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Last Posted December 9, 2024 at 4:52 PM
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#11 Space Exploration Vs. After Life Exploration in Off Topic

Entropy ain’t what is used to be.

posted 1 month ago
#22 Favorite part about Tf2's gameplay? in TF2 General Discussion

The friends you make along the way

Also sync bombing and dropping a med is a great feeling unmatched by any other game.

posted 5 months ago
#47 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityRhythmI don't think anyone that considers picking up young sanity is ever confused about what they are about to pick upI like to think I'm a great player(talking main wise),I've produced great results considering my 7 season stretch. People have a problem with the fact that I am a passionate player. I show my passion for the game and people get upset about that. If I am joining a team and I am told the team works hard and I see no one is working harm I'm going to be upset as anyone else would be. If any TL has a problem with that then they can take their offers and shove it up their ass I'm not going to join a team that doesn't work hard and not be angry at that fact.

I don’t think people have a problem with your passion. I think you’ll never have a good connection with any team because you come on tftv and treat it like your diary and a soapbox to blame others about why you’re not winning games. You can’t expect to be taken serious and also be categorically a meme in the tf2 competitive community. Having to defend yourself constantly just makes yourself seem like the problem. Be silent while you improve. .

posted 7 months ago
#42 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityKrakoshttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/887525541157175316/1246228720243445760/image.png?ex=665ba070&is=665a4ef0&hm=1ee21439e1b37eceed8d649abe2d2c539520bed3fce6483522a49d198dc8331a&=&format=webp&quality=losslessDid you show up to demo reviews? No
Weren't you the one who was always making a private vc after every single fucking scrim begging to get into the game and blaming me for every single loss?
If I could remember correctly weren't you the one who kept spamming winter to get playing time and then I showed ur bitch ass up every single time.
Don't even make me mention the fact jebediahtownhouseyahoocomPrime-Sanityyapbro stfuYou don't understand I had a roamer who refused to take the game seriously at all, refused to work on any flaws. NOR WATCH ANY OF THE DEMO REVIEWS HE MISSED.
A flank scout who doesn't know how to off class properly. Refused to go engie or sniper. Not show up for demos as well!
But yeah I'm the problem when my medic has three drops doesn't even wanna play the game because he wants to be on a fragging class. Who cares if he got done extremely wrong its Young Man no one cares. I got scape goated stats and evidence show that idk what to tell yall.

Do you think posting like this is a good advertisement for yourself as a prospective pick up for anyone lol.

posted 7 months ago
#22 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactyli just played 2 centers and both were semi stacked at least and the second had ppl someone constantly sniping on the other team (warning in chat that theyll get banned doesnt stop ppl)

you should just change the config to disallow offclasses lol its a lobby so who cares if u cant heavy engi on last, better that than aids offclassing to mid IMO (im sure theres a way to override the RGL or ugc or whatever configs people run the lobbies on)

also you might want to do more linebreaks / paragraphs in your posts if you want people to read thru them cause a big wall of text a lot of ppl just skim over

Ah I gotcha. I don't really post a lot so new waters, getting used to that. Too wordy. I'll keep it more brief. I looked at the logs of the lobbies you're speaking of and when you say constant sniping, there was one sniper in one lobby that registered about a minute of sniper gameplay and the other lobby had 2 snipers that accumulatively had about 57 seconds of sniping between them. I've only played a couple RGL pugs but unless I'm mistaken, is there any sort of disallowing the off-classing in those per game? The config stuff can be worked on as well.

*edit*Had a second thought about it and I realize there are some who do intentionally or unintentionally do the bug to bypass the auto detect cooldown, if that was the case then yes that's a big issue that needs to be addressed, and generally is policed by admins when playing pretty easy and when they do get reported via the discord ticket system its handled by anyone who gets to it first. Another thing that needs to be updated with the coding side of that, admittedly

posted 7 months ago
#20 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylstacking makes the site pretty awful a lot of the time but i do like that lobbies start up before scrim times usually and you can play *some* tf2 even if its not very high level

have to say tho, RGL open pugs seems strictly better (tf2mix/mixchamp basically, because of the auto picking, and actively developed even if still having flaws) and i feel like trying to get people to play there or in captain pugs is a better idea -- you can't all of the sudden change the culture for tf2center that's existed for like 10 years, the toxicity/stacking/people not comming/perma offclassing stuff will be pretty difficult to get rid of

people also have a bad taste of it in their mouths so avoid it, im sure tons of casual players tried it, had a bad experience and said nope not trying comp anymore

