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Signed Up April 6, 2015
Last Posted July 17, 2015 at 6:54 PM
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#1 Shitty Fps need help in TF2 General Discussion

Hello im a gamer/streamer, and when i play in non choke/spammy area's i have a 120+ FPS.
But when i go into chokes or spammy area's i have -40 (and you think but the human eye cant look past 29. something something i notice heavy stuttering when playing at -40 FPS).
i don't run any FPS scripts because weirdly enough it brings my FPS down idk why but it does. and installed latest version of process lasso to get some more fps and delete some processes and still have pretty shitty fps .
during streaming (stream with OBS btw on the 0-1-2-3 cores of my processor and still sometimes has not enough power)
ps. dont have anything overclocked or something.tf2 is running on the 0,1,2 cores.

my specs are:

Ram:HyperX Predator 16GB kit

Grafisch Card:GTX 970 gigabyte gaming g1

Power Supply:Corsair CX750

motherboard:Sabertooth z97 mask S

1st harddrive:Samsung SSD 250 240GB

2end Harddrive:Seagate SSHD 2TB

processor:Intel I5-4670K

Processor cooler:currently stock cooler but wanne change to (dont have any thing to clean the old thermal paste with)--> Cooler master Hyper 612 ver.2

posted about 9 years ago
#42 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help

Why is there then a weird problem with the fx CPU's and windows 7

posted about 9 years ago
#37 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help
Tell me, which two cores was TF2 running on?


posted about 9 years ago
#36 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help
digitalpantherwhy not use shadowplay?

shadowplay is not handy for streaming cuz the quality is pretty shitty and i cant add thing or remove thing or move things
sow shadowplay is just a nono and OBS can use the same tech as shadowplay and im useing that

posted about 9 years ago
#34 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help
digitalpantherwhy not use shadowplay?

shadowplay give way les quality and i cant have any scenes to move around

RRPCheck your gpu clocks, i had problem with my gtx770 using idle clocks because DX8 maxframes TF2 wasn't demanding enough for it.

how and where to check that or just start useing DX9?

and i have put on only two cpu cores for tf2 and 8 for OBS and its running more stable does that sound wrong or im i going crazy mat_qeueu_mode 0

posted about 9 years ago
#28 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help

#27 im not really sure how to overclock properly and im maybe planning of selling this CPU and MOBO
#26 i should i put my core affinity
#17 im think of around $300-350 for mobo + cpu
#19 im useing windows 7 sow maybe i should upgrade to 8 but im waiting more on 10 is it out already?
#18 how to do cpu parking properly cuz im pretty intersted in that 1

posted about 9 years ago
#22 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help
yttriumWait a minute.

How are you streaming TF2? Are you pulling a game capture, or recording the screen?

It almost sounds like you're doing the latter.

I'm doing game capture

posted about 9 years ago
#17 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help

#13 sow which MOBO do you recommend me cuz im not really that into it at the moment
just really busy with trying to fix my stream and shit

posted about 9 years ago
#12 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help
Comangliashameless plug for cfg.

if you get a new CPU you need a new Motherboard as well.suikacinderThe 2 biggest fps boosters that have helped me are mat_queue_mode -1 in autoexec.cfg and -nod3d9ex in Steam Launch Options for TF2.
What exactly does -nod3d9ex do? It seems to have the same effect as putting -dxlevel 81 into the launch options for me.

Basically fully Disables Aero when you launch TF2.

i was thinking of i5 4670k and asus sabertooth mark s

posted about 9 years ago
#9 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help
Foxyeah what other people said

tf2 is largely dependent on your cpu, and since streaming takes a ton of processor power (especially if you're streaming @ 60 fps) it's going to take a large toll on your performance

i have similar specs and get massive fps loss while streaming as well, but the only thing you can really do about it is to get a capture card/dedicated streaming set up or upgrade your current parts even further to mitigate the impact that streaming causes

would you think it will be better if i sold this processor and bought a i5-4690K

posted about 9 years ago
#6 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help
flamewhy are you using razer gamebooster or processlasso if youre trying to stream...

idk i just fully installed the stuff from stabby's everything pack

posted about 9 years ago
#1 low fps on tf2 with gtx 970 in Q/A Help

Hello im a streamer and when i just play tf2 i dont have any problems with playing tf2 i have around 200+fps
but when i am useing OBS streaming the game on 1280x720 i have like 40-120 fps and i have installed multible programs and scripts to get more fps i have the LOD bias,have stabby's everything pack,processlasso to get some more fps and delete some processes and razer game booster(razer cortex) and still have pretty shitty fps my specs are
ps. dont have anything overclocked or something
Ram:HyperX Predator 16GB kit

Grafisch Card:GTX 970 gigabyte gaming g1

Power Supply:Corsair CX750

motherboard:MSi 970 Gaming

1st harddrive:Samsung SSD 250 240GB

2end Harddrive:Seagate SSHD 2TB

processor:AMD FX-8350 Black Edition

Processor cooler: Cooler master Hyper 612 ver.2

posted about 9 years ago