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SteamID64 76561198008330521
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Country United States
Signed Up June 29, 2014
Last Posted December 18, 2015 at 5:44 PM
Posts 64 (0 per day)
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#5 Krocket LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

great gamer, has excellent DM

Could make a bubble team a contender no doubt

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Young Hunters SC looking for dedicated IM backups in Recruitment (looking for players)

Luc is the biggest sweetheart in esea, helped my team a lot and is extremely dedicated

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Scruff McGruff LFT High Open/Low IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

the team with scruff finishes top 3 in open this season, calling it

posted about 9 years ago
#8 FrankenBerry lf mid Open roamer-medic in Recruitment (looking for team)
BurningHeavyHas a habbit of thinking he's harbleu when he isn't. Has cut back on the stupid tho, and lands his shots. Better med then soldier. Won't carry your team but won't bring em down either. Good attitude, never misses scrims (and on the rare chance that he does he'll let you know a head of time and will likely send you to a sub when he does). Coms are a tich infrequent but not bad. It's not in his blood but he can play pocket in a pinch if needed. Can't roll out but if you're desperate he can play demo and there are worse scouts. Wants to play sniper all the time and to be fair, he frequently hits something. Again, good pickup, should be a solid starter.

Well I got the burning heavy co-sign when will the invite tryouts roll in?

posted about 9 years ago
#2 FrankenBerry lf mid Open roamer-medic in Recruitment (looking for team)


still looking

posted about 9 years ago
#73 Team Leading Incentives (If You're LFT READ THIS) in TF2 General Discussion

looking for med and roamer maybe pocket hit me up

posted about 9 years ago
#15 High Open Team LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

gl this season

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Medic Looking for Low Open Team in Recruitment (looking for team)

Someone has to be the worst med in open, and why not burningheavy?

new team from ugc coming over and looking for a med? give him a tryout at least

in the past he has had terrible attitude problems, I even kicked him off my team mid season once, but I have played with him a bit recently and he has seriously chilled out. and he doesnt do shit so hes always available for scrims and demo reviews

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Introducing... TF2 Soccer PUGs! in TF2 General Discussion

the timing interferes with jdawgs bball tournaments so i'm going to have a tough choice on how to spend my time

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Favourite Vegetables? in Off Topic

They are all delicious but I can never bring myself to eat the wheelchair too, anyone feel the need to peel the wheelchairs off before cooking

posted about 9 years ago
#1 FrankenBerry lf mid Open roamer-medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

add me for tryouts, I can pay up right away

played on Mad Luxurious light for a season and a half in esea-O

a bunch of ugc stuff prior

posted about 9 years ago
#25 So I went onto UGC today...... in TF2 General Discussion
Sheepylol The thread on UGC also has m4risa who most people know as a transvestite

i'm pretty sure she is transsexual which is totally different than transvestite

posted about 9 years ago
#5 LFP open scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

played with pokemon in s18 and he has came along way, also played with these gamers last night and although they are a bit young (all highschool age I think, correct me if im wrong) they are still mature when it comes to scrims and they take it seriously.

All in all a chill bunch

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Franken Berry lf s20 sub medic - soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

Accidental hit quote instead of edit

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Franken Berry lf s20 sub medic - soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 9 years ago
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