I agree with the stacking and culture point of view, and I'm not disillusioned to those things. It's something that I'm gearing towards mitigating actively. I only posted about Center because I happen to be an admin on the site as of the last year and some change, but played on it since 2013 so for the majority of time on site I've been on the side of the players dealing with all the problems we all know about, this post was more of an olive branch to show that the site's nature has changed from the top and I'm hoping it trickles down to the bottom as well. Better and active leadership with more transparency and availability to get issues resolved within minutes of it happening in just the last 6 months is such a stark difference in a tf2center experience compared to say the last 10 years of it. In no way am I trying to have some competition with the RGL pugs. If you're speaking on the culture of things; there's a lot of people who are afraid of even showing their name in a rgl pug because they feel like they're not good enough and at a moments notice they'll just get yelled at and made to feel absolutely out of place because the culture of RGL is more intense. It's the same reason why people don't associate tf2center as pugs even though they technically are. You hear pug you think of an in house group or now rgl pugs, you hear center and you get that its a different element. There's a market for both, but I can only speak to center as its own entity. There are things like the pick/ban system that I think we should also implement because its just a good idea in general, I think that any ideas pitched should be taken into consideration. I am trying to get more pressure on actually implementing things for the site like that, hopefully soon there will by some dynamic changes about it. As for now most of the toxic things get snuffed out pretty quickly because honestly people tattletale on others at a moments notice, you'd be surprised at how many tickets there are(that get handled quickly at that), the stacking is something that can be mitigated with advanced lobbies or other wise by an influx of more players causing the average skill ceiling to raise, and the offclassing thing is essentially gone from centers now, outside of last holds and quick forward spawn type plays. I'm not sure how long it's been since you've actually played on the site, but you should give it a shot and see what I mean next time you're just kicking around waiting on a scrim to start or something, I think you'd probably be pleasantly surprised at how most games end up being compared to what I'm sure was a shit show like most of center's lifetime has been.

posted 7 months ago
#17 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
conkerisdumbFacmaraudeRI think TF2Center would be more attractive to higher level players if a pick/ban system were implemented for maps and players. It's not really very satisfying to play a TF2Center lobby with randoms who "stack" teams based on lobbies played and hours. There's a reason that other pug services have had greater success in the last decade.
I agree with the sentiment, I think there’s something to the fact that center has stuck around since 2013 but it’s stagnant because it hasn’t really changed much. I will say i and a few others have been actively pitching ideas and trying to get some new concepts going in in house discussions. There’s just a couple set backs to get past as far as the coding of the site and stuff goes that has honestly just gone to the wayside due in part to being inconsistent with the efforts to get the said issues fixed. The if it ain’t broke don’t fix it mentality has just led to a stagnant laughing stock of a website to the majority of players whom the site SHOULD be targeted for, which I have a lot of interest in getting better. The mainstay of who runs the sites are all old and busy with real life, I personallyI work 7 days a week most of the time doing construction during the day and a lot of the head admins are EU, and the owner is kind of hard to get a hold of to deal with the brunt of the issues at hand and what recommendations that are given to be implemented. So while it’s been EASIERr to just watch the site fill with the same stacks of people 3 lobbies at a time, I’d like to work to change that. Pug groups have greater success short term but lack longevity. I want to meet in the middle of that and turn a familiar product into a great one.

