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Signed Up November 21, 2012
Last Posted April 14, 2015 at 5:39 PM
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#44 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)
waefwaefI think if you really want to get better though, you should give your hand in comp tf2. Almost everyone on this website who plays competitively can easily topfrag and carry a pub.

I wouldn't even know where to begin. You all would just have to hold my hand judging by the level of competition I saw.

Forgot to mention, wtf is wrong with posting a short clip of my son on our youtube channel playing some tf2? Someone said that "worries them" i dont get it. He is not taking a bubble bath for fucks sake, he's playing the god damn game we all enjoy and he's pretty damn good for a 3 year old.

posted about 12 years ago
#42 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)
mDraGuLaI spent 8 years in the US military and Im a big boy trust me. I have a shit ton of my spare time invested in this so far and did not appreciate what was said. It is not easy starting up a clan and all that goes with it so I was kinda looking for responses like, hey man to make it better take off some of those god damn plugins u got" or "yo man you site really could use a message board" or something like that. for fucks sake I can take criticism all day long but u gotta atleast give me something to go by other than "holy fuck thats a big ass wall" and "the most awkward use of bold and underlined i have ever seen" what kind of responses are those? If you guys want a productive community it def. needs to be more constructive and inviting to new people. Seems like this site has potential but with assholes like those (myslef included) it can just tear the community apart.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in guerilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Cant fucking believe I read that entire post. Good one man, real funny.

posted about 12 years ago
#39 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)
vileDraGuLaKnowing myself, and taking back that bullshit I started over some other bullshit I think that her and I could build our server and hopefully steal some more serious TF2 gamers from here.
this community isn't the type of community you think it is. we are a community because we are competitive players, not because we met on a random server and became friends. and by competitive, i mean we participate in competitive leagues such as the more casual ugcleague.net (6v6 and 9v9) and the more serious esea.net (6v6 only). a great deal of our in-game interaction also comes from organized 6v6 and 9v9 pick-up games. this is the home of people who enjoy playing this game in a more organized sense and also the best players in the world (literally).

Well that sounds really great. Your right I did have a misconception. Mistook it for a site that just streamed games kinda like justin.tv I guess. I have just gotten back into TF2 recently after a few years break and need to sharpen up a tad but soon hope to have some clan matches (not any of you guys clan obviously) for that would be too one sided. I know, I was watching someone play demo earlier and was amazed. Throwing stickies on every corner to boost himself to the next healthpack and get there quicker than a scout.

posted about 12 years ago
#37 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)

Brownie your last post was good man. Good words of advice right there. Also to clarify, it is not a listen server. It is srcds not through steam. 5mbps is plenty fast enough to host 26 people in TF2 WITH my wife and I included. Has happened many of times. Only people with shit connections have lag spikes (never often) Also I pretty much leave most of my Admins alone. They have their duties and I jsut mainly run the server. It is getting easier than when I first started thats for sure and it would be nice to get some good people in the clan or just some regulars. If you think Im a dick, thats fine. But my wife's pretty hot and she is a kick ass tf2 player. :) come check us out!

posted about 12 years ago
#32 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)
vileThis site is focused on competitive gaming. Casual players are welcomed. Just note that the reason you are getting shit isn't because we think that your pub community is a joke. We think you are a joke and that's because of the way you presented yourself.

I respect that comment and Im not so ignorant to not see why you think that way. I did not know what kinda site I was posting on, I was watching a live feed and thought man this would be great to stream our server to here or somewhere like justin.tv or something. I am jsut getting zero help from all 25 admins I have basically and was looking for some serious Adults to help out with the flow of the server. It does stay up 24/7 I jsut do not know what direction I want to take it. I am an average TF2 player and really my wife can own me in a heads up any day. Knowing myself, and taking back that bullshit I started over some other bullshit I think that her and I could build our server and hopefully steal some more serious TF2 gamers from here.

posted about 12 years ago
#27 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)

Well, honestly I come from forums that have moderators in them and do not put up with any of that stuff. So my reaction was harsh yes I do agree. It caught me off guard that's for sure. Maybe I needed to let off some steam or give you guys a good laugh? Who cares its just words right? Guess the next topic I post I will spell check everything and make sure that I have my big boy pants on.

posted about 12 years ago
#20 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)

