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Signed Up May 1, 2015
Last Posted March 11, 2021 at 9:23 PM
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#37 seriously? in TF2 General Discussion

How is this even allowed? Having a monopoly over casting a certain match by allowing no competition is fucking dumb. I don't want to play in a league that doesn't let the community participate outside of playing matches/scrims.

posted about 3 years ago
#20 FUNKe- What Team Fortress 2 NEEDS in Videos

Whenever Valve promises they will become more vocal, it's only for like a couple months. Or when they fuck up bad. I wish they had community representative who would post every month to answer questions or something.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 FUNKe- What Team Fortress 2 NEEDS in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Announcing - Highlander Season in Videos
WARHURYEAHCan't wait for the RGL 6v6 season. I'm sure it will happen soon :)

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Announcing - Highlander Season in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#37 Rocket Launcher Name in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#19 post profiles in Music, Movies, TV

50k+ boys pull up

What's the best quasimoto album? He's malib, I know that.

posted about 6 years ago
#1374 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

How do I disable demos starting every time I play a match?

Also, how do I disable advanced options for medic? It keeps booting with the same settings, even after I change them.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 did anyone else just see the prolander playoffs? in TF2 General Discussion
bro out here really psyching himself up

lmao true, perma banned before I said that comment though. For a short moment I was able to talk again.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 did anyone else just see the prolander playoffs? in TF2 General Discussion

Joined about halfway through. It was such a shitshow. Basically a joke. People were getting their comments deleted left and right, if they were at all negative about Prolander. Also I was chat banned. I heard someone else got banned from sigafoos chat once about making a small joke.

I don't hate Prolander; I actually think it's fun.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Are the Fists of Steel Still Viable? in TF2 General Discussion
SpupovSpuFirePOW10Sputhe -40% health from healers doesn't apply unless the weapon is out i'm pretty sure. it's still the best heavy meleeso the stats aren't correct? uhghghghghthe stats are correct. it's only while the weapon is active (you have it out)this was the case BEFORE the patch notes this guy is talking about. the new patch notes now means that it's at all timesno i dont. you can still have a 450 buff while holding out minigun

omg volvo pls fix ur stats

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Are the Fists of Steel Still Viable? in TF2 General Discussion

-40% health from healers on wearer

SpuFirePOW10Sputhe -40% health from healers doesn't apply unless the weapon is out i'm pretty sure. it's still the best heavy meleeso the stats aren't correct? uhghghghghthe stats are correct. it's only while the weapon is active (you have it out)


posted about 6 years ago
#5 Are the Fists of Steel Still Viable? in TF2 General Discussion
Sputhe -40% health from healers doesn't apply unless the weapon is out i'm pretty sure. it's still the best heavy melee

so the stats aren't correct? uhghghghgh

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Are the Fists of Steel Still Viable? in TF2 General Discussion
Fixed the "-40% health from healers" penalty on The Fists of Steel (it wasn't active)

The stats are as follows:

-40% damage from ranged sources while active
+100% damage from melee sources while active
This weapon holsters 100% slower
-40% maximum overheal on wearer
-40% health from healers on wearer

They fixed the 40% health from healers, but I'm not sure if the -40% is accurate. Maybe, I haven't played in a while.

So are the Fists of Steel still viable?

posted about 6 years ago
#26 Competitive Matchmaking Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
morwannegI really do wonder why they decided to make a system entirely from scratch when the TF2 competitive scene has been playing 6s for nearly 10 years. Matchmaking would've been so much better implemented if anyone on the TF2 Dev team has even played a single season of UGC iron or some TF2Cancer lobbies. The entire thing just plays like what happens when you let your average r/TF2 poster who hates the "stale 6s meta" despite never having played or even watched 6s make a competitive game mode for TF2. It's really sad.

I actually really like TF2Center. It's fun when you get to know the regulars. It feels like a family sort of. Specifically HL.

posted about 6 years ago
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