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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted February 19, 2021 at 10:11 AM
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#7 ImagineHUD [Incomplete] in Customization
cage-does the work AMMO change to red when you have low ammo?

By default, there are no low ammo animations at all. However, they can be added, and the AMMO label can do what you're asking. Feel free to add me if you want help with that.

frownyNot very practical but still a good effort mate.

Thanks. Keep in mind the vast majority of the HUD was an attempt to replicate the original mockups somebody else (elmst) did, so I can't take credit for the idea. That said, it hasn't felt any more or less practical than any other HUD I've used.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 ImagineHUD [Incomplete] in Customization

I couldn't get a response from the owner of EJP studio (who created the original mockups the HUD is based on) so I've decided to release what's done of the HUD to the public.

It's about 80% finished, but I realized the other 20% would take a lot more work, so I've stopped development here so I've decided to release it in alpha form so I could get some testers/feedback.

Things that are not done include:
- Main Menu
- Engi/Spy Menus
- Vaccinator

All of these things are unchanged from omphud's, so they still work, they are just incongruent with the style.

(Forgot to mention, the scoreboard is supposed to be displayed without the "Name", "Ping", and "Score" labels. Open tf_english.txt under tf/resource and change those labels to "" to remove them! Also, make sure cl_hud minmode is set to 0.)

Here are some slightly outdated screenshots:

Original Mockups by EJP studio

(Imagine was the name of the typeface.)

Sidenote: Feel free to give feedback, make suggestions, etc. I'm working solely off of a handful of Photoshop mockups that aren't even possible to replicate.

posted about 10 years ago
#563 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Kornelnice work, could u share link?

Thanks, but I won't be sharing a link anytime soon for two reasons:

1. It's very, very incomplete.
2. It's a direct copy of ejpstudio's (or whatever he likes to be called) mockups. If he allows me to release it then I might do so when it's near complete, but I certainly wouldn't do it without his permission.

posted about 10 years ago
#560 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

So I decided to make this HUD ( for myself, with some modifications (since some of his mockup stuff isn't possible).

Very WIP. More screenshots will be here: (recommend viewing in Full Resolution)

posted about 10 years ago
#10 HUD Text Cutoff (Can't Resolve) in Q/A Help
rays[the bible]

Thanks, I was able to move the frame and reposition the numbers as you suggested.

And thanks to everyone else who pitched in!

posted about 10 years ago
#5 HUD Text Cutoff (Can't Resolve) in Q/A Help
skappajust change "wide" in hudammoweapons.res(ammoinclip/ammoinreserve etc) / hudmediccharge.res and other

Yeah, I've been tinkering with that, I had to change it just to fit the resized fonts, but if I make it any wider it pushes the ammo to the right, and then I have to change the xpos, and then it's cut off in the exact same manner. I did fix the ammo in reserve, although it is slightly cut off screen.

omniIt appears the value of the ammo is too close to the side of the ammo panel. Try changing the xpos of "AmmoInClip" "AmmoInReserve" and "AmmoNoClip" inside HudAmmoWeapons.res

No success. I can move the numbers all I want but the cutoff still exists in that spot.

hanbroloI believe changing the alignment of the two elements to opposing directions (one west one east) might help, not sure though.

It's already aligned that way, which is standard to omphud.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 HUD Text Cutoff (Can't Resolve) in Q/A Help

I'm trying to fix the text cutoff shown here. It only affects the Engineer's Pistol, the Medic's Needles, and the Sniper's SMG as far as I'm aware.

I had the same problem with the UberCharge Percent label but I was able to fix that by increasing the "wide" values in hudlayout.res. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be helping me here, even if I change them to something like "600".


posted about 10 years ago
#474 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
santababyI was watching pure's stream yesterday and he was using omphud but modified with tf2 font. Someone said that omp made it and had it uploaded, but I can't seem to find it. Anybody have it or a DL link? Thanks

While I don't have the DL link, it is very easy to do yourself if you have notepad++. Simply open ClientScheme.res and hit Search -> Replace (CTRL+H). Replace all instances of FuturaStd-Medium with TF2 Secondary, and then replace all instances of FuturaStd-Heavy with TF2 Build.

