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Signed Up September 28, 2014
Last Posted January 3, 2015 at 1:29 PM
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#2 Pocket/roamer LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 10 years ago
#1 Pocket/roamer LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey I'm a pocket/roamer looking for a team right now. I've got no experience in 6's other than 300 lobbies on tf2c and quite a few scrims. I work reaally well with a team that is eager to learn and put their heart into the game. Hit me up and we can talk and play some lobbies or scrim if you've got some lined up. Looking to hear back from the community.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Help modifying a HUD in Customization
komorebiDuffmanThanks for the links, i did post on that thread. I know what numbers need to be changed now but each .res file im trying isn't actually working. So if you have any ideas please help out :)
add me if you'd like: there's too many things you could be doing wrong to be able to easily tell from a forum post.

Alrighty I did :)

-Solved thanks alot Komorebi :D

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Help modifying a HUD in Customization

Thanks for the links, i did post on that thread. I know what numbers need to be changed now but each .res file im trying isn't actually working. So if you have any ideas please help out :)

posted about 10 years ago
#305 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Hey! Im real new to customizing huds. The HUD Im trying to modify is BastHUD. Im looking to change the size of the health, ammo and cooldown bars (for cloak or mad milk etc.). I curious to as what .res files I would need to alter and which numbers I would need to change. Looking to hear back, thanks!

- Solved thanks Komorebi :)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Help modifying a HUD in Customization

Hey! Im real new to customizing huds. The HUD Im trying to modify is BastHUD. Im looking to change the size of the health, ammo and cooldown bars (for cloak or mad milk etc.). I curious to as what .res files I would need to alter and which numbers I would need to change. Looking to hear back, thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
#62 bastHUD in Customization
b4stianAndzoHey Bast! Nice hud..

Was wondering where I could change the Health and Ammo values to make it bigger...

its kinda small. thanks!

I made them small so i could see more of the battlefield, if you want to you can add me and i'll give you a hand changing the sizes?

Hey I've added you on steam because I'd like help with this. The usernames Duffman with duffman as the picture, get back to me please :) your hud is amazing other than the health and ammo are really small for me

posted about 10 years ago