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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted February 19, 2021 at 10:11 AM
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#39 Valve give us viewmodel options&community support in TF2 General Discussion

default is fov_desired 75 and viewmodel_fov 54. the max fov_desired is 90, so the max viewmodel_fov should be 64.8; 70 (not 90+) is a round number, reasonably close to 64.8, was already the max slider value, and looks decent/has few graphical glitches, so 70 should probably be the max.

min viewmodels look pretty bad for some weapons, but worse yet, they don't accurately depict where projectiles come from (same with adjustable viewmodels).

we've been blessed, maybe spoiled, to have the astounding customization options we've had (huds, viewmodels, graphics configs), but these are not the features that will attract players and viewers. things like skins, standardizations and a level of polish are all necessary for the competitive scene to grow, but that entails some sacrifices.

posted about 8 years ago
#100 Overwatch HUD in Customization

The control point icons clip with the timer on maps with "weird" control points (such as 3CP or many jump maps).
Also, the bonus damage text is the default magenta, which doesn't fit the color scheme of the HUD. It can be recolored using the "EventColor" property.

As a request, would you mind making a 4:3 version of the overheal overlay? The crosses are misshapen without widescreen. It'd also be cool if you maybe tried animating individual crosses in addition to the border (I don't know if OW does anything like this).

posted about 8 years ago
#84 Overwatch HUD in Customization
nimtra1) The TargetID shadow is completely fine in 16:9. I added an override that fixes it for those resolutions.

I don't know about this, I first noticed it watching slamberg's stream (VOD: which was in widescreen, and then I confirmed it happening to myself in 4:3.

3) You said in your post earlier that you wanted an option to remove the overheal on targetids, not add overheal colours to the spectator targetid health. Whatever, I guess. Added overheal colours to the spectator targetid.

Actually in that earlier build, targetid health values had color animations only for the main targetid (and therefore no color animation for the secondary targetid), and I was requesting an option to have color animations for both. In your update you actually removed both color animations when you remade the targetid, both the default and override hudanimation files would not animate the health value color, which I assume was an accident.

6) I moved all of the tournament panels down. I don't think it should matter anymore.

I wasn't referring to the respawn timer in the tournament playerpanel (respawntime), I was referring to the local player respawn timer (ReinforcementsLabel).

Some of the 5:4 overrides don't co-operate with 4:3 that well, like the win condition label. I have to use different values for it, for whatever reason.

I'm not sure if I've ever experienced this myself, theoretically it should behave exactly the same if coordinates are using the c-modifier. I use a 4:3 resolution (640x480) on a 5:4 monitor so the HUDs I use actually need to accommodate both, which they seem to do when made correctly.

Edit: feel free to contact me if you want help with the scope removal animation though.

posted about 8 years ago
#82 Overwatch HUD in Customization

Follow-up on your recent changes:

  • TargetNameLabelShadow is messed up, set pincorner to 0 and xpos to 40 (also might want to set zpos to 0 and enabled to 1).
  • TargetIDBG is only visible for spectators (this might be intentional, just didn't see it mentioned).
  • Your hudanimations references PlayerStatusHealthValueID but you forgot to rename the element in spectatorguihealth.
  • For some reason, ServerTimeLeftValue on the scoreboard changes from the set font the first time it loads and stays that way, I'm guessing the font definition in clientscheme that controls it isn't actually ScoreboardVerySmall because the font it's currently loading (at my resolution 640x480) is Futura Medium instead of Futura Heavy.
  • TournamentConditionLabel still isn't centered for readymode. The xpos should be 176 / 2 = c - 88.
  • ReinforcementsLabel for spectatortournament overlaps the control point icons.
  • As a suggestion, I would recommend moving the spectatortournament playerpanels to the bottom of the screen, since the control point icons have been moved to the top; this would hopefully feel less cluttered and allow you to move the respawn timer underneath the control point icons, although I understand your current implementation might just be a placeholder.
  • Mapinfomenu still needs a DX8 override.

P.S. You left partial code for scope removal in hudanimations.
Also I don't think you need to make separate 5:4 and 4:3 overrides; unless you're really squeezing things in, most 4:3-compatible elements will also be 5:4-compatible.

posted about 8 years ago
#66 Overwatch HUD in Customization
nimtra5) i haven't ever gotten that problem before... does the hitmarker just appear in the screen or in a specific spot? could you provide screenshots?

thanks for the heads up on these. just updated the repository and to fix the targetid, medic charge position, and hitmarker.

Hitmaker seems to appear if you take and regen damage (Medic or regen items). It stops appearing after you deal damage, and it resets after hud_reloadscheme. I feel like this may be something inherent in hitmarker implementation I just never noticed until now.

