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Last Posted December 11, 2014 at 5:10 PM
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#121 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
KevinIsPwnand dustee, you should consider taking your full name and what city you live in off your steam page. that's not typically a good idea.

That is not my city, just county.

But thank you.

posted about 10 years ago
#119 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic

sarcasm to fight the tears

My whole point here was to defend a community that I've been playing on for almost 4 years now. All I did was explain the situation and attempted to make everybody understand where we were coming from. And now you guys are going to my profile and exploiting it? This thread has really given me a salty taste for the TF2 competitive community, so I'm sure as hell never going on this website again. Came with good intentions, leaving with Salt. Congrats. Feel good about yourselves!

posted about 10 years ago
#113 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
gr8stalinEl_Benoit was supposed to get people to come in and laugh at silly pub communities and their 'rules'.
Quite frankly, I'm not laughing. As someone who was a legitimate founding member from the 352nd, I'm actually quite embarrassed by what TI has become and how you guys have reacted to this. This nanny-state damage control is pathetic. The rule-breaker shitlist was never used and never SUPPOSED to be used as some KGB/NSA-tier record keeper on everyone who broke the rules (seemingly or otherwise) like what you guys have done for Dave, it was meant for people who were legitimately hackers (why'd you have to do it Ezell) or facetious people who broke the rules for the sake of breaking them.

"What we've done to Dave"

He was kicked once, and forgiven. Wow so harsh.

*incoming -10 votes because the circlejerk continues*

posted about 10 years ago
#90 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
CHERRYPhunkDusteeI would just like to thank the intelligent people that exist on this forum (you know who you are.) for actually understanding where I am coming from instead of just shit-talking.ye i dont think youll find any people that agree with you hereCHERRYDave got kicked while he shouldn't according to the rules, but 3 pages of posts are more than enough to voice your anger with them. Live and let live :)
I kind of agree with him, also it's obvious for me that Dave_AC could not be the reason for this thread to begin with considering what future wrote.futureI just wanted to mention that ive gone a year (probably longer then that) without doing anything to trouble folks to get unbanned from team interrobang and I cant even get unbanned with a god damn perma-mute/silence as a compromise (I'm very vocal). I even ADMITTED I was wasted, drunk and fucked up during the time those events took place, went to rehab, apologized, discussed OPENLY to the forum that I was indeed attending AA and NA, but fuck, no no no no ononononono no no no non
I don't even know what is the point of this thread, most of people on theirs forums agree that it was spawn camping (if it was, that's a different topic) so just let them chose their own rules, cause I doubt that you most of you care about this server at all, for some it's some kind of a circle jerk and for some it's just another reason to show superiority over "pubs" 8)
Even if they ban players for being too good, which would be kinda sad, what do you care?

Damn I like you.

But I'm outta here B O Y S 8)

posted about 10 years ago
#84 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic

I would just like to thank the intelligent people that exist on this forum (you know who you are.) for actually understanding where I am coming from instead of just shit-talking.

posted about 10 years ago
#81 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic

I don't understand close-minded internet trolls

posted about 10 years ago
#78 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic

-11 for speaking the truth come at me haters 8)

posted about 10 years ago
#68 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
mghughlaurieDusteeYou guys sure do have a lot of built up anger over a peaceful community that is about having fun instead of topfragging.
your community kicked a good player that was playing the game how it's intended because he was killing bad players that won't even change class, weapons, or even going out a different spawn path to counter the stickys that kill them which aren't even on the spawn door to begin with. there are only 2 classes that have no weapon or method of getting past stickys which is medic and sniper.

I can agree with this.

Just because I was giving supporting facts, doesn't entirely mean that I agree with it. I was just trying to defuse a circlejerk of hate.

posted about 10 years ago
#66 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic

What "conversation"? It is just a bunch of irrational people hating on a community. I actually did contribute a lot. You guys are complaining that this community "full of idiots" banned some guy for spawncamping. That is simply inaccurate. He got a single kick and is welcome to rejoin, and from the sound of it, he is more than happy to rejoin. I was never defending the integrity of the community, which is why I said "I have not played with them recently". I was simply stating facts about a single case which apparently makes the entire community "a joke". I do not agree with the spawncamping rule, but I can get over it to see the wonderful people of this community. Clearly spawncamping is too big of an issue for "high-level" players like yourselves to see what this community is doing.

posted about 10 years ago
#63 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic


You guys sure do have a lot of built up anger over a peaceful community that is about having fun instead of topfragging.

I may be biased because I am indeed an admin for this community, but I have not played with them recently. I agree it isn't ANYWHERE close to as awesome as it was 3+ years ago, but that is no reason to hate on a "pub community"

To be fair, this man "Dave" never got banned. He got kicked 1 time, and was never "banned". I know I'm going to get a bunch of downvotes for trying to be a voice of reason, but in The Walking Dead that is who they always kill off.

Lets all put down our pitchforks and torches now 8)

posted about 10 years ago