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SteamID64 76561198125404376
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:82569324
Country United States
Signed Up January 3, 2017
Last Posted April 23, 2020 at 3:43 AM
Posts 35 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.7
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Mouse Corsair Sabre
Keyboard Corsair K77
Mousepad Corsair Small Mousepad
Headphones Turtle Beach Recon 60P
Monitor Acer GN246HL
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#37 Should cre-8 (me) continue playing FPS games? in Off Topic

i love you cre8 keep it up, KING

posted about 4 years ago
#55 BTSTF2 in LAN Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#7 Announcing the Fresh Fraggers Cup! (NA/EU/AU) in TF2 General Discussion
Melonssmoving up in the world :)

crazy to think this started out as casual 4's pugs; it's been cool to see you guys grow.

thanks melons :) its been a wild ride

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Announcing the Fresh Fraggers Cup! (NA/EU/AU) in TF2 General Discussion
WingmannIn the fresh meat cup you aren't allowed to play if you made playoffs.
We had a guy who played 1 playoffs open game as highlander spy, but he wasn't allowed to be in the fresh meat roster.

Will that be the same?

we have the same rule but we will look at more than just past competitive experience and seeing as it was in highlander and on a non-6s class, we will probably let him in :)

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Announcing the Fresh Fraggers Cup! (NA/EU/AU) in TF2 General Discussion
paskofor the modeling part do i send shirtless pics or nah?

no but i will gladly accept them

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Announcing the Fresh Fraggers Cup! (NA/EU/AU) in TF2 General Discussion

Announcing the Fresh Fraggers Cup!


- What is this?
This is a group for a competitive TF2 cup. Basically, its a tournament put on by the community. This cup is for the 6v6 format and intends to bring newer players to the competitive scene.

- For which skill levels?
At most, non-playoff UGC Steel, non-playoff ETF2L Open, and/or non-playoff OZFortress Open experience.

-What can I do if I'm above those skill levels?
The teams will need mentors, so if you are skilled enough and want to mentor a team, the just talk to a Staff member and they'll find you a team to mentor. If you aren't good enough to mentor but you're too good to compete, we're still accepting new staff. Send a message to our admins on our Discord to apply for Staff and to help out.

-When/where will this cup be held?
This tournament is planned to be held on 3 different continents over 3 different weekends.

North America (July 13-14)
Europe (July 20-21)
Australia/Oceania (July 27-28)

-How can I help out?
How can't you help out? Art, modeling, promotions, ideas, all are helpful! You can contact any of our staff on our Discord in private messages for more information.

-How do I play?
Sign-ups open around May 24th, 2019 (depending on where you live). They aren't open currently because things may still be subject to change before we want people to sign-up.

-Will it be casted? Will there be medals? How about prizes?
Currently, we have plans for the event to be cast for (at least) the playoffs. Medals are to be designed in the coming weeks with your feedback. There are also plans for prizes for the winning teams.

Come learn to frag!

Join the Discord here: discord.gg/WQfTw6V

You can find our webpage at cup.frag.tf (most of this information is on there)

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Female Snapchat Filter on players in Off Topic

thank you for this awful post

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Rollout.TF has strange header? Anyone know why? in TF2 General Discussion

solved, thanks :(

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Rollout.TF has strange header? Anyone know why? in TF2 General Discussion


"Your skills and talents are wasted here. Don't join the competitive TF2 community."

Anyone know how this message came to be?

See it here for yourself

posted about 6 years ago
#6 4v4 PASS Time Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Can confirm that this game mode is awesome. There are skeptics out there, so if you are one of them I encourage you to try out the PUGs every week. Hella fun, hella competitive, 10/10.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 We are hosting an MGE Tournament! Come join us! :) in TF2 General Discussion

Hi there! You may recognize me from a few of my past posts, you may not. Either way, it doesn't really matter, and it's not what I'm here for.

