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Signed Up June 12, 2013
Last Posted December 18, 2015 at 8:08 AM
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#11 Summer Reading? in Off Topic
wheatchampionI had this big post written down when my internet crashed, so I'll sum it up real quick here:

I've gotten in the habit of of copying my posts before I hit send on any post bigger than a line or two. It's saved me a few times, because if something happens to my internet or the website I'm posting on I can just paste it on Word until I can post without issue.

Also, Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series is amazing. I definitely suggest anyone who enjoys humor, noir, or urban fantasy to check them out. Books 1-3 are solid Bs and the rest of the series thus far is A all the way.

Finally, check out Hugh Laurie's The Gun Seller. It's the funniest action book I've ever read. There is more than a hint of military to it.

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Saloon.tf and DDoSing in TF2 General Discussion
Ond_kajaDigresserjeeringsoleA player who is attacked often can use a VPN to protect their IP address. VyprVPN has a service meant for eSports with DDoS protection. Unfortunately it does increase the cost of entry for playing in matches.
Using a VPN is against the Steam Subscriber Agreement. Thus far Valve have only punished people who have used a VPN to engage in fraudulent activities, but people are taking a small risk if they choose to use one.
Ond_kaja2. Don't accept random skype/steam calls. Steam/skype voice calls are P2P so they can get your IP from this..
With Steam calls, just receiving the call exposes the IP; you don't even have to accept it. Be careful about accepting friend requests, especially near matchtime.

Nah, Valve patched that exploit some months ago. You don't reveal your IP until you accept the call nowadays.

oh thank God

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Saloon.tf and DDoSing in TF2 General Discussion
jeeringsoleA player who is attacked often can use a VPN to protect their IP address. VyprVPN has a service meant for eSports with DDoS protection. Unfortunately it does increase the cost of entry for playing in matches.

Using a VPN is against the Steam Subscriber Agreement. Thus far Valve have only punished people who have used a VPN to engage in fraudulent activities, but people are taking a small risk if they choose to use one.

Ond_kaja2. Don't accept random skype/steam calls. Steam/skype voice calls are P2P so they can get your IP from this..

With Steam calls, just receiving the call exposes the IP; you don't even have to accept it. Be careful about accepting friend requests, especially near matchtime.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 has anyone gone to the cheesecake factory in Off Topic

Cramped seating, very pricy for what it is, food is on the good side of average. The cheesecakes are made well.

I'd only suggest it for special occasions or people who really love cheesecake. You can walk in and just buy cheesecake slices, which is nice.

Basically, you'll probably have a good night but won't want to go back for at least a few months.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 WTF happened to my friends TF2 in Customization
phobiahis video card is going out, rip

That could be what's happening. When my old video card was on its way out, TF2 would sometimes suddenly have a midlife crisis and try to remake itself. Usually the game would freeze and make a odd noise just before my world went crazy. Is that happening at all to your friend?

Also, if anyone is interested, here are a few of the best screenshots from when it happened:

50 Shades of Double Cross
Blue days
The floor is lava
Coding gibberish makes for interesting wallpaper
Screenshots as hats
Backpack = work of art

And as a bonus, here are two times my failing graphics card made L4D2 actually horrifying:

The walls are watching
What little Boomers are made of

posted about 9 years ago
#105 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxoDigressercatfuntThe big one is that your reflections are absolutely ruined if a teammate is clipping you. They will shoot in all kinds of wacky directions, including your face. Too many unintentional suicides while trying to save a teammate from a projectile, that shouldn't happen...

I think some projectiles still minicrit Pyro when reflected. Pills I believe are the main culprit, but this may have been fixed.

Reflections are also ruined if you're clipping with a friendly building.

Reflects have mini-crit the Pyro since Valve tried to fix reflects correctly counting towards stranges and killstreaks in February of 2014. They fixed rockets in June, but they have not fixed pills (and maybe not Sentry rockets either). That a Pyro takes more damage from a reflected pill than if it hadn't been reflected is insane. As the airblast "takes ownership" of what it reflects, the Pyro should gain the self-damage reduction—including the not taking crit/mini-crit self-damage.
90% sure you still take minicrits from reflected grenades.

Isn't that what I said?

posted about 9 years ago
#97 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion
catfuntThe big one is that your reflections are absolutely ruined if a teammate is clipping you. They will shoot in all kinds of wacky directions, including your face. Too many unintentional suicides while trying to save a teammate from a projectile, that shouldn't happen...

I think some projectiles still minicrit Pyro when reflected. Pills I believe are the main culprit, but this may have been fixed.

Reflections are also ruined if you're clipping with a friendly building.

Reflects have mini-crit the Pyro since Valve tried to fix reflects correctly counting towards stranges and killstreaks in February of 2014. They fixed rockets in June, but they have not fixed pills (and maybe not Sentry rockets either). That a Pyro takes more damage from a reflected pill than if it hadn't been reflected is insane. As the airblast "takes ownership" of what it reflects, the Pyro should gain the self-damage reduction—including the not taking crit/mini-crit self-damage.

posted about 9 years ago
#194 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic

Stage name at the Stripper Diner.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 split_ lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

This is my second season playing HL with Split. He's a multi-talented player who will do what is needed without complaint. He'd be a perfect fit for team looking for players eager to put in time and effort without giving up their enjoyment of the game.