Fac why don't you just talk to me and the other frequent players about changes. We understand that the website is showing its age, But I also think that we should not only focus on "higher level players" but mid - low as they are the life blood of this game. - Julien

While you’re not inherently wrong about that aspect, it also goes part and parcel with this whole thing that I’m going with. Where higher level players go, interest follows. I wouldn’t want to relegate either side to either non competitive boring games where new players get stomped all the time, and I wouldn’t want to the site to be strictly new players where the entire skill ceiling gets lowered on average. And I also do speak with newer players and hear what they say and ideas. I’m the one who came up with the idea of a survey for center changes in the recent past. Trying to make things better is my M.O. , with that being said, I’ve also played this game since 2009 on computer and I’ve known people in this game for 10-15 years. I’ve seen how these things play out and hopefully very soon, there will be changes that mitigate both of those issues. There’s all sorts of angles to be had to make things better and I’m hoping by showing some initiative I can get the momentum needed for that. It just takes the community to support the community.

posted 7 months ago
#15 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
maraudeRI think TF2Center would be more attractive to higher level players if a pick/ban system were implemented for maps and players. It's not really very satisfying to play a TF2Center lobby with randoms who "stack" teams based on lobbies played and hours. There's a reason that other pug services have had greater success in the last decade.

I agree with the sentiment, I think there’s something to the fact that center has stuck around since 2013 but it’s stagnant because it hasn’t really changed much. I will say i and a few others have been actively pitching ideas and trying to get some new concepts going in in house discussions. There’s just a couple set backs to get past as far as the coding of the site and stuff goes that has honestly just gone to the wayside due in part to being inconsistent with the efforts to get the said issues fixed. The if it ain’t broke don’t fix it mentality has just led to a stagnant laughing stock of a website to the majority of players whom the site SHOULD be targeted for, which I have a lot of interest in getting better. The mainstay of who runs the sites are all old and busy with real life, I personallyI work 7 days a week most of the time doing construction during the day and a lot of the head admins are EU, and the owner is kind of hard to get a hold of to deal with the brunt of the issues at hand and what recommendations that are given to be implemented. So while it’s been EASIERr to just watch the site fill with the same stacks of people 3 lobbies at a time, I’d like to work to change that. Pug groups have greater success short term but lack longevity. I want to meet in the middle of that and turn a familiar product into a great one.

posted 7 months ago
#13 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
MagikarpFacstab I started just finding people's center profiles and lifting the ridiculous like 1,000 year bans, with such reasons as "This is clearly what you wanted, so here you go" and other things akin to those lines of reasoning. I started finding people's center profiles by just finding their names on logs.tf and then going to their linked center profile from there. I know the sentiment for the site is kinda ass for the most part in 2024, but personally I'd like to try and get the site more on the up and up of more experienced and skilled players frequenting it. Personally I can only do so much, but I am more than willing to hear out anyone who has a suggestion and try and get things going with the brass of the site. The more influx in popularity the more reason to make the site better. If you have a silly or egregious ban that came from masternoob or otherwise from forever ago that came with an obviously stupid reason for even getting the ban in the first place, let me know.That's a lot of dedication to something that not many would do. Hopefully those people still happen to be roaming TFTV and see this so they can check if they've been unbanned. Bans that are deserved have a place to stay within a limit depending on the circumstance, but bans that are overkill will only hurt the community. NA competitive TF2 players and newcomers already has a finite number, and then a % will ever actually use TF2C. So every ban is further limiting the # of possible players.
We now have a discord with a reliable ticket system(ban/unban requests, tech support, cooldown issues for when the system bugs out, general questions, etc.) that has been tremendously helpful in dealing with problemsYou might want to edit your post and include the discord invite link.

TF2C may have a bad history, but it's functionality has always been decent, easy-to-use, and operable from a regular standpoint. Under Fac's direction and positive outlook, I think it's worth trying again. TF2C will only be as good as it's staff and players, and right now it needs players to really fulfill that.

Shoutout to Fac once again. For those that don't know, he's been around for over 10 years. His dedication to the game has always been strong, even during about more than half a decade he never had the hardware to run the game well and had multiple technical difficulties. In spite of this, he always kept trying and would come back, and when he finally did get some great hardware, his main commitment was to TF2. His passion for the game has always been unwavering.

