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SteamID64 76561198060155354
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Country United States
Signed Up November 10, 2013
Last Posted August 23, 2014 at 9:11 AM
Posts 21 (0 per day)
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#24 MvM Team Recruiting Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Whenever im online and not afk, usually 4-8est
2 cities, any maps i dont have

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Lft medic Cevo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey, I'm Eucalyptiz and i've been playing Competitive 6s as Medic for the last few months, and after getting comfortable with the class I've decided to go out and try to find CEVO team because most of the community seems to be switching from esea. I can play either this season or next season. I can backup too if needed.

As I said I've had around 2 seasons of ugc 6s as Medic, and I also do #tf2mix on IRC a few times each day. I am fully committed to play as a team and improve myself as Medic. I can take constructive criticism aslong as its constructive, and not being dickish. I am 14 and in Highschool. I have good comms and great sense of the class, but I do have a speech impediment which may interfere with you hearing my comms correctly. I also bowl in my school bowling team, but it will not interfere with scrims/matches. I will also be able to pay any/all fees to play in Cevo.

I am able to scrim basically every day, all around the week. I can usually play from 7pm est till around 10ish est. I will usually not miss any scrims and especially matches, and I will always be reliable.

If your team is looking for a Medic in Cevo, feel free to add me at:

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Medic LFT Open/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Good guy, offers help to some new comers. Good med, I suggest him.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Lft Low-mid Open Medic. in Recruitment (looking for team)

Im Still looking!

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Look for High Open Roamer and Medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

If you still need a medic hit me up, I can maincall too if needed

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Lft Low-mid Open Medic. in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey, I'm Eucalyptiz and i've been playing Competitive 6s as Medic for the last few months, and after getting comfortable with the class I've decided to go out and try to find an open team. I can play either this season or next season. I can backup too if needed.

As I said I've had around 2 seasons of ugc 6s as Medic, and I also do #tf2mix on IRC a few times each day. I am fully committed to play as a team and improve myself as Medic. I can take constructive criticism aslong as its constructive, and not being dickish. I am 14 and in Highschool. I have good comms and great sense of the class, but I do have a speech impediment which may interfere with you hearing my comms correctly. I also bowl in my school bowling team, but it will not interfere with scrims/matches. I will also be able to pay any/all fees to play in Open.

I am able to scrim basically every day, all around the week. I can usually play from 7pm est till around 10ish est. I will usually not miss any scrims and especially matches, and I will always be reliable.

If your team is looking for a Medic in Open, feel free to add me at:

posted about 11 years ago
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