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Signed Up August 4, 2012
Last Posted August 3, 2013 at 8:46 AM
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#16 Cp_Warmerfront in Map Discussion
milo20-40fps constant garbage

Probably isn't optimized yet since it's still in beta :P

posted about 11 years ago
#21 fps drop recently? in Q/A Help

I usually have ~20 fps normally (shit laptop...) but now I can rarely get above 7-8 fps... :(

posted about 11 years ago
#18 yo rick in Off Topic

Cats are better.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Virus ads appearing in Bug Reports

Yes, there does indeed exist a manga / anime series called "Naruto".

posted about 11 years ago
#91 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
JonesyMcFlyEkComangliaKoobadoobsbold stuffstuffstuff Degreaser is the only way Pyro can keep up with the other classes. Simply walking backwards prevents the Pyro from doing damage with his primary weapon, forcing him to choose between switching weapons and being vulnerable to projectiles for at least 1.3 seconds, not being able to do anything unless the enemy team feeds him a projectile, or walking in a predictable path to close distance. The Degreaser actually allows him to be a threat while not making him an easy kill.

Yes it's obviously better, although it reenforces bad habits, a pyro isn't irrelevant without it. That's all I'm trying to get at.

posted about 11 years ago
#87 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaKoobadoobsDegreaserWithout the degreaser pyro is basically irrelevant.

So spy-checking, extinguishing teammates, reflecting and juggling ubers are completely useless? The degreaser is completely unnecessary to gameplay and rewards players who can't think to switch weapons before they actually need it. The decreased switch time makes pyro more of a crit-whore than the support class it was originally intended to be and is not needed at all to play Pyro effectively. How do you think Pyro players played before the degreaser was added?

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

My ban list for the new lobby system (Yes I realize this isn't how it works, I just want to voice my opinion on this.):

Soda Popper
Baby Face Blaster
Beggar's Bazooka
Splendid Screen
Axetinguisher (not worth trying to spell...)
Holiday Punch
Bazaar Bargain
The Sniper and Spy Polycount hats

I feel like these are all self-explanatory but if anyone has any questions why I hate a particular weapon feel free to ask. Also, I hate the Gunslinger as much as everyone else but it plays such a role in offensive engineer it would be better to nerf it than ban it.

posted about 11 years ago
#87 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
INS3RTbeing able to move between backpack pages with a and d makes this hud pretty much a new tf2 update with revolutionary content

You do realize many HUDs have done this is the past...?

posted about 11 years ago
#45 TeamFortress.TV Top 10 March 2013 in News

Shocky goin' big.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Shitty laptop + summer in Hardware

My laptop is even worse than that.... :(

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Video Games vs. Depression in Off Topic
Scholarfrknalso any addiction can be equally horrible for you psychologically, but coke still has a bunch of worse shit that comes with it (legal issues, death from overdose...).
hey! but at least coke let's me do my homework!


posted about 11 years ago
#32 Scizhud in TF2 General Discussion
ScizorEkSo I have a shitty computer and play in fullscreen mode at 800x600 res...

The HUD works great and looks beautiful except for one problem, when I play engineer I have no icons showing information about any of my buildings.... This isn't a huge problem because I don't play engie often but if anyone could help me with this it would be wonderful.
Go into Scripts/Hudlayout and search for BuildingStatus_Engineer and change xpos to "-20" and ypos to "0"

Thank you soooooo much! It's not everyday people actually help me with this type of thing :3

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Scizhud in TF2 General Discussion

So I have a shitty computer and play in fullscreen mode at 800x600 res...

The HUD works great and looks beautiful except for one problem, when I play engineer I have no icons showing information about any of my buildings.... This isn't a huge problem because I don't play engie often but if anyone could help me with this it would be wonderful.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 tf2 badwater 2 bhop jumps in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#400 my new hud. in Customization

Are there any known problems with 800x600 resolution?

posted about 12 years ago