Make no mistake I greatly appreciate the compliments, and I think that within the topic at hand it’s a great benefit for people to have a good public opinion of me because I am an authority on the website, I didn’t make this post to only get my ego stroked. I just don’t want this post to get lost in the shuffle, I’ve had people message me on discord directly to help which is perfectly fine, but if possible, post on this thread as well just to keep the flow going on trying to get some good ole fashioned tf2 lobbies going with maybe a little bit of a higher skill ceiling. Anyone want me to start putting some advanced lobbies up say the word. If they fill I can keep them going as much as the interest is there.

posted 7 months ago
#9 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldyou guys seriously need to remove the 10 lobbies requirement for medic

also lol

Unfortunately there’s not much I can do in regard to the med limit. But also check your account again.

posted 7 months ago
#5 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
MozzarellaFireFoxi hope you're getting paid for this fac, tf2center isn't worth dedicating this much brain space to.

Lol nah, but that’s fine with me, I spend my free time when I have it playing video games and I don’t have a lot of time to play serious mode anymore so I don’t mind managing and maintaining a decent setting for tf2center (NA side at least), also if this post gains any traction I’m sure there will be trolls or just general “toxic” responses but I’m indifferent to anything other than trying to address people’s issues so it’s all welcome as far as I’m concerned.

posted 8 months ago
#3 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion
MarioManzto change your name use the request form
to fix tf2center idk, requires alot of input from players to actively use the website

Yeah of course, that's mainly why I'm making a post. I know theres a ton of grief from the community over the years dealing with the site that a lot of people don't even bother to come to it or more often the ones with spite for the site are more often than not warranted to have those sentiments. I'd like to extend olive branches where I can, since I had no way to remedy issues prior to being an admin. I feel like the site has so much infrastructure already there that gets wasted for mainly trivial reasons. And I did the request form a few montths ago and never got any kinda response.

posted 8 months ago
#1 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion

So I was bored the other day and decided to just search for "tf2center" In the forum's search and I noticed quite a bit of people who were unjustly banned over multitudes of bullshit over the old guard of the site's leadership, so I started just finding people's center profiles and lifting the ridiculous like 1,000 year bans, with such reasons as "This is clearly what you wanted, so here you go" and other things akin to those lines of reasoning. I started finding people's center profiles by just finding their names on logs.tf and then going to their linked center profile from there. I know the sentiment for the site is kinda ass for the most part in 2024, but personally I'd like to try and get the site more on the up and up of more experienced and skilled players frequenting it. Personally I can only do so much, but I am more than willing to hear out anyone who has a suggestion and try and get things going with the brass of the site. The more influx in popularity the more reason to make the site better. If you have a silly or egregious ban that came from masternoob or otherwise from forever ago that came with an obviously stupid reason for even getting the ban in the first place, let me know. Where pug groups and even leagues have come and gone, tf2center has always stood the test of time, in the spirit of tf2lobby before it. I'm sure all the old head players like myself reminisce and miss those days. Maybe we can bolster the community to try and make it less of a group of like sub 50 players that frequent the site, Get some higher level players in and streamers to play in some advanced lobbies, etc. While there are still some kinks in the site, We now have a discord with a reliable ticket system(ban/unban requests, tech support, cooldown issues for when the system bugs out, general questions, etc.) *https://discord.tf2center.com * that has been tremendously helpful in dealing with problems as they arise as opposed to how most of you probably remember it from prior. Much more transparent leadership and at least for myself, more willing to being a helpful hand instead of being an ego tripping tyrant. Plan on no schizo posts on here from me anyways, only trying to get the site a little refresher and maybe some more access to decent games for when pugs are dry or get cliquey.

Also to whomever can, please change my name to just fac on tftv.

posted 8 months ago
#48 MAJOR TF2 update for 4/18/24 (Windows/Linux x64) in TF2 General Discussion

I was getting black screen on launch until I put the Vulkan command first in line in launch options.

posted 9 months ago
#11 new to comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
DukeNukemI wanna start competitive tf2, I have 1400 hours in tf2 and like tournaments and wanna try it. but don't know where to start I've heard about scrims but don't know how i should start. just looking for advice on this, thanks

If you choose to try out some center, I try my best to keep people in line with being dickheads for no reason to newer players. I’m easy to find so you can always hmu if you need help with the site.

posted 10 months ago
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