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Signed Up September 16, 2012
Last Posted November 7, 2017 at 12:45 PM
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#11 gtx 1050 and 1050 ti in Hardware
dollarlayeryttriumwhy would you intentionally buy a card that was 2.5 years old when you knew the new series was already out and a replacement would come soon
I intentionally bought a GTX 970 right before the 1080's came out so I could sell my GTX 980 before they dropped in price like a rock. Bought it so I could use it as I waited for the 1080's. Then I used AMEX return protection to return the GTX 970 after 90 days. Worked a charm. :)

Quite a few credit cards these days offer return protection, if you bought the card on a CC.

if you trusted the return protection why didn't you buy a 980?

posted about 8 years ago
#16 how do i go off the grid? in Off Topic
Konceptchange your legal name
cancel credit cards
take all cash out from bank and sell a lot of stuff that you have for cash
change your entire look (add/remove glasses, clean shaven/grow out facial hair, etc)
moving should be relatively easy, although be sure to cross state/country lines

I really should not be on tftv at 3am but watching a crime show on tv and learning about what some people do to go off the grid can be astonishing

what about when ur mom calls u

posted about 8 years ago
#82 wat is your biggest regret in Off Topic
PumHaving played ~7k hours of TF2 with an average of 20 fps and a touchpad.

I love the game too much

Thats amazing dude

posted about 8 years ago
#225 Personality Types in Off Topic

I did this when this thread was first posted like three years ago and got INFP, I did it again today and got INFP again but my percentages were a little more mellowed out: I think I've definitely become a little less introvert, but then again maybe I just think I have and that affected how I answered the questions

posted about 8 years ago
#11 IT HAPPENED in Off Topic
yttriumprobably the most posted about thread outside of the thread itself

either that or the original "what's your sens" thread that gets linked every week or so when someone makes a new one

posted about 8 years ago
#11 cant jump while the crouch button is pressed? in Q/A Help

Not really relavant but you might want to consider changing your crouch button to shift anyway, I did it a while back and never regretted it my pinky is so much less cramped and it doesn't get sore when I play jump maps anymore

posted about 8 years ago
#19 wat is your biggest regret in Off Topic
alderwhen I was really little I made my uncle with aspergers cry because I didn't let him play with a dragon toy I had.

I can't think of anything like this off the top of my head but I think regretting hurting someone's feelings is one of the more legitimate forms of regret because it helps makes you a better person.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Need someone to "gift" me battlerite in Other Games

can't you pay with paypal

posted about 8 years ago
#4 ESEA S23 W1: froyotech vs. dead babies mad gunz in Matches

wtf this is such a good game

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Orange Box on Xbox One in TF2 General Discussion

maybe valve could try rerelease it in really grandma friendly packaging

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Question for people who quit TF2 in Off Topic

I haven't played tf2 for like two months now because my my steam says I have 1999 hours and I don't want to push it over the edge

posted about 8 years ago
#69 Which hero do you main? in Off Topic
indecencyYo after many sleepless nights i just noticed u called these things heroes, wats the lore behind them and more importantly wats the lore behind my nigga bumpsy

he trained everyday for 10 years by swimming a mile through sand which toughened his carapace super hard an now when he swim in water he so fast

posted about 8 years ago
#2 your favorite tf2 activity in TF2 General Discussion

Jumping makes me want to punch a wall in a really relaxing way

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Halal Snack Pack in Off Topic

Fuckin oath aye the HSP is possibly the best invention of the 21st century although i'm more partial to the traditional styrofoam

posted about 8 years ago
#43 what is YOUR favoirte SPORT in Off Topic

I also really want to get into basketball, although I have no idea where to start

got o a bas ketb all cou rt and thr ow t he ba ll

posted about 8 years ago
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