indecencyya lol just dont play lol when we literally have one central pug server and the owner refuses to do anything about the guy lol, nobody is adding up for 8 hrs straight, niggas literally have no choice.
this shit is so tone deaf as if ur not in the damn pug group yourself and more often than not pugs only really get going at midnight or something and you get 1 pug before b4nny and his yes men join and u have one of two choices if you dont get fatkidded, play and have a chance of being on a team with the nigga or stop playing since there are no alternative pug groups or services or anything
I had a pug group where I personally invited you to join every time I announced for people to add up and you denied it 70% of the time to play PugHub. The group also had strict fat kid rules where I made it so you only got fatkidded once a day and you couldn't get fatkidded again-- but you still often picked PugHub over them.
I'm going to guess you denied it because it was mostly Main with some Advanced players, and you wanted to play with mostly Advanced+top level players, and that's fine, you can choose to play with higher level players. But a lot of Advanced want to play with Invite players, and Invite plays with b4nny.
I'm not even in PugHub, and I'm betting that he's at least 65% of the reason why pugs fill up so frequently at night. You can't just ban him without the trickling effect of, "Now less Invite players join, which causes less Advanced players to join, which means the group needs to pull in Main players just to fill up" and we go right back to the situation of you not wanting to join those pugs, either.