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Signed Up February 6, 2019
Last Posted February 6, 2019 at 2:38 PM
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#90 Sketchek is back? in TF2 General Discussion

As someone who discovered sketch under the (apparently not) same circumstances as uberchain discovered SubtleArt, seeing Sketchek's channel for the first time and reading what happened afterwards really got me thinking about heavy life stuff. Now reading this, I don't know which thought is worse. Lying about terminal illness or someone faking being him.

Believing this whole charade to be true and that he is actually back, I hope Sketch understands just how wrong and disrespectful this has been. It's been said already, but god damn dude. Pulling the rug like that under your fans/subs is one thing, but disrespecting people close to you and people that have actually been terminally ill and been in a situation you lied about is on a whole other level.
I don't know your life and I don't know your reasoning behind lying, quitting and coming back in this manner. I can only guess and assume that something important forced you to do this. I can however respect someone for owning up to past mistakes, so I reserve judgement for your apology video. Just know that you need to be honest and sincere if you expect anyone to hold any amount of respect for you. You need to give us a good reason to believe in you.

posted about 6 years ago