Generally speaking, Cherry switches are Cherry switches. They should all be about the same. There are other companies that make Cherry knockoffs now that their patent expired, but even those will probably perform nearly the exact same. There might be some subtle differences in build quality which can be important to some people. Things like what the case is made of, or whether or not the switches are mounted to a metal plate or the PCB under them. I would also argue that in terms of "feel" you might want to research PBT plastic in place of ABS, but this carries a cost premium and the big gaming brands, to the best of my knowledge, aren't really making PBT keyboards because RGB lighting is the thing atm.
Whether or not any of these things warrant a cost premium to you is your decision. The only performance thing I can think of that isn't tied to the switch is what form of roll-over the keyboard has. N-key-rollover is the ideal, but I think that's pretty much standard at this point and you'll have a hard time finding a keyboard with an unacceptable amount of roll-over.