He's skilled, he's kind, and he's dedicated—and he's not a scammer. I'd know ;)

posted about 9 years ago
#97 ayy scam smh in TF2 General Discussion
Dave_wow nobody sent me an email

Did you get the original scam e-mail though?

posted about 10 years ago
#267 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
PlotchyNow that everyone has calmed the fuck down. Time for my two cents worth.

FTC was never a scam. Never has. The only link for donations was directly to childs play, and the other paypal shit was just for people who wanted to help keep the website running, cuz it costs money.

Secondly, i may have a history of scamming, but i have very little need to do it now. I rarely fucking play TF2. I barely come on steam and all i play is binding of isaac. On top of that, im trade banned, so i couldnt get shit even if i wanted to.

Snovens behaviour might have convinced people this whole thing was a scam, but heres the thing. Imagine this, you spend months working your ass off to do something good, and because of one thread, all your work goes to waste. And i agree, it was kind of a bad move on snovens part to sell the hats, but hey, that aint my fault. If this thread hadnt been made, money could have been raised for charity, we could have had a fun stream, and hats would have been given away ON STREAM AS PLANNED.

And one thing you all need to remember, there were SO many fucking people involved in this, not just the ones listed on the website. Out of all of them, only 2 had a history of scamming.

I only decided to help out with this because B_RED asked me to after a lobby, i guess thats what i get for trying to do something nice

Believe me or not, Whatever works for you. After seeing this thread, im glad i dont play this game anymore, this entire community is just as toxic as me and snoven ever were.

Have fun with your shitty game and go fuck yourselves
-washed up pyro main

I'm going to ignore the rest of your insane, whiny rant and focus on one thing.

"If this thread hadnt been made, money could have been raised for charity, we could have had a fun stream, and hats would have been given away ON STREAM AS PLANNED."

You seem to be missing the fact that a fun stream is occurring, money is being raised for charity, people have done generous giveaways, the innocents who contributed to FTC are currently participating...and none of it has been tainted by obnoxious, self-entitled scammers.

Also, less than two months ago you created a Steam Group solely to make a tribute for your just-then trade-banned Steam alt. Stop trying to present it as though your scamming days are ancient history.

You and Snoven had the same choice to make when confronted with your past, and you both could have manned-up and come out from this stronger than ever. Instead, you both decided to act as though you were the victims and to lash out at the community in retaliation.

What happened over the last 24 hours is the result of the choices you and (especially) Snoven made. I suggest you both learn from it and move on. The rest of us already are.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 TF2Can.org Charity Marathon for Child's Play in Events
Mr_HarvardI'm not donating till Digresser does her research and makes a thorough report.


I'm glad people are pulling this up from the ashes and that Child's Play won't suffer. Very awesome of all the people who are saving the day.

Personally, though, I'm interested in knowing whose Paypal account the donations from imraising.tv are going to. If it is going directly to Child's Play's Paypal, then I'd like to see proof of that please. If not, then I'd ask that we are shown the receipts after for the transfer of funds.

Shame that we need to be so careful, but I'm sure you guys understand. Thanks again for doing this!

posted about 10 years ago
#187 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
Bucakeanyone else wonder if they might get to keep a percentage of the donations that went through Flares that Care..?

donating via their 'primary donation page' actually donates to "Flares that Care 2 benefiting Child's Play Charity".
because, even though the event seems to be cancelled, he keeps spamming that donation link.
while an actual-direct donation would go to "Child's Play Charity", which would also be a different donation link.

i'm just wondering why he would still be so concerned about donations going through flares that care, rather than actually directly..

I don't think that link can be tampered with, nor do I think the event keeps any profit from it.

It's the other Paypal account which goes directly to Flares that Care which needs to be scrutinized.

Also, he's removed the remaining unsold items from the Steam Market. Maybe he'll surprise us and return them to the people who donated them. It would help remove some of the bitter taste this event has left in our mouths.

posted about 10 years ago
#177 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
Bucakei see him blaming this thread for the fact that he kept the items.
he says that he kept and sold the items because of how he was treated in this thread.

Some of the items are still on the Market as of this post.

posted about 10 years ago
#173 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
pachDid anyone notice that the account Plotchy used to gloat on SteamRep is named B_Red? It's not B_Red's actual account, but it seems this was the "middleman" used for scams. Is he throwing B_Red under the bus or is it both of them?

It was Plotchy's account. I tracked it down. When asked about it, B_Red told me Plotchy had named an alt after him to tease him about something. I was satisfied by that response and the others B_Red gave me when I friended him last night when I was working on my post I'd realized he had left FTC.

Just to let people to keep people informed, Snoven is currently selling the donated items on the Steam Market (for incredibly cheap prices). For instance, here's a Collector's Backburner which was donated to FTC, and here's a screenshot of it currently on the Market, and here's what Snoven's avatar is right now. Please note that even the name of the item is the same.

He could have owned up to his past and been transparent about his current actions. He'd have come out of this just fine. Unfortunately, he's chosen to view himself as a victim who has deserves to keep the donations. He currently has a Twitch chat going on. Here are a few highlights:

Snoven: @Redditjohnny yeah, and i was, then digresser wanted to shitpost on me before anything happened
Pachupach: "Everyone was mean to me about being a scammer, so I'm gonna keep all the items."
Snoven: @Pachupach exactly
Snoven: @Pachupach they were going to be used for top 3, but now im using them to fund my new account due to the shitposts about me trying to do something honestly good

posted about 10 years ago
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