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Last Posted October 30, 2016 at 1:02 AM
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#220 Saloon.tf V2.0 in News

So all of those items that were bet but not paid to winners because the site couldn't split the items... Does Geel keep those now?

Rhetorical question, btw.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 The Highlander Open #2 Sponsored in TF2 General Discussion
fireindaarcadeNursey The only maps I've hated in ETF2L was that one koth map that wasn't even finished and had two cap points (they allowed that??)
I hate to derail the conversation at all, but I'm really curious what map Nursey's referring to here.


posted about 7 years ago
#24 TF2 Update 31/05/2016 in TF2 General Discussion
TomDoes anyone know if comp matches means all tournament matches or just matchmaking?

Edit: Based on my testing it is only matchmaking, so if you want automatic recording you still need prec.

This also doesnt take status screenshots, so for etf2l I would still recommend using prec. Maybe if there is some way in the etf2l/ugc/esea cfgs to make the game record.

Did you try ds_enable 2 or just ds_enable 1?

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

An account with a VAC ban doesn't immediately lose items btw. Usually takes a few days to a week from what I've seen.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 spamfest lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Who would have thought highlander engineer mains would actually be good at 6s?

posted about 8 years ago
#44 Updated G-Mang HUD in Customization
Se7enI can't seem to get the crosshairs to work. I go into clientscheme and remove the // before the crosshairs and still nothing. http://puu.sh/ocLA6/ace05a9848.png
any possible solutions?

(from memory) Aren't the crosshairs here inside the achievement tracker? So you need to enable that and set it to an achievement you'll likely never complete (something halloween related, for example).

Then they should show up.

posted about 8 years ago
#85 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
muteam edgelord hackers:




these influx of hackers jesus christ dude

Just played against them. Really obvious cheaters. Thank god vaccinator is amazing.

posted about 8 years ago
#58 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

Shits'n Giggles

Played against him on viaduct, he was obviously walling on sniper but was really bad until the end of the first round where he started hitting everything. We had a vac med to keep him down next round.

Next game, played against the hacker above and these three:

Stephen Hawking "Flower" from post #1 on this thread

Bill Nye "Huey" from post #4 on this thread

Neil deGrasse Tyson "Bambi" from post #1 on this thread

posted about 8 years ago
#183 Saloon.tf V2.0 in News
eepilyTFTV forums probably isn't the best place to post this, but it's been quite a while and my various tweets and support tickets have failed to get any response so far and I have no idea how to get the Saloon people's attention other than this.
I've still not received any payout whatsoever (although I have received my initial bet back) from the Ronin V Froyo game from the 11th and I have no idea whether it's a bug or some kind of major delay in the system. As I've mentioned, I have nothing against waiting a bit, I would just like to know what's going on.

Screenshot of bet: http://imgur.com/hoqQmMO
Screenshot of winnings: http://imgur.com/YnmgWF8

You're not the only one. Check the past few pages of this thread. In my instance, I bet one key on this match: https://saloon.tf/match/162

I received 0 winnings. There's no way I could receive 0 winnings with the odds and bets that occurred unless people with lower bets on the winning side somehow received more than they should have. I suspect the system doesn't split the keys (but the site is owned by Geel and should automate splitting keys into ref via scraptf bots) and kept the items from the losing side.

It's a shame because I want to bet on other matches, but I don't see a reason to bet keys on matches when there's a chance I can lose the keys but not win any.


posted about 8 years ago
#16 slemnish unable to play for EVL in News

Everyone on this team won IM.

posted about 8 years ago
#177 Saloon.tf V2.0 in News
HereComesTheBoomSo I bet 4.42 keys on Ronnin (match 193) and was supposed to get something like 8 keys. Now it's telling me my winnings were 0, why is this ? Where are my winnings!!!

Your winnings ended up in one of geel's accounts :^)

posted about 8 years ago
#168 Saloon.tf V2.0 in News
Gunboat_DiplomatHow long does it usually take for them to respond to support tickets?

I submitted one a couple days ago for not receiving winnings for my bet on Street Hoops against EVL, haven't gotten a response yet. Apparently a friend submitted a ticked weeks ago and still hasn't gotten a response.

I submitted one a few weeks ago regarding a match where I received no winnings despite having the second highest bet (one key) on the winning team that was at 60%. There's no logical explanation for where the items on the losing side went.. (aside from one of Geel's accounts)

Basically you shouldn't hold your breath waiting for a response...

posted about 8 years ago
#158 Saloon.tf V2.0 in News

Well, a key is worth some number of refined. If the value of a key needs to be split between multiple people, then the key should be traded for the current price in refined (if only saloon was owned by someone who ran another site that could do this automatically!).

Regardless, I had the second highest bet on the winning side and I didn't receive any winnings. So what happened to those keys that were bet on the losing team? Do they end up in Geel's backpack, do the people who lost keep them, or?

Tangential side thought about Saloon: It's disconcerting that saloon still doesn't have a transaction log for a match. If the bets for a match remain open after match starts, just undo in reverse the bets/raises/transfers that occurred after match start time. This process could be automated if the backend support is there. It seems kind of silly to have to cancel the bets on a match because the bet on saloon was open for an extra 30 minutes.

posted about 8 years ago
#156 Saloon.tf V2.0 in News
kKaltUuI think saloon ran out of items to distribute for that match.
Basically the biggest bets get paid out first, and then the smaller ones. If the value of the bets that are placed on the winning side is too high, there won't simply be enough to hand out further.

Could be wrong since a lot got changed since the transfer, best is to wait for a reply from our support staff

Edit: I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, just checked a match on my history where this is the case, and it says the payout is set to 0

I initially thought that may have been the case. However, I had the _second highest_ bet on the winning team. The top 3 bets on each team were the same. The winning team had a higher % so the items from the top 3 bets of the losing team should have been converted to ref to provide the remaining payout for the top 3 on the winning team, and then additional payout for the rest.

If the keys were not converted to ref, then where the hell did they go? There's only one person on the winning side of this bet who should have earned one key. All other bets should have winnings around 0.60 keys and lower.

posted about 8 years ago
#153 Saloon.tf V2.0 in News

Already submitted a ticket for this a couple of days ago but still no response...

I bet a key on this match: http://saloon.tf/match/162 . I won the bet, I should have won something like 0.60 keys (around there). I won nothing instead (the key was returned, but no new items showed up in my loot). I don't understand how that's possible. Look at the top 3 bets on each side--2 keys, 1 key, 1 key. I know that one of the keys bet on Corn Ducks was correctly paid out to someone who bet on mM, but what about the rest? They should have been converted to ref to be paid out by now...

Is the payout process ongoing for this match? If so, is there somewhere on the site indicates this? Or did the payout get messed up?

posted about 8 years ago
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