion (the thing about Noah's black son seeing him naked whilst asleep) among other non-religious reasons (being under the idea that black people were physically inferior) to justify slavery and racism towards black people.
I have never read anywhere in the Bible about Noah having a black son who was seen as inferior. If someone actually used this as an excuse to justify slavery, then it is completely unfounded in the Christian faith. I would chalk that up to an individual trying to find some excuse to justify something that he knew to be wrong, and eventually everyone else just started using that same excuse. Everyone knows that slavery is wrong, however, slavery was a great way to make money back then. For a small cost, you could have free labor for literally generations.

The difference is that people in general (the exceptions being abolitionists) didn't think that slavery was wrong.

posted about 9 years ago
valkerisorsaI'm quite certain that you just explained how it makes sense.I fail to see where I affirmed that society gives the standard for morals, if you don't mind I would love for you to explain your statement more.

Something that was once considered morally right is now considered morally wrong. If we get our morals from God then since God presumably doesn't change his mind about what's morally right and wrong then something that was morally right once would always be morally right. If that's the case why do we now consider things that were morally right to be morally wrong?

posted about 9 years ago
valkeriSo I think we can all agree that humans have morals and from those come moral laws. If there are moral laws there must be a moral lawgiver, whether that be society or a religious entity. The question I was asking was where do we get them from?
DavidTheWinSociety as a whole.I find the thinking that society gives us morals flawed. A few examples are since the beginning of America until the 1900's minorities were oppressed through slavery and denial of natural rights. Back then, no one thought that was wrong, society said, "Yes, these people are inferior and it is morally acceptable to have slaves or oppress these people." Another example would be that in the 1940's in Germany, it was morally acceptable, in German society, to kill six million Jews.

Not trying to single out David, just the easiest post to quote.

That just goes to show how susceptible people are to brainwashing. People used religion (the thing about Noah's black son seeing him naked whilst asleep) among other non-religious reasons (being under the idea that black people were physically inferior) to justify slavery and racism towards black people. That's a perfect example of something we would now consider to be morally wrong being prevalent in society due to contemporary morals stemming from both religious and non-religious sources.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 cp_gravelpit testing in Map Discussion

After sideshow was discussing this on stream last night I had some thoughts.

A few arguments made were (from memory, correct me if I'm wrong):
1 A/D presents different strategies to 5cp, similarly to koth maps
2 A/D maps should be immediately obvious to a new stream viewer whereas 5cp isn't so clear

I agree with those points in general for A/D (similar to overwatch style A/D: attack A then attack B then you win) but I don't think they apply to gravelpit.

Gravelpit is an A/D map and does have different strategies to 5cp but it has the A point. The best strategy to defend A is to not even try to defend A. That's a fatal flaw IMO, why have a map where the best strategy is to not even try? Imagine a 5cp map where you had the advantage if you didn't even attempt a midfight.

While an overwatch style A/D is immediately obvious to viewers I don't think gravelpit in particular is that obvious. In a straight A/D map you attack A then you attack B etc then you win. In gravelpit you attack A and B then you attack C then you win. A new viewer who has never seen gravelpit before will wonder why they are attacking both at once and moreover, why the defending team is just ignoring the attack on A.

posted about 9 years ago
#137 DreamHack Winter 2015 TF2 Invitational powered by Marketplace.tf & esportunited in News

Reason is the only team that might potentially pick gravelpit because kaidus (and no one else on Reason) is in favour of it. All 3 other teams just won't pick it and when they play against Reason they will ban it before there is a chance to pick it. Why go through all this trouble to add a map that is 99% likely to never be played anyway?

posted about 9 years ago
MumaKaneco-snip from where the attacks occurred
Uninformed here, so sorry if this is a dumb question, but why would the locations chose be so seemingly weird? If their ulitmate goal was to cause the most harm or gain the most coverage, why wouldn't the Stade de France been attacked since it was at the time being broadcast and president hollande was there?

The Stade de France was attacked, two suicide bombers attacked nearby though not the stadium itself as far as I know.

posted about 9 years ago
valkeriSocialiteI like to think that I have morals even if bible disagrees. But if the only morality we have is the one given by the religion then too bad.Assuming we do not get our morals from religion, then where do we get them?

Society as a whole. Humans are social creatures, having morals and a sense of what is right in society helps build and maintain societies because they are necessary for human survival. Religions came about as a way to try to explain how the world works (eg genesis/adam and eve). Societies built up around religions initially with the geographical differences making interacting with different societies difficult. Nowadays between about 20 to 30% of people in the US and Europe consider themselves to not be religious. I'd like to think that they (including myself) aren't all morally bankrupt.

posted about 9 years ago
#237 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

CPU and overclock: i7 4790k @4.4GHz
Graphics Card: SLI GTX980 (~1129MHz stock clocks)
Driver version: 358.50
dxlevel (default is 90): 90
Resolution: 1920x1080
Full-screen or windowed: Windowed
FPS configs enabled: None, settings are


Shadows enabled/disabled: Enabled

2639 frames 26.348 seconds 100.16 fps ( 9.98 ms/f) 6.794 fps variability
2639 frames 27.120 seconds 97.31 fps (10.28 ms/f) 5.904 fps variability
2639 frames 26.434 seconds 99.83 fps (10.02 ms/f) 6.144 fps variability
2639 frames 26.220 seconds 100.65 fps ( 9.94 ms/f) 5.955 fps variability
2639 frames 26.131 seconds 100.99 fps ( 9.90 ms/f) 6.265 fps variability

And just for fun, the same settings at 3840x2160

2639 frames 26.676 seconds 98.93 fps (10.11 ms/f) 7.040 fps variability
2639 frames 27.386 seconds 96.36 fps (10.38 ms/f) 6.331 fps variability
2639 frames 26.773 seconds 98.57 fps (10.15 ms/f) 6.373 fps variability
2639 frames 26.827 seconds 98.37 fps (10.17 ms/f) 6.150 fps variability
2639 frames 26.750 seconds 98.65 fps (10.14 ms/f) 6.167 fps variability

lol tftv stream coming at you in 4k downscaled

Edit: Odd that my GPU never went over about 35% usage and neither of my GPUs went over 30%. Adding my 1366 MHz overclock didn't change anything either since they never had to get themselves over 900MHz or so.

posted about 9 years ago

Sad to see people using tragedies like this to justify their racism. Tragedies like this are caused by racism.

posted about 9 years ago
#179 all aboard in TF2 General Discussion
MankySteam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\resource\tf_english.txt
"TF_Competitive_Rank_1" "Recruit"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_2" "Mercenary"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_3" "Field Mercenary"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "Veteran Mercenary"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_5" "Infiltrator"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_6" "Operator"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_7" "Raider"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_8" "Guerrilla"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_9" "Agent"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_10" "Field Agent"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "Master Agent"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "Assassin"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_13" "Field Assassin"
"TF_Competitive_Rank_14" "Elite Assassin"

Well, at least top rank has elite in name.

I do hope they change some of them, if someone tells you they're FA they could be rank 10 Field Agent or rank 13 Field Assassin. If you tried adding the second letter you get FAs and... FAg.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Last day to sign up!(find Razer players/team here) in TF2 General Discussion

lots of lft someone man up and lead

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ⋅⋅ 104