Pyyyour made a few more modifications, notably changing the killfeed font to "FuturaHeavy13" and the damage indicator font to "Futura20", as well as changing the color of ammo in clip to omp's green.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 dipHUD is now complete! in Customization

What bothers me most is the inconsistency of various meters. I think the HUD would benefit from all the meters being the same size and in the same general location. Small labels can be used to help differentiate the meters, if that's what you're worried about.

Also, what are the differences between minmode 1 and 0?

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Flat Textures Problem in Q/A Help
AyRi'm pretty sure the thing shouldn't work at all on sv_pure 2, given that sv_pure 2 means no custom materials etc. regardless, have you tried reinstalling the pack? is there anything in particular, or any particular texture that brings it on? or is it just random?

It confused me too, as my sticky bomb and pipe material edits do not work at all on sv_pure 2 servers, yet all the pub sv_pure 2 servers I play on cause this issue.

This is about the third or fourth time I've reinstalled the pack over a year or so and I've removed it due to this issue every time. I have no idea if it's any particular texture causing it.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Flat Textures Problem in Q/A Help

EDIT: The solution is to not use the Flat World Textures pack hosted on gamebanana; instead, use the Solid Colored Texture pack included in the FPS Improvement Compilation, which is much more complete and does not cause this issue.

I am trying to use flat textures, but I keep experiencing visual issues like this:

This seems to happen on sv_pure 2 servers; the textures work fine on sv_pure 0.

A comment on the download page said to include -dxlevel 81 in the launch options, which did not fix the issue for me.

Any help is much appreciated.
posted about 11 years ago
#5 HUD Request in Customization

Is this what you want?

Damage, Crosshair (flashing)
(Crosshair should be centered, but it's possible that it will be off with your resolution)
Killcam Health, Crosshair
(The health panel is so low because I used TF2's screenshot function; in-game, it will be where it usually is with the default HUD)

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Pulsing crosshair request in Q/A Help

Open hudanimations.txt in /scripts and use Ctrl+F to find "event DamagedPlayer" (no quotations), then paste the following lines into the bracketed section:

	Animate Crosshair??	FgColor 	"255 0 0 255" 	Linear 0.0 0.00001
	Animate Crosshair?? 	FgColor 	"0 255 0 255" 	Linear 0.10 0.10001

What you also need to do is change the ?? to the number that corresponds to your Crosshair; I can't tell which of broeselhud's several cross-shaped crosshairs you are using, but you should know since you enabled it. Find it in hudlayout.res and scroll all the way to the right, and you should find "fieldName" "Crosshair??", with the specific crosshair's number in place of the question marks. Copy the number into the lines I've posted above for you to paste into hudanimations.txt.

The whole section should look something like this:

event DamagedPlayer
	Animate DamageAccountValue         Alpha "255"          linear 0.0  0.0
	Animate DamageAccountValue         Alpha "0"            linear 10.0 0.2
	Animate DamageAccountValueBG       Alpha "255"          linear 0.0  0.0
	Animate DamageAccountValueBG       Alpha "0"            linear 10.0 0.2

	Animate Crosshair01	FgColor 	"255 0 0 255" 	Linear 0.0 0.00001
	Animate Crosshair01 	FgColor 	"0 255 0 255" 	Linear 0.10 0.10001
posted about 11 years ago
#9 Market Gardener "bhop" in TF2 General Discussion

You can chain around 10-20 perfect jumps by using a bhop script (requires autohotkey), but it is somewhat inconsistent.

Even most pubbers will probably be able to shoot you while you try to hopscotch your way towards them, though, so it's hardly any more viable than before.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Taking HUD edit requests in Customization

Hi Mangachu, thanks for doing these.

This is an image of a working experimental concept (adapted from minihud into KNHUD) which replaces health numbers with color-changing lines that also serve as a crosshair:

Basically, the same lines do not appear in ellshud for some reason unknown.

Avoiding a super long post, my TF2 Help thread has the code(s) and more details.

posted about 11 years ago
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