my wishlist is a being able to rewind demos
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SteamID64 | 76561198123287268 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:163021540] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:81510770 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | September 14, 2020 |
Last Posted | February 20, 2025 at 12:29 AM |
Posts | 35 (0 per day) |
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its a bad day to know how to read
Adv, learning season, pocket soldier required. (michael has been bugging me to make this for 2 weeks)
p scout: caban (asleep at the wheel)
dumb scout: michaelpc1
goat (roamer): mild
pocket (EPIC????): YOU???????
demo (slightly retarded, heavily overworked): dew it
med (noob): sunnyy
contact me on discord jjdewitt
imagine you go to court and the judge convicts you with evidence you're not allowed to see. ridiculous. what a shit system rgl.
both sides have killed woman and children, both sides are shooting each other's homes, both sides have families being torn apart by a bullet or a bomb. both sides have people willing to fight and die for what they believe in which is more than many on this site can say. both sides have brave men holding true to their values but also have cowards who are willing to kill women and children. both sides have a ruling party that doesn't have the common man in their best interests and will use however many lives it takes to other to further their goals. both sides spew propaganda to look like the good guy. both sides are humans, and humans have been killing each other for the entire time we've existed. trying to find moral high ground in supporting one side or the other is a fool's errand.
now stop letting cheaters get unbanned so this shit doesnt happen again
euros hate fun part 649
grinding mge, the surefire way to stop your cheating habits!
in the dmg dealt/received chart, it would be nice to have the kills on/deaths to those players. kills on those players on the dmg dealt side, and deaths to them on the dmg received side. redundant if you know where to look for them, but it would be far easier to find and better visualized.
ban every offclass. all of them. simple.
I stream 6s, from the USA
please list me as Dew It
thank you in adv :)
tristen the homie-there from the beginning; golden (when he's not dead or at track [fuck you golden]); feeder extraordinaire Mr. Trobork (thrice bed breaker, looks handsome af in a suit); ally and mage two of the nicest human beings I know in tf2 (also ok at scout); Giblert aka wbacon aka dumpsterfire aka drunk guy at LAN, 3 drops to fall damage and counting, never fail to get a funny clip with you around; Michaelpc1 quit cheating bro
season of tf2 competitive with no drama (impossible challenge)