I'm the owner of Frag Academy, a group that is trying to become a source of everyone's competitive needs. A while ago, a small group called MGE Monthly (by one of my friends) was born. It hosted small MGE tournaments for a couple months and then died when it couldn't get enough people for the games. This was 5 months ago. Now, under my group, we are reviving it (with most of the original staff too)! Day 1 of the first tournament is going to be in about a week, on March 10th. The bracket is still NA only, but soon we'll be opening up an EU system for PUGs and for MGEM.

If you want to join now, ask questions later, you can find most of the information on our dedicated page.

If you want to read some more information or ask any questions I've got you covered!


- Where is the server hosted?

The server is planned to be hosted in either Kansas City, Kansas or Chicago, Illinois. The connection info for the server is to be released 30 minutes before the event starts.

- How are matches arranged?

The original matches are created based on the information you submit with the form. After that, they're based on how you did in your previous matches.

- How much does it cost? How are prizes divided?

There is an entry fee of 1 refined to join either of the tournaments. 100% of the entry fees are put into the prize pool.

- How do I join?

If you want, finish reading this first, and then head over to our website for additional information and links.

- Will the bracket be streamed?

It is planned to be streamed, yes! We are, however, still looking for casters. If you'd like to cast the event, we'd love to have you apply! You can apply through either e-mail or in our Discord, which you can find on our website's contact page!

- Will you ever have an event in Europe as well?

We are already planning on this! We will, however, need separate staff members and a gameserver in Europe.

- Sounds like fun, but I can't play! Can I possibly moderate or help out?

Of course, you can! You can apply through our website's contact page!

So please, come join us! Even if you are unable to play, it would be awesome if you could watch the next event!

Thanks a ton, from the staff of Frag Academy and MGE Monthly

Frag.TF - Your (soon to be) hub for all things competitive TF2.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Introducing a new PUG Group -- Frag Academy in TF2 General Discussion

Hi there! You may recognize me, you may not. Either way it doesn't really matter. Wanna know what does matter? Getting the practice you want and need for any upcoming/current competitive seasons!

I'm the lead admin of Frag Academy, a PUG group dedicated to getting the practice you need. In all honestly, it's like other PUG groups. We host matches, we have fun, we get better. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! While most PUG groups generally do only 6v6 or Highlander, we do all formats. Be it 6v6, BBall, 4v4, or even MGE tournaments, we do it!

Some info:

  • Our group is Discord based (you'll see why when you join).
  • Our main server is hosted in Dallas, Texas. (We hope to have an EU server later)
  • We need more people.

So come on down and join us for some PUGs later! The more people, the more matches!

You can also use this code if you don't like links: 28h8BnX

Thank you very much, from the staff at Frag Academy

posted about 7 years ago
#17 We are hosting an MGE Event soon! Come join us! in Projects
joshuawncan i sign up as only one class (i.e. not be forced to play certain classes [like soldier] because the map is picked over the player [like spire])?

EDIT: here are the rules - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n4A5lqrKpdY2CNSG9TNtxmd9UID8BNfxksReizAnojc/edit
"Any map from this list may be played for any match, no matter the class: Badlands Spire"
"Both players MUST agree on the class they will play for their match.
If a class cannot be decided/agreed on by the players, Rock Paper Scissors (in-game taunt) will decide."

wtf lol

here's how it should be done:
if a player picks scout or demo, anyone that fights them cannot pick soldier-primary maps (like spire & gullywash middle) from the map pool. players pick their classes before the map is determined.

ammomod mge should also be added to this list for any class vs any class.
BO3 should be done & the loser gets to pick the next map to keep it fair. maps cannot be played more than once UNLESS both players agree to play it.

I'm sorry that I haven't responded yet, I'm still running this through the rest of the staff. I'll get back to you soon!

posted about 7 years ago
#16 We are hosting an MGE Event soon! Come join us! in Projects
Snackthank you for hosting this :)

It’s not just me, but you’re welcome :)

posted about 7 years ago
#14 We are hosting an MGE Event soon! Come join us! in Projects
jtjetzzzzzready to shotgun deny spireonly with the reserve shooter

Reserve Shooter is banned on the whitelist for this exact reason...

Sorry to shoot down your hopes!

posted about 7 years ago
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