I spent 8 years in the US military and Im a big boy trust me. I have a shit ton of my spare time invested in this so far and did not appreciate what was said. It is not easy starting up a clan and all that goes with it so I was kinda looking for responses like, hey man to make it better take off some of those god damn plugins u got" or "yo man you site really could use a message board" or something like that. for fucks sake I can take criticism all day long but u gotta atleast give me something to go by other than "holy fuck thats a big ass wall" and "the most awkward use of bold and underlined i have ever seen" what kind of responses are those? If you guys want a productive community it def. needs to be more constructive and inviting to new people. Seems like this site has potential but with assholes like those (myslef included) it can just tear the community apart.

posted about 12 years ago
#16 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)

normally pretty accepting? Thats some BS. I am a member of several forums and have never had any responses like the first 4 I got on this site. Absolutely pathetic. It makes no sense why someone would do that? I spent 30 minutes writing that post trying to inform others about our new clan/server/site and that shit straight pissed me off. Especially being new here and being able to offer something back to the community here and get shot down like that is crazy.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)

What a bunch of fucking pricks here man. Did I not post in a recruitment thread on a TF2 website??? Was I not supposed to list all of the things in one post about our clan and what we do? You cocksuckers just come take a shit on my post for what? Because jealousy? Maybe because you are low lifes and have nothing better to do than troll this website? Maybe your clan is a piece of shit and it makes you feel better about yourself? Or maybe your step dad use to finger fuck you in the middle of the night whilst your mother sang you a nursery rhyme? Probably all of those answers. Dont worry about responding, I'll find another site cause obviously this one is filled with misguiding fucktards who are not here to help anyone out but here to just poke fun at people.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)

wow you guys are welcoming... I guess I landed on the wrong site no? I mean all you did was cut me down and didnt even add anything constructive. I really dont get that. I am new to this site obviously and was just looking for some people to join our new clan but guess a few bold words and underlined text threw you all off. Tried to make it easier to pick out the keypoints that our clan has but guess you didnt get the memo?

posted about 12 years ago
#1 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)

The server ip address is[/b] [S4L]Souldier's 4 Life

My wife(StacMaR) and myself (DraGuLa) are looking for dedicated TF2 players to join our clan. We have had the server up for 3 weeks now and currently have 25 Admins of all levels to help maintain the server. I initially did not want to recruit them all as Admins but I am finding it really difficult to get off of the ground. I have a website www.S4Lservers.com with fast download of all of the custom maps etc. We have a steam group @ Souldier's 4 Life, a youtube channel (made yesterday, not much there) www.youtube.com/s4lservers I have replay enabled on my server and many mods/plugins. We occasionally play Vs Saxton Hale, Gun Game, Super Zombie Fortress and I have Dodgeball installed as well. I have Tf2items Give custom weapons so what I do is if a clan member helps me out with the site/server or anything really I give them a particle effect to their weapon and say 10%blast radius to their black box or any weapon of their choice. This hopefully encourages members to participate and does not throw the game play off as 10% is rather minute. Admins have a lot of controls at their fingertips as they can noclip/godmode/invisibility/teleport player/melle only activation in middle of a roundleap/disco mode/giveweapon(no valve weapons anymore)/kick/ban/gag/change map/start a vote/!robot/superspeed/in game radio(also can browse any website from within the game)/randomizer/instant respawn and im sure i am forgetting a few. (Note:I can turn off and go Vanilla at anytime with Warmode enabled for some serious clan matches tournament mode) Now you may think this is a little too much power but I do not allow abuse of said powers and have stripped several clan members and banned them for doing just so. I have a lot of plans for us and really think we have a lot of potential but I really need to get our name out there. I am looking for dedicated admins who maybe know something about streaming to teamfortress.tv or editing videos, recording demos, creating maps, helping with plugins or anything else you can think of. Currently there is 80 people in our Steam Group so that is another area I could use help with. The server is hosted at my home in central Florida with 5mbps upload speed so the max players is usually kept around 26 but I have had it full of 32 people before and no problems. We also have many mann vs machine maps that we like to play and my wife and I like to mann up on the side when the server is dead. We have some custom sprays as well and TF2Stats with the stats saved on mysql database synced with the game server. Well if you are still with me I would appreciate it if you gave us a shot. I am a very dedicated server operator and have put a lot of time into making this and I just want to see the community grow. Please email me at Dragula@s4lservers.[/i]com[/b] and I will get back to you with a quickness. You can view our stats at www.s4lservers.com/tf2stats and our maps at www.s4lservers.com/orangebox/tf Once again The server ip address is

posted about 12 years ago
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