Few other things. The Vaccinator is no longer showing the current resistence in the upper right corner as it used to be. Only lower left corner and over target. So when you switch to melee and back to vac. (without healing someone) you no longer have a clue what resistence you currently have. You will only notice up on healing someone.
Also the scoreboard doesnt fit the resolution above. Its cutting the icons. There is enough room to shrink the name in order to show the complete scoreboard.
Are those only things on my end or is it you too?
Anyway nice hud though. :--D
I still trying to fix Vaccinator indicator position (it's broken), so currently it turned off.
My HUD using standard scoreboard layout (except bigger K/D in the bottom), but looks like Valve don't believe someone still using 4:3 aspect ratio :-) I'll try to make 4:3 version for you.