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Signed Up March 1, 2015
Last Posted March 1, 2015 at 1:39 PM
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#30 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster
joetf2yeah I think your not getting the hat back seeing how the dude was banned on steamrep for a while, it was pretty much your fault for not being careful enough.

The guy disguised as my account (profile pic, name, etc...).

I found the account with the hat!

posted about 9 years ago
#16 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster

it's not going to happen

you should stop

K );

Any advice on how I can get it back by myself?

posted about 9 years ago
#13 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster
yung_tapscarabMr_Owlnah sorry your hat just isnt valuable enoughOwl is correct, in order for the TF.TV police team to help your unusual must be at least 3 buds, sorry.that and roody's a pretty active guy here, i doubt anyone here is gonna help a random fuck that gave us no evidence

Well here's some evidence. It was a fake middleman scam. Here's his name history:

He changed his username, profile picture and description to look like mine and took it from my friend's account.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster
Daggerreport to valve not to us

I already did, no help.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster

Got scammed out of my Unusual Dread Knot Aces High by this twat:

The guy has loads of legit rep and blocked me.

I've read a story on this forum about a scammer getting DDoS'ed by the community and the original owner getting the hat back ( They found the kid's Facebook and threatened to sue him).

I don't really care how you do it, but I want to end this man's career. He's already attempted to scam multiple people. Any suggestions? Steam Support is of no help since my account wasn't hijacked. Let's hatch the ultimate revenge. If you want to scam him yourself, please don't take more than the hat, that's still scamming. I think the guy already traded off to another account too.

posted about 9 years ago