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Signed Up June 18, 2012
Last Posted October 31, 2021 at 7:18 AM
Posts 1587 (0.3 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 105
#6 the robot test in Off Topic


some of these questions made me feel like a deviant????????

posted about 5 years ago
#62 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV

i mean i think in reference to the comics

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bucky usually is well received more than falcon as cap, idk i think it could have gone either way but it felt off the way they presented it in the movie lol
posted about 5 years ago
#40 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV
truktrukThis movie is a huge fan service fiesta. As someone who is only mildly interested in the MCU I found it to be boring as all hell. There's no nuance or tension, everything happens exactly how you'd expect it to with a metric ton of verbal exposition. The parts that stood out the most to me were the Fortnite, Audi, and Ben and Jerry's adverts.

yeah i don't think i'd recommend endgame to people that haven't seen at least half of the MCU since 2008 lol

all of the real action is in the last 30 mins of the movie or so and the first half of the movie is just showing everyone being depressed from the aftermath of infinity war

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV
YohnJust watched it. Was a good film, the ending was nice enough after the many years we’ve been watching the marvel cinematic universe. The captain America ending was one of the highlights of the film for me; glad he got the ending Cap deserved. But I can’t help but feel, just a bit disappointed. For one, I completely hate the way they changed Thor. In IW he was built up to be this absolute one-man-army destroying machine. Then this? Please. Again, same with Thanos. In the previous avengers film, he’s just an outstanding villain, an absolute brute and the biggest alpha male, period. Then they make his character go full emo mode and honestly a bit underwhelming. Yes he kicks some ass later, but not enough ass. I appreciate the Easter eggs through out the film, and seeing fan favourite characters again like Korg and Groot. The end battle scene was fun, a bit messy perhaps but still enjoyable. Classic avengers style. 2 big fuck-off armies with the heroes thrown in the mix.
Yeah, pretty good film. For me Infinity War is the much better film of the two. End Game just didn’t have me on the edge of my seat like IW did. Apologies if you disagree, this is just one man’s opinion.

My take on these changes:

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I don't think they really changed Thor, after he kills Thanos it's more or less an empty victory because half of the universe have been dead for 5 years, and he felt personally responsible because he had the chance to initially kill Thanos if he "just went for the head". He's a fallen hero that has lost his willpower

I don't think Thanos' character is really different either, his entire purpose in life was to balance the Universe, and he accomplished it. He was practically done fighting, he served his purpose and basically in his mind he made it so no one could reverse it.
If you're talking about later in the movie about 2014 Thanos, then he never really fought his own battles, it was only after Age of Ultron where he says he'll do it himself (2015 movie). It's why he's still passive during the final battle, it was only after Ultron & Ronan & Loki failed that he decided to take matters into his own hands.
posted about 5 years ago
#16 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV

whatever you do, do NOT look up josh brolin's instagram account

posted about 5 years ago
#71 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

sad day

posted about 5 years ago
#22 wats ur favorite jojo stand in Off Topic
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bohemian rhapsody

idk how they're going to animate that fight if they plan to do stone ocean lmfao

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Borderlands 3 trailer in Other Games

i'm so conflicted about borderlands 3 because i absolutely despise randy pitchford, but i really want to play it

posted about 5 years ago
#191 Apex Legends in Other Games

what fixes crashes for me is updating my nvidia drivers to the current patch and then repairing the game files under that gear wheel thing on the launcher

i've crashed maybe 5 times total and doing that fixes it for an incredibly long time

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Pre-TFTV in Q/A Help

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posted about 6 years ago
#24 Smash Ultimate in Other Games

i've been having so much fun with the gimmick spirit modes and world of light that i haven't tried the actual game yet, heard online is a clown fiesta though because apparently in elite smash even if you're searching for 1v1 no items you get thrown into random teams with items quite often

posted about 6 years ago
#114 favorite team you've ever played for? in TF2 General Discussion

honestly it might be the first team i was on which was a pugscrim team lmao

team what !

i just remember having so much fun playing teams like mMm (Muscle Milk and Moolians) with all of them offclassing and we're just these puggers having a hilarious time in mumble

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Tip of the Hats 2018 in TF2 General Discussion

is anyone going to upload the jump movies for download? they were so good, i don't want them to be lost to the vod void because of the audio :(

posted about 6 years ago
#125 Weirdest People You've Encountered in Off Topic

a classmate used to stalk me in high school and drew guro art of girls all the time
he used to ask me to lend him usb drives for a bit since he also went to the same arcades as me (and it had custom usb things) and he'd return it with art he drew
i think it was at the time when 4chan was first becoming popular, because i remember him always explaining memes to me

it really weirded me out, and i had a friend run into him and he called me the weird one lmao

posted about 6 years ago
#242 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

it's really easy to not be racist or cruel

i honestly have no idea why it's such a hard concept to grasp that it's sometimes better to not say anything at all over expecting everyone has the same humor/viewpoint of you, that's like the definition of a bigot

i have always wondered if tf2 just roped in a lot more sociopaths than other games, because i've been a part of so many different gaming communities and it's a bit silly how such a small community can have so many people attack others for their race, sexual orientation, or even gender

posted about 6 years ago
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