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Signed Up April 19, 2015
Last Posted April 18, 2019 at 1:30 PM
Posts 29 (0 per day)
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#16 Wandum copenhagen games AMA in LAN Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#35 Are you NORMIE or a CHAd in Off Topic

Y= -0.5
X = 0
I'M a cool normie heck yes

posted about 5 years ago
#183 Apex Legends in Other Games

Wingman shoots slower and is less accurate on hip fire and the headshot attachment does less damage too
Peace Keeper with bolt shoots slower
Wingman and Peace keeper drop less frequently

i reduced my crashes to barely none by limiting my FPS to 85, this update makes me crash 80% of the time during the start flight

Wingman slower firerate also means you recover more spread between shots. It's actually more effective for most players now in ADS.

Peacekeeper can still be glitched for fire rate so bolt nerf is meaningless.
1) the wingman should be good for ads at medium range. The problem is in my opinion is that it's too op at close range. The firerate isn't enough to stop spamming next to the enemy which becomes worst with the ads spam glitch making every shot 100% accurate. If they want to fix it just put the fire rate more to the deagle it'll still be good but takes skill to master.

2) fuck the peacekeeper the fact people still think the shit show of a gun is even viable surprises me. The firerate was shit and still is. The gun as said before still glitches and the fact it's triggered when you swap weapons mid reload means when you pull it out again you got a guy right in your face. The main problem was the damage was too much and the accuracy was shit. Neither of them two were changed and most players just use the Eva cus it's 10x better

3) I had frame drops during the start of the particularly whilst using discords. And I only really crash at end game. The main problem is the server lag at the start where everyone goes slow. It's happened on about the matches during tournaments and when the tournies rules state you only have 50 mins to play matches you're kinda cucked.
posted about 5 years ago
#21 MONGI MODE goes extinct in News


posted about 5 years ago
#2 Discord bot for small community PUGs in Off Topic

hey that's pretty good

posted about 6 years ago
#13 TF2 and mental illness (VENT) in TF2 General Discussion

I feel your pain brudda

posted about 6 years ago
#31 The breaking of the fellowship in News


posted about 6 years ago
#4 Doomsday comp tf2 video in Videos

Thing is with this is that if Valve does put money into tournaments as they do for their other games it would be a huge waste of money. The problem is that the ranked matchmaking was a huge failure, tf2center which is supposed to be the hub for newer players gets around 200 players which for a competitive game is fuck all and Insomnia that is the main event gets barely any viewers and in other games, insomnia is seen as a low tier competition.

So with no interest in the game if they were to put the money in that would be a huge waste. Most international lans like for Dota and CS take into consideration how many people will be watching the event and the amount of advertisement and merchandise will be sold so that the prize pool and venue will still be profitable for Valve. If there is no initial interest in competitive TF2 putting that amount of money into their game is just stupid.

As much as I love TF2 and want to see the game thrive, Valve have done as much as they can to try and make it work but the fact remains that TF2 competitive is way too small of a community to make a full competitive scene out of.

In regards to the video, though compared to Doomsday's old videos and his somewhat recent Twitter posts, this is actually a really good discussion piece which is well produced.

posted about 6 years ago
#85 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
doing something immoral isn't suddenly moral when you do it to immoral people, you are not the police
why is this getting downvoted? he is telling some essential truth.

The post is not saying we shouldn't be banned for hate speech, we're saying that players are using false claims to try victimise them selves and ban members for no reason

posted about 6 years ago
#67 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
DoomsdayexeI have no idea where this post has actually gone, I'm pretty sure it's original intention has gone out of the window. What stuns me is the misinformation being spread. If you're going to accuse someone of sexism or homophobia, maybe don't accuse the notoriously leftist ''sjw'' LGBT+ TF2 Player.(though flight accusing ME of being homophobic was VERY funny). First time for everything, I guess.

I don't really understand the original intention of this post anyhow, it seems to be more people complaining that ''I did something wrong, now I'm being punished'' + some mega misinformation about myself (even though it isn't really relevant to the topic at hand).

The comment I was going to post last night, but held back on.

For the third time I wasn't calling you homophobic. You praised National being banned for the blue bunny champ video but then make a video on a serious topic.

posted about 6 years ago
#39 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
plunkFLIGHTmystlSyph, I honestly can't be bothered to explain to you how different those two things are.

And I'm not personally getting angry or offended, but I can still recognize that someone from the group the joke is about can find it offensive.
Both of these have been used to loose the effect of the insult like how the LGBTQ+ community has reclaimed the word queer. The fact is when someone of Jewish background uses jokes about the Holocaust it looses the stigma used for it.
? ? ?

Don't see how that's confusing but ok

posted about 6 years ago
#38 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
oyeadishsoaphey morons. if u dont want to be witch hunted, dont be/say anything that would make u seem Islamophobic, anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc.

problem solved have a good day. and remember, hate speech != free speech
nahh man they were being funny u just dont get it cause ure a special snowflake triggered sjw sorry

No one is saying hate speech is ok. We're saying high members of the community is using the new rules to feel victimised

posted about 6 years ago
#36 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
dishsoaphey morons. if u dont want to be witch hunted, dont be/say anything that would make u seem Islamophobic, anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc.

problem solved have a good day. and remember, hate speech != free speech

Did you read the post?

posted about 6 years ago
#32 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
mystlSyph, I honestly can't be bothered to explain to you how different those two things are.

And I'm not personally getting angry or offended, but I can still recognize that someone from the group the joke is about can find it offensive.

Both of these have been used to loose the effect of the insult like how the LGBTQ+ community has reclaimed the word queer. The fact is when someone of Jewish background uses jokes about the Holocaust it looses the stigma used for it.

posted about 6 years ago
#25 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster
FLIGHTlittle abit about doomsday when confronted about the situation he though it was Toco not Messy. After that we were banned from his Twitch.

Also can I add that Doomsday has harassed another Youtuber and called a Female streamer a slut for calling the game dead

There was also organised raids being planned in the stream apologies

posted about 6 years ago
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