D7SI guess my question is what are the effects of having it be non zero? Like people say that they don't use mouse acceleration yet I see many of them with a 0.04 value.
] find m_customaccel
"m_customaccel" = "0"
client archive
- Custom mouse acceleration:
0: custom accelaration disabled
1: mouse_acceleration = min(m_customaccel_max, pow(raw_mouse_delta, m_customaccel_exponent) * m_customaccel_scale + sensitivity)
2: Same as 1, with but x and y sensitivity are scaled by m_pitch and m_yaw respectively.
3: mouse_acceleration = pow(raw_mouse_delta, m_customaccel_exponent - 1) * sensitivity
"m_customaccel_scale" = "0.04" min. 0.000000
client archive
- Custom mouse acceleration value.
"m_customaccel_max" = "0"
client archive
- Max mouse move scale factor, 0 for no limit
"m_customaccel_exponent" = "1" min. 1.000000
client archive
- Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor.
So unless there's a bug with the parameters or the console documentation is wrong, then m_customaccel_scale, m_customaccel_max, and m_customaccel_exponent do nothing with m_customaccel 0.