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Signed Up July 28, 2014
Last Posted December 17, 2017 at 9:21 PM
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#45 Star Wars 8 [spoilers] in Music, Movies, TV
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DrDoomsday Rey bieng born from a bunch of random people is stupid. I know anyone can be force sensitive, but how is she so naturally powerful? Anakin was literally a child of the force, Luke was the son of the chosen one, so whats Rey's excuse?Why exactly does rey need to have special parents in order to be strong in the force? How many times have you heard of obi wans parents, yodas parents, or pretty much anyone on the council's parents? The only time parents are really mentioned as being a direct cause of strength in the force is either a). palpatine (im not actually sure if theyre the reason hes strong in the force or just the fact that plaguis specifically had palpatines parents meet for the purpose of having palpatine) or b). all of anakins kids and grandkids (cause he was pretty much created through the force)

i always thought jedi like obiwan and yoda were powerful because they trained a lot, whereas anakin was naturally gifted. i have no problem with rey bieng a naturally strong force user, but how is she able to be on par (arguably stronger) than kylo ren when she isn't a skywalker or hasn't received any training whatsoever. even anakin and luke had to train to get where they were, rey just needed three lessons about the force and then she was all good.

i probably should have said this earlier

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Star Wars 8 [spoilers] in Music, Movies, TV
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-the performances were great, especially from Mark Hamill and Adam Driver.
- Luke Skywalker as this old jedi who just dosen't give a fuck was a nice touch (that scene where he throws the lightsaber off the cliff was gold).
-the dynamic between rey and kylo ren, looking forward to what they do with them in the next movie.
-that yoda cameo was excellent

okay parts:
-i like how snokes death was very unexpected, it sort of gives room for kylo ren to be the main villain of this saga. However it felt really disappointing, considering he didn't do anything and his backstory was never explained.
- i felt like lukes death was done really well, but i wanted more from him. was really hoping he'd have an epic duel or display some of his power rather than just create an illusion of himself.
- i liked poe dameron's arc, but why didnt laura dern's character tell him about the plan. seemed like a dumb plothole to me.

- the rose/finn side story was terrible, their relationship also seemed forced.
- captain phasma might as well not be in the movie, im prettey sure she was just there to look cool (and sell toys).
-porgs (sell even more toys)
- Rey bieng born from a bunch of random people is stupid. I know anyone can be force sensitive, but how is she so naturally powerful? Anakin was literally a child of the force, Luke was the son of the chosen one, so whats Rey's excuse?
-Leia is apparently superman.
-some of the jokes didn't work, i feel like after seeing thor ragnarok no other disney movie will be able to make me laugh.
posted about 7 years ago
#22 star wars: battlefront II (2005) in Other Games

12 years later, still better then that EA shite

posted about 7 years ago
#114 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion

nerf reserve shooter please

posted about 7 years ago
#137 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

this whole meeting was kinda disappointing. you managed to ban the jarate and RR which was great.
but than you just let b4nny control the discussion, which eventually escalated to "oh this weapon is just a downgrade to stock" or "this weapon won't be run over this weapon"

i appreciate the players that did give their insight about these unlocks but most players seemed to be unsure or were "sitting on the fence" when it came to the unlocks such as the soda popper, solem vow and quickfix.

not really a big deal since these weapons are probably going to get banned soon

posted about 8 years ago
#113 omphud-redux in Customization
Blanket_I tried both from huds.tf and from github. Oh there's a new problem now though.


This is what happens whenever I click on "Find a Game"

i am having this problem with the latest version

posted about 8 years ago
#31 Free stuff in Off Topic

hey dude really nice of you to do this, but could i please have that killstreak grenade launcher or that genuine conjurer's cowl

edit: maybe the rancho relaxo

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Raja vs nislt and delfy in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
#55 Copa America in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago

we don't even know who is responsible and people are already pointing fingers at Islam. smh

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Games for Tracking in Q/A Help

aim maps in cs:go are pretty good for practising non-hitscan weapons. I personally use them if my aim is rusty

posted about 9 years ago
#1 The GXL Titan 2015 TF2 Pro Series in Events

showstopper to win his first lan boys.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Star Wars Battlefront beta in Other Games

a very fun and visually stunning game so far. Although im really sad to see that they wont be including any content from the clone wars era. a star wars game should represent the entire saga, not just half.

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We Need space battles pl0x!!!
posted about 9 years ago
#5 Rugby World Cup in Off Topic

im currently living in Australia, but was born in South Africa. Backing up da Springbocks Boys!!!

We beat Samoa, dont even get me started with Japan though :C

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Tip of the Hats Scammer in TF2 General Discussion

it seems this guy is trying to scam people who have expensive items in their tf2 backpack.If you're rich watch out for this guy.

posted about 9 years ago
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