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Signed Up June 10, 2017
Last Posted June 10, 2017 at 9:13 PM
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#29 New tf2 sponsor fable esports in TF2 General Discussion
TheAssailantpendaIs apt short for apartment or is it the word apt
All other replies are inaccurate. It's a well known fact "APT" stands for "A Problematic Temperament." [/s]

Seriously i don't know how he got a team with that shitty attitude but GL

MrGhosts~ the heavy main that has fallen for the same exact sticky trap 15 times in the course of 20 minutes multiple times

Thats how I roll homeschooled motherfucker!!

posted about 7 years ago
#20 New tf2 sponsor fable esports in TF2 General Discussion

Hi, I am Doobs and I don't give a fuck about privacy policy. Apt most common hanging server is MicSnobs 24/7 DoubleCross ( ) Please come and hang out we are a cool bunch and maybe you can annoy apt even more. He's a real lovely guy when you get to know him.

At the same time we might get this server some new players so hop in!!!

P.S. I am way better than him and he likes to be remembered about it

posted about 7 years ago