Account Details
SteamID64 76561198121890168
SteamID3 [U:1:161624440]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:80812220
Country Korea, Republic of
Signed Up July 21, 2014
Last Posted September 22, 2020 at 5:53 PM
Posts 160 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 8.5 Inches/360
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
60 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Alienware TactX
Keyboard Logitech G105
Mousepad Tt esports Ladon
Headphones Steelseries V2 Siberia
Monitor Acer T230H
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#1 Razerzone Vouchers in TF2 General Discussion

In light of the terrorist attacks and earthquake, this seems pretty unimportant but here goes.

We won the sunday practice cup, and today everyone received their vouchers for 20$ to the razer store. We were pretty excited, but my boy trap and I found that the vouchers were worth pretty much next to nothing.

The first problem was the shipping. 33 dollars lmao. That alone makes it pretty fucking useless.
The second problem was that this couldn't be used in Canada, which might've been in the fine print or somethin but that's pretty disappointing nonetheless.
Third problem is this: There is also a deal on the razerzone website that if you spend 50 dollars or more then you get free shipping. And even then, the voucher didn't even count, so picking a 50 dollar item then using your voucher would make it 30 in there eyes and make that deal invalid.

Someone will say that it's not about the money and you should have fun playing tf2. But we ended being the only participants till an hour before the tournament started and we played a bunch of csgo players at 6:30 est.

Overall, pretty bad experience with razer, if you want some codes for the razer vouchers I'll give you one for a few bucks. Don't suggest playing any of the sunday cups, no participants except for my pug team.
EDIT: Just talked with Dilusive and he's gonna try to do something about it. Gonna reserve judgement because I probably jumped the gun by shittalking the tournaments.

TL:DR Voucher is bleh unless you were buying something in the first place. Which you probably weren't

posted about 9 years ago
#50 Last day to sign up!(find Razer players/team here) in TF2 General Discussion

I run a pug team that plays with different members every time and has 2 leaders (me and trap) This team was basically made to take advantage of being able to be on multiple rosters at once and giving a team to people with inconsistent schedules.

I understand this thread was probs to get more teams to join, but I've slowly been picking up stragglers along the way and making a sizeable roster. We ended up forfeiting today but if you want to join my team to play some meaningful tf2 then add me :). Wednesdays are tough for people and if youre available then you'd probably play.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump, still open to subbing all class

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Scout Combo LFT Mid/High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Ive never seen Alk play anything but DM. Mash is a god. Pick up my boysss

posted about 9 years ago
#33 LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)
saamDex was a fun guy to play with in S20. He comms well, his DM is solid as is his gamesense. If he continues putting in the time, he will definitely be a good bubble (even playoffs) scout for S21. He still needs to continue working on his positioning as medic, but could def play at a bubble level on that class, too. Bear in mind that his ping will be terrible on any server that isn't Colorado. And sometimes Colorado as well.

Bottom line is that he's a nice kid who deserves a good team. I don't think he's the kind of fragger who carries teams per say, but he will be that guy who always performs well, gets the frags he should, and improves the mumble atmosphere too. Pick him up!

I appreciate all the comments but this isnt warranted :/

posted about 9 years ago
#27 LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)
noidaypick up dex, he'll play after his chores are done and his dad gives him administrator on his computer to load the esea client.

-dex: how old are you again?
noidy: 32
noidy: AGHHH
noidy: ur like 12

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Not Around Bears LFP S21 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Added you differ to tryout

posted about 9 years ago
#10 trapanomics lft s21 demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Awesome person, has helped me organize my razerarena team and have had only good experiences with him

posted about 9 years ago
#20 LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump for s21

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Need Help Finding An Article in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
#30 SmesiHud in Customization

Like the hud, I will come back to this when it's a bit more updated to fit fps configs. Somethings that I found were

Not centered crosshairs
Bad clipping in main menu
SMG ammo on top of each other
And the blurry image.

If this is all my side doing, then my b. But I haven't had these sort of problems with other huds.

Hope this helps :)

posted about 9 years ago
#28 SmesiHud in Customization

Looks very blurry for me, how do I change it?

posted about 9 years ago
#10 HOTTEST TF2 Gs in Off Topic

Mi to the woah

posted about 9 years ago
#2 DreamHack Winter 2015 TF2 Invitational powered by & esportunited in News

Based enigma

posted about 9 years ago
#17 boatshud in Customization

How do you change the picture in the menu area

posted about 9 years ago
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