Ond_kajaKairuActually touching the floor: speedshot.
Not touching the floor, usually off of a lone platform (like on your gully 2nd jump): skipping.
Skip-jump isn't really a thing, you're using the term interchangeably for different techniques.
The snakewater 'skip-jump' is more practical to land and rocket jump to window as to not lose so much HP.
The badlands 'skip-jump' is much better with a pogo (or skip, if you prefer), as to not lose so much HP and still achieve the exact same jump.
Really cool map though, really like the transitions.
It's called a pogo when you don't touch the ground, and skip-jump when you do. Never heard the term speedshot though.
You are incorrect Ond_kaja. Kairu is right, don't question the man, he knows jumping... (So do I...).
Also, I don't like the term "bop of the ramp", just say "slide the ramp".