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Signed Up July 24, 2012
Last Posted January 14, 2018 at 2:22 PM
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#2784 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I know both of the coolers are not the best but those are the ones I have sitting around my house right now.
Out of the MSI SLI Plus, ASRock Killer SLI, and Extreme4 which one would you recommend and is the $45 difference worth it between the Killer SLI and Extreme4?

posted about 7 years ago
#2782 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Yes. Like I said, new CPUs are coming and DRAM should become cheaper again. So if you plan on keeping the CPU for 7 years then you should wait a few months. Dates for the next wave of Coffee Lake aren't quite confirmed, could be April right around Ryzen, could be later.
No, not within a month. Samsung got a new fab going online in Q1 (and then production still needs to ramp up + 1 month for actually shipping the RAM) and another in Q3 and apparently SK Hynix will also finish building a new fab sometime this year that will double their production. So within a year, but not within a month.

Maybe get a better mobo if you want to get a good overclock on the 8700K. What cooler do you have anyway?

I have a Cooler Master Maker 92 and an EVO 212, not too sure which one will work out better. Would an ASRock Killer SLI be a better choice on the mobo?

posted about 7 years ago
#2779 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Which parts? Because you mentioned CPU, RAM, GPU, storage, cooler, PSU.
What I'm trying to tell is if you want a build for the next 5-7 years then buying RAM and GPU right now while the prices for both are at an all time high due to shortages is really stupid.

I already have a CPU cooler, storage, and PSU; all I really need to buy is a new case, CPU, RAM, and GPU. Would it be stupid to buy all of them except for the GPU right now because I dont really need a new graphics card yet for what I'm doing. Do you think RAM will go down in price any time soon like month or so? and again my budget would be around $1,200 for those parts, probably like $500ish on the GPU and $700 for the rest.


posted about 7 years ago
#2776 PC Build Thread in Hardware

What would you recommend getting with a 1200-1400 budget without the aforementioned parts?

posted about 7 years ago
#2774 PC Build Thread in Hardware
1. What is your budget?

My budgets around 1200-1400, I dont need any storage, a cpu cooler, and PSU. And would you recommend just sticking with my 970 for now until the GPU market settles down a little and then buy a 1080? Im looking for something like an 8700k/16gb ram/gtx 1080 set up.

the problem that I have is that I'm getting okay performance when just playing but I would like to get more consistent 150+fps and I would also like to start streaming a little bit, I also would like the computer to last around 5-7 years if possible.

posted about 7 years ago
#2764 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hey Setsul or whoever answers,

So I currently have an i5 4570, 8 gb of RAM, and a GTX 970.
I want to have a second opinion on what I should do because I want to upgrade my setup.
I would like to be able to stream games like OW and Fortnite at around 150 fps on the lowest settings 1080p.
I am somewhat interested in overclocking and I would want the computer to last for a while if it's a new one.
Also I would prefer it to be somewhat mobile because I will be going to university and I want to be able to move it from my dorm to my house.

The 3 choices I came up with are:

1. Buy a new computer and sell the current one for around $500. The parts I want to keep from my current setup are my SSD and my HDD.
2. Get a second 970 and run SLI
3. Buy a new computer straight up and use my current set up as a stream PC.

If you have any better suggestions let me know, Im currently looking at a PC like this: but I obviously wont be spending $900 on the 1080 because they go on sale for around $500 from time to time. Also is it smarter to wait for Nvidia Volta or just buy the 1080, I probably wont be buying the computer for another month or two. I also need help picking out a case. Also if you could optimize the price of the build better it would be much appreciated.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Capcom Cup in Other Games

ipad dj hype!!!

posted about 10 years ago
#12 roamer lft mid open in Recruitment (looking for team)


He's a great player and friend :)

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Stanpls (ESEA IM) LF backup pocket+ in Recruitment (looking for players)

silkthread is a fucking weeb scum that i love !!! :)))

smile is a monster omggg

posted about 10 years ago
#48 new tf2 website in TF2 General Discussion
clorgeThere's no way to keep both? I think I'd prefer as it keeps the similarities between all the tf2 sites,,,, I don't know any tf2 sites that end in .tf,,

those are all I could think of

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Dual link DVI port? in Hardware

I'm just wondering why you would need to know if you are purchasing a graphics card.

posted about 10 years ago
#439 post your desktop in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#3 g400 theory in TF2 General Discussion

i have long hair and my g400 died in 3 months, then I replaced the cord and it died again.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Scout/Soldier LFT High-Open / Low-IM (or CEVO) in Recruitment (looking for team)
silkthreadhe's pretty good, pick him up.
posted about 11 years ago
#49 ESEA Map Vote in TF2 General Discussion
HyceHow about not warmfront, how about...



this map reminds me of cp_follower

posted about 11 years ago
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