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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted July 19, 2015 at 9:36 PM
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#255 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion

bet for tomorrow is big on fnatic if their odds are 60>=
otherwise skip

posted about 10 years ago
#244 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion
ChinGoou sure


posted about 10 years ago
#239 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion

got a cobble drop, opened it, ump skin worth 80 cents

to be expected

also nip gonna win me some of the easiest skins of my life

posted about 10 years ago
#222 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion

idk why fnatic would pick cobble when they can just mind game them on inferno or something

barring like the last t round on cobble it was just entry fragging and they're trying to do that against VP with major crowd support. last round though was the type of mind gaming i wanna see from them

i have a max on fnatic though and will probably max NiP assuming fnatic dont lose

posted about 10 years ago
#172 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion

Yeah, keyd had to win mirage really to be able to win this, CT side advantage Nuke for VP basically means gg

posted about 10 years ago
#167 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion
DreamboatbenDjRoombaThrowing away skins

hype hype hype

If keyd pull it off, please post your winnings, jesus

Ben actually bet on VP but I will if it happens (but I think VP have nuke locked up).

posted about 10 years ago
#154 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion

bye skins whatever aced my midterm

posted about 10 years ago
#143 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion
benDjRoombaThrowing away skins

hype hype hype

Post a screenshot when you switch back to VP.

I'm gonna be taking a midterm when the game happens so I won't even have to watch me giving you overpay max skins.

posted about 10 years ago
#141 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion

Throwing away skins

Edit: locked in

posted about 10 years ago
#28 Waldo LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

5 seconds

posted about 10 years ago
#126 noona lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
LiterallyAPandaYeah I mean if you're pretty sure you're done with TF2 or even just acknowledge you don't want the hat anymore, why not get a couple hundred dollars for the hat that you personally find worthless...

Which makes it shitty if it really is duped because that's gonna drop the value on it, meaning even if he returns hats he's still stealing from them.

I'm pretty sure it's not duped, but even if it was, he gave me way more than he owed me. That's not saying that his actions weren't shitty or that I even forgive him, but he did pay me back and then some.

posted about 10 years ago
#116 noona lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

He readded me and gave me a Burning Liquidator's Lid. Paid up on my end, hope he pays back any other debts he might owe.

posted about 10 years ago
#64 noona lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
DjRoombaWas supposed to broker my Sunbeams Softcap and a pair of earbuds. After 7 months (lol) I asked him for my stuff back, and he ignored me and deleted me. He gave it to ipz who traded it with another hat for some other stuff, and continued to ignore me for some time.

I eventually got him to readd me, and he said he would do his best to pay me back when he could, but a month later I still haven't been paid back. He also said that ipz claimed to have deleted it but I found the backpack it was in with minimal effort (????).

If he really wanted to, he could pay me back from all of the very expensive stuff he has in his backpack, but I'm pretty sure he has zero intention to actually pay me back in the end. Noona, please respond? I kinda want my stuff back now.

He removed me again! Good game boys!

Edit: And a fully private profile. He only has like 30 friends now apparently.

posted about 10 years ago
#53 noona lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Was supposed to broker my Sunbeams Softcap and a pair of earbuds. After 7 months (lol) I asked him for my stuff back, and he ignored me and deleted me. He gave it to ipz who traded it with another hat for some other stuff, and continued to ignore me for some time.

I eventually got him to readd me, and he said he would do his best to pay me back when he could, but a month later I still haven't been paid back. He also said that ipz claimed to have deleted it but I found the backpack it was in with minimal effort (????).

If he really wanted to, he could pay me back from all of the very expensive stuff he has in his backpack, but I'm pretty sure he has zero intention to actually pay me back in the end. Noona, please respond? I kinda want my stuff back now.

posted about 10 years ago
#68 prom in Off Topic

Card idea is definitely a good idea if you're friends with her (if you're friends with her and it isn't absolutely close to the prom date there is no way she'll say no -- practically no girl would say no to a friend). I did something similar last year asking my current girlfriend (she wasn't at the time) to prom involving chess and it definitely was a good idea in hindsight (so, yeah, do your card thing).

posted about 10 years ago
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