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Signed Up December 6, 2014
Last Posted September 24, 2015 at 9:30 AM
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#26 what defines a good demoman? in TF2 General Discussion
Hasssassincorrect me if im wrong but i think after the gun mettle update and the demoman becoming god the stickies radius might have reverted back to the original sticky radius however the damage is the same as the nerf

Radius has returned to normal it seems, damage is exactly as is post "February 16, 2009 Patch" and the radius ramp-up mechanic isn't working.

Unless I'm missing something, as I don't have TF2 installed?

It's a tr_walkway_rc2 demo (recorded 2 months ago). It seems as though the radius is reverted (maybe identical to rockets), but the radius ramp-up mechanic doesn't seem to be working.

posted about 9 years ago
#52 The demoman nerf: a semi-statistical analysis in TF2 General Discussion

Salty you do realize the armtime is 0.8 correct?

Stickybombs that detonate in the air now have a radius ramp up, starting at 85% at base arm time (0.8s) going back to 100% over 2 seconds.

Just throwing that out there for anyone who didn't actually know the armtime.

posted about 10 years ago
#142 Logs.tf match stats in Projects
_PabloCan logs.tf be changed so that spy backstab damage isn't registered as the critical (>800) damage, but rather the true damage (whatever damage it did to kill the player).

This should apply to all classes. SizzlingStats damage tracking is more accurate than logs.tf because it doesn't take into account irrelevant damage (overkill).

posted about 10 years ago
#155 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion
bastidtry a crosspost in the regular tf2 subreddit, valve reads there more often. also some demos on truetf2 want the bug to stay rofl

Sent a link to the main TF2 subreddit I made before this one. Thanks!

Enjoy the Holidays everyone!!!

posted about 10 years ago
#153 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion
Bonafidejust hype it on reddit and it will be fixed before you'll be finished reading this sentence.

I made a thread on TrueTF2 if you're interested in bumping it, or do they even read TrueTF2?

posted about 10 years ago
#114 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion
kaidusLong range (eg. house to house on badlands mid) stickies can now do 80+. Ty for buff valve.

Hopefully this is a bug or miscalculation on their part.

If it's intentional then long range well timed stickies shouldn't be dealing over 75.

posted about 10 years ago
#67 pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion
wpminnowsimo if this works it'd make comp a little more accessible since people won't be asking why x is banned or is x legal in y league, along with slightly increasing the very low chance valve introduces 6s to matchmaking, since even if the meta stays pretty much the same we won't be cutting out half the weapons in the game (even if they won't be used, it'd be weird to see an official format where a large chunk of the game's weapons aren't allowed for some reason)

I think it'd be a good idea to update comp.tf with a small description of why "this" weapon is banned.

posted about 10 years ago