blinKMy biggest grief is that we're PAYING for a service that isn't being delivered to the extent it should be. If two paid teams pay to play on a Dallas server they should be able to, otherwise reimburse them or give them a free month. Several matches this season (3-4) we've had to switch servers to Virginia or NYC due to routing or servers crashing due to bad coding. Now we know it's not done intentionally or your fault exactly, however as a paying customer we should be reimbursed due to the lack of service being provided. Sure, you guys switch the servers for us but we're still spending an extra hour of our time to wait for everything to be reconfigured just so we can play. So an 11:00 match scheduled days in advance ends up being a 12:30 match due to bad service. We understand stuff happens but you should do right by your customers who have stuck with ESEA throughout it all and send something our way. Coupons, free months, whatever.
1) Servers crashing
2) Bad routing for a lot of people with mixed isp's
3) Not many people use VA/NYC so you should get more Illinois servers for use
4) Time wasted due to having to deal with above issues
Killing is a really good admin and does his best to keep everything together but he's only one man and he needs help. I know that tri was recently added as an admin but he's far from where Killing is. Tri really needs to be brought up to speed so he can be as useful as Killing is when crunch time hits. They're both timely but tri simply doesn't know how to do half the stuff Killing does from my experiences with him.
Also medic stats would be nice since they're implemented in pretty much every other tf2 stat recorder now. SizzlingStats would be a good place to start.
Thanks for reaching out to us Shooter. Happy Easter!
I've seen your ticket about the servers crashing, that's resolved. The bad routing, I've said countless of times, open a game server routing ticket, and include the details asked, sometime ESEA can fix it. Noted the Illinois idea. Pretty sure it doesn't happen THAT often that you need to switch servers, but I'll look into that.
David's still learning how things are done, and what to do in different situations, but keep in mind that Joey has about ~5 years of experience, David only joined ESEA 3 months. He does a very good job, nonetheless.