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Signed Up July 2, 2017
Last Posted May 30, 2018 at 7:12 AM
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#60 2018 World Cup in World Events
SenotsOmbrackHow can anyone rate Argentina as a favorite ? This is beyond me. Yes they have Messi, but apart from him, they are really struggling, have no game plan. Okay this is Argentina, and they can go beyond expectation, but really, i feel like there are a lot of better teams out there.
Babe, even without Messi their attack would still have Higuaín, Di Maria, Dybala, Aguero and Icardi which - best attack going into the WC by a long chalk.

Midfield of Pastore, Banega, Biglia etc is decent, could even play Lanzini there.

Defence is probably lacking yeahhh but Otamendi is a bit of a rock.

The attackers in argentina are the best in europe as well as the world only when they are playing in their own team.
Just take a look at the highlights of the frdly match of Arg v Haiti and you will see di maria and higuain missed so many golden chances. And remember, thats just Haiti in a frdly match. If the Argentina team wants to get into the finals again they need to pull off their best instead of relying on messi to dribble past 4 top defenders and score himself IN EVERY MATCH

posted about 6 years ago
#85 nerf pyro in TF2 General Discussion
klassyWhy has no one complained about the annoying little stun thing that makes your crosshair flick upwards when you’re burning. A detonator/flare from across the map can disable a sniper for like 10 seconds. Just the idea of retardedly high damage per sec AND the ability to pressure a sniper from a safe distance than a soldier ever could is pretty frustrating.

I think the stun thing is needed to give pyro a bit of ranged control, but the period is far too long. It afterburns/stuns for like a decade.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Cannot connect to any server in Q/A Help

I cannot connect to a server when im in a party but I can connect to that exact server individually,
i tested that by manually searching for the server my frds are on, and i can connect to it, which i couldnt the moment before when i was with them in the same party, so what exactly is happening???-

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Cannot connect to any server in Q/A Help
paiCHave you tried removing ALL your custom files and then restoring tf2 to vanilla settings through launch options?

thanks for your reply, i think i solved the problem. It seems that valve thinks that someone is using the same client port as me (which is quite impossible because im living alone) so I changed the client port in launch options and now i can connect to servers normally.

Edit: fixed on solo, but still cant connect when im in a party

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Cannot connect to any server in Q/A Help

Cannot connect to any server
Hello all, i have not been able to connect to any servers (both official and community) for these two days occasionally. What i mean by occasionally is that sometimes i can get into a server and play, but if i have one time that i cannot do so, then I couldnt until I restart the computer. The situation of not connecting is that the loading progress stucks at parsing game info, and will give me the connection failed after 4 tries thing. And this always happens when im in a party, and happens like every two to three games when im playing by myself. I have tried verifying game cache, restarting the game and restarting the computer and restarting the computer seems to work sometimes, but I really dont want to reboot it every few games so I desperately want to seek help here. The only change ive done to my computer or the game in these two days is installing the chris config (maxframe settings), so im not sure this is a conincidence or what.
And I am playing tf2 on a mac.

Thank you!

PS: I have limited data flow everyday so re-installing the game is my last resort, I want to try every possible solution before doing that
Update: I have removed the chris config and it doesnt work. Also restarting the computer cannot help

posted about 7 years ago
#2 After Jungle Update I keep getting fps drops in Q/A Help
Chubbabubbhelo, my tf2 drops from 120 fps to 20 every couple of seconds and I cant seem to fix it. Ive changed to dx 9 and back to dx 8, deleted my custom folder, verified my game cache. nothing seems to work can anyone help?

same problem for me, but not that serious. It drops from around 60 to like 10 for 5 to 6 seconds two or three times a day.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 TF2 update for 10/25/17 in TF2 General Discussion
shorasWhiskerhere's what the pocket pistol's firing speed/life steal is like now
(if anyone's curious)
That's ridiculous. But I just noticed that description says "up to +7 health" on hit. Perhaps it's also supposed to be affected by damage fall off?

No its not, at least not at this moment, I shot a heavy from a mile away today and its still +7hp

posted about 7 years ago
#38 List of Broken Contracts in TF2 General Discussion
Scrambledhimari_tfanyone know a more efficient way to do the bonus contracts? it feels unreasonably grindy and boring to just stand back and slowly wait for pubbers to waddle onto the point to defend it, and if they walk away from the point/payload before they die it doesn't count :/The only way I've been able to do some of them is to get a full party of people to bait the point, and even then its a grind, mainly because enemies still don't push.

Payload maps are so hard to gain defence points as if they are just a single step away from the cart it basically won't count as defending. In CPs you can still manage to kill one or two low health classes by sticky spamming, but its still really really hard

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Jungle Inferno after action in TF2 General Discussion
Cyanicit's nice, but not 460 days nice.

they also didn't actually fix pyro as a class, only made it slightly better.

yea, they even stress on the extra stress tests they have done but the first few days the system was still very unstable,
and I don't expect that many bugs after working on it for more than a year. It feels like they brainstormed the ideas of the update for 430 days and work on them for the remaining 30 days

posted about 7 years ago
#195 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowThere should be a "Listed Bugs" edited into the OP so that people don't repeat things

I say this because I got killed by a Dragon's Fury while attacking a pyro from behind. So the dragon fury hitbox essentially extends from behind the pyro. No idea if that's been reported yet.

I got airblasted away as spy too when i tried to backstab a pyro with the dragon's furry while the pyro was fighting my teammates in front of him

posted about 7 years ago
#194 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

Nice valve fixed most of the bugs mentioned in this thread, but it didnt mention the double donk contract

posted about 7 years ago
#190 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

the engie sentry kills contract doesnt work in egypt too

posted about 7 years ago
#185 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion
InoSometimes it generally feels like you get one shot by flamethrowers but that might be due to 6 pyros being in your face from all sides. Definitely feels like I’m dying to a even a single pyro more than before though, it’s pretty difficult for me to track them through the new particles. Have to get used to that too.
Are there some custom flame particles available like the custom explosion vpk things?

The new phlog particle effect is confusing too coz now it acts like the stock flamethrowers that it moves when you move your aim

posted about 7 years ago
#171 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

in the flare gun contract one bonus is to minicrit kill someone with the flare gun,
but how can it mini crit???

posted about 7 years ago
#170 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion
Comangliabsiandont know if this has been posted yet but you can eat the chocolate bar indefinitely as heavy get 5000+ health
I've seen this in every casual MM I did today. Had to start playing spy just for the instant knife kill. It's fucking awful cause I'm on the contract that I need to cap points 20 times on Mercenary Park (defending points doesn't work) and with last point being a fucking nightmare to push I usually only get 1-2 caps in... I really don't want to play this map 10+ times for one fucking contract

I personally think this is one of the most important glitches valve has to fix, it is just unplayable,
luckily its always those noobs using it so they won't spy check, but spying is also difficult when the enemy team is basically one heavy with 10 thousand health and 11 pyros running and flying around m1ing.

Btw the ubersaw seems to hv 0 dmg, I am not sure its the ping problem or what, tried to melee someone with it 3 times and it has the hit sound but no dmg dealt

posted about 7 years ago
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