The targetids are still slightly offcenter with the 4:3 overrides (could just be my resolution at 640x480, I'm not versed with how JarateKing's targetids work). I fixed it on my end by changing the xpos of the top and mid name labels to 4, and changing the width of the mid name label to 640.

Freezepanel also needs aspect-ratio overrides (although you should be able to re-position it with modifiers unless you're doing something special I'm not seeing).

The tournament spectator element fits <5 players per team in 5:4, probably still doesn't fit 6 in 4:3. The win condition in readymode is not centered in 4:3, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be anyways.
Also, PlayerStatusHealthValue in spectatortournamentguihealth has a wide_minmode property that I don't think you intended to include, and it looks like you accidentally switched ChargeLabel and ChargeMeter post-uber animations.

As for suggestions, I would appreciate some non-refract overrides for dx8 users and optional targetid health value color animations.

posted about 8 years ago
#63 Overwatch HUD in Customization

not sure if some of these are intentional:

  • primary targetid is slightly offcenter (5:4 aspect ratio)
  • secondary targetid namelabel is way offcenter (5:4 aspect ratio)
  • minmode medic charge is further left than regular ammo positioning (clips with secondary targetid)
  • hitmarker seems to be asymmetrical
  • after hud_reloadscheme, hitmarker seems to appear after taking fall damage until doing damage yourself (not sure if this is your fault or not)
posted about 8 years ago
#10 How can I dm when there is no one on dm or mge? in TF2 General Discussion

i run into this problem all the time
getting mge friends is probably the best bet but there are other options

  • pubbing, its better than nothing and its fine sniper practice
  • training maps like newbots, airshot, arena, etc.
  • bot_mimic (feels weird after though)
  • jump/surf maps, will at least improve your movement which is 1/2 of dm
  • sometimes just watching demos/videos of good dmers can help
  • other fps games (quake-like games esp) involve skills that transfer
  • aim training games, some people like 2D like flash games or OSU but there are a couple 3D games too
posted about 8 years ago
#498 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

Would you mind making a config specifically for Competitive? Officially, the only graphical options are those available in Options/Adv. Options, but 1) I am not sure this is actually the case, and 2) I would crash less if the correct graphical settings (including the locked settings) were loaded before I joined the matchmaking server.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Is Valve overcomplicating weapon stats? in TF2 General Discussion

I agree, and was going to post something like this earlier today. I've seen pubber communities call it Cow-Mangler Syndrome; adding large amounts of small and convoluted changes instead of making small amounts of large changes that address the actual issues at hand. You pointed out two of the bad changes from the MYM update, but an example of a good change is the Spy movespeed buff.

posted about 8 years ago
#90 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion
N3voAir_badlands is literally the only map in rotation where it was a valid play to instead of sack someone for a med just run onto the point and hope the demo has a momentary lapse of attention Never happens in any remotely serious team.

I don't know what you're smoking but I can't even count the amount of times
- demo didn't sticky point and a scout/paintrain rushed the point and instantly won
- sticks on point were cleared and a scout/paintrain rushed the point and instantly won
- the det was baited and a scout/paintrain edged the point and instantly won

reminder that quickiebomb clears sticks instantly and you can cap with vaccinator explosive resist on

posted about 8 years ago
#208 TF2 Blog: "The Meet Your Match Update is Coming" in TF2 General Discussion
loserprancethe wording here makes me think you (thankfully) don't actually have to play the class you want to support

dear god you're right

new plan: farm teleporter points on gravelpit blu spawn

posted about 8 years ago
#200 TF2 Blog: "The Meet Your Match Update is Coming" in TF2 General Discussion

just a friendly reminder that you can farm points on pyro by airblasting a teammate who lights himself on fire with cow mangler

you can also farm points on heavy by healing friendly teammates with sandvich, or just by playing heavy

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Thoughts on a '6s Open?' in TF2 General Discussion
TsarbucksHe said in parentheses "not sure if that happened this season."

you are still wrong
he said "newbie mix teams" referring to the newbie team drive, not newbie mixes themselves

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Thoughts on a '6s Open?' in TF2 General Discussion
TsarbucksKevin still does Newbie Mixes, but having something similar for higher level of play would be amazing. That's an amazing idea and I hope you get it running. I'd help if I could, but I'd be on the receiving end of instruction, not the giving end.

Not at all what saam was talking about.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Good games to play with friends as LAN in Other Games

There seem to be a lot of indie games that are geared towards local-multiplayer which you might enjoy, many of which are free to download and could be worth trying out.

I haven't played them, but Gang Beasts and Trench Run seem like fun.

posted about 8 years ago
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