Account Details
SteamID64 76561198000395890
SteamID3 [U:1:40130162]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:20065081
Country Germany
Signed Up February 8, 2013
Last Posted August 11, 2014 at 6:55 PM
Posts 12 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 12 + 2 accel (no 0.2
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 0 
1024 x 768
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Microsoft imo 1.1
Keyboard IBM M 1992
Mousepad Qck
Headphones Sennheiser 600
Monitor Sony Crt
#54 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games
mthey rly dont give a shit about feedback from anybody so im not sure how this game gets better or grows

devs havent posted on the forums in a while now

it's almost like they learned nothing from the catastrophe that was brink

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games
downpouri said 20 minutes man you need to calm down

nah just wanted to give some pointers

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games
downpouri playued it for a grand total of 20 minutes and heres my first impressions:
vasili almost isnt worth playing because every person moves mach speed and the requirements for a headshot are really hard
the scout-like class is amazing (who would have thought) proximity mines OP
assault rifles are so garbage i played a class with them for 2 minutes and switched back to the scout


proxy is not really that good, aura's shotty does more damage and aura is generally more useful
vasili is hella op, hs is instakill/no rev and ESP.
rifles/smg's are actually incredibly good, the best classes in the game are all rifle classes.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

been playing it for 2.5 months
has huge potential. Played it so much that we kinda killed the beta scene.

On the negative side:
1)new patch is retarded, guns do more damage, spread is non existent, limb shots do more damage, hs damage was nerfed, people are crashing non stop, and classes feel same-y now.
2) Pubbing is a joke because the people who got beta keys all have some form of physical disability and can't aim.
3)Vasili has throw-able ESP, it makes pushes and def a huge joke. It's like a point and click adventure where you wait for the orange triangle to turn the corner so you can prefire it.
4)Players +back almost as much as the people who play l4d
5)Most importantly, because the game is based on UT3, prepare to get shot through walls and corners by people. Also don't look at pings because new patch messed them up (NA players ping 20 to europe LOL)

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Mouse accel on TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I use accel in every fps I play. It's so much fun and accel always feels really comfortable and aiming seems "fluid". The accel in tf2 is garbage though. You should try something like this http://accel.drok-radnik.com/ where the accel isn't dependent on fps. It also gives you the option of offset/cap which can be useful for some people.

posted about 11 years ago
#92 quickfix in TF2 General Discussion

QF on mids also puts your flank at a pretty noticeable health disadvantage. On gully, metalworks, process and badlands (only maps we've QF'd on so far) your scouts usually get into their first engagement at 130-ish health (vs 165-ish on a 185 health one) and your roamer has about 50 less than a full over-healed one. While QF does get stronger as the fight goes on, the initial health advantage of running uber/kritz, if pressed, can be pretty effective.

posted about 11 years ago
#70 Mason dropped from Classic Mixup in TF2 General Discussion

gl mixup, hope you figure it out and do well at lan
mason with the 2-1 invite record still positive

posted about 11 years ago
#11 3-0 in TF2 General Discussion

5-2 ag vs mixup halp pls

posted about 11 years ago
#7 grape hud in Customization

really good hud

posted about 11 years ago
#22 IYO, the minimum hours to play ESEA-O Scout? in TF2 General Discussion
MYLES2sy_morphiendEggplant2sy_morphiendCould be drastically shortened if you no-life it or have genuine talent or find a mentor and seriously care about improving your play (demo review, asking for critique, constructive scrim atmosphere)
People say that everyone has a certain amount of innate potential or talent but seriously, has anyone ever just picked up a mouse one day with zero prior experience and been absolutely amazing? It seems like even if people jump straight to IM/invite relatively quickly after picking up TF2, they always have prior FPS or computer game experience.

I know for a fact that craig "tehoreoz" collier was born with a mouse in his hand

also MIKE became the best demo jumper in the span of like 2-3 months, and one of the best source surfers in under a year when people near his rank have spent like 8~.

MIKE mentioned that he practiced nBn for like 4 months till he could speed run it flawlessly.

Also, DaHanG had no prior FPS experience till Quake 3, he mentioned that he watched Rapha vs Strenx (might be wrong there) and that he fell in love and worked his way up to the top by playing the game for a year almost non-stop.

he actually was a top quake 2 player before
on topic- it depends on how you use those hours. Do you pub vs nobodies or do you actively pug/dm/mge/scrim.
It's all about actively try to improve all the time. Hours don't exactly translate to skill.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 DHeroes reforming for s14 need Sollies + Scouts in Recruitment (looking for team)

Marxist is like that really cool uncle you had that you couldn't wait to have around because of all the cool stories he told you (he's also a really good med). Pharaoh, though he looks like he participates in gang warfare, is just as cool and a great demo as well.
Just know that if you join, you'll end up staying up way past your bedtime listening to their hilarious mumble.
Couldn't recommend these guys enough.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 QL Accel Driver in TF2 General Discussion

you sir are a champion of the highest order. Friends and I have been waiting for something like this for god knows how long. Can finally use accel again. ++++++++++++

posted about 12 years ago