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SteamID64 76561198089423657
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Country United States
Signed Up September 10, 2016
Last Posted October 6, 2017 at 6:55 PM
Posts 21 (0 per day)
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1 2
#121 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion

People who refuse to communicate that then complain because I can't make good decisions as main caller. Like I don't understand how hard it is for you to press a key and say where you are or where other shit is. Make my life easier and my calls better.

If your trying to go behind and manage to, GREAT, just fucking tell me so I don't see you in the kill feed right before we start to push.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 What instrument do you want to learn to play? in Off Topic

Marching tenor drums

posted about 7 years ago
#2 How to remove the buffed hp animation. in Q/A Help

It is probably better to post that question here instead of making a new thread entirely.

posted about 7 years ago
#301 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsDoes your max performance config contain the option mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 1?

It does have this and I am also using the 4.1.0 release

posted about 7 years ago
#297 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I just updated to the latest version of your config, and for whatever reason the max performance crashes my game. The maxframes version of your previous config does not do this. I need help

posted about 7 years ago
#4 who else thought the pyro update would be today in TF2 General Discussion

What led you to think it would be today of all days?

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Discord Overlay in Q/A Help

Or just don't use overlays

posted about 7 years ago
#22 LFT murkscribe in Recruitment (looking for team)

My experience with murk as a player was in s23, and I must say, he has come a long way since then. His DM has improved quite a bit and his gamesense has improved more. He is a nice gamer and at least deserves a tryout.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 I want to highlight the issues TF2 IS facing in TF2 General Discussion
if I was to redesign the class i'd bring it all the way down to two you know to see who really can aim and who is just clicking down the mouse whilst holding w and accidentally getting kills
The gunboats soldier is the meta - pocket or roamer - and too often we see a soldier lose a fight (notably to scout) due to running out of rockets not due to the scout skill
proposed changes is to give the pipe launchers an option to turn into sticky bombs so if you miss a direct and it becomes a rolly you click mouse 2 and they turn into a stickybomb freezing in place and will explode like you would usually detonate a sticky but the twist is that they do critical damage if a scout walks over them.

Somebody doesn't like the scout class...

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Spamming viewmodels on and off script in Customization

I used to do this a long time ago. I had a toggle set to mouse5. I'm actually glad I unbound it lmao.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 S25 LFP Scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

Shitting up your own LFP thread is going to get you any players really interested in trying out for your team...

posted about 7 years ago
#28 Oppebo LFT s25 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Chill gamer with good dm

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Are there any pug groups that aren't dead? in TF2 General Discussion

I have been wanting to pug lately, but I haven't found any NA pug groups that aren't dead.

posted about 7 years ago
#282 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help
YeeHawFreedeerfCan we step back from the crossbow for a second and look at how stupid the market gardener is?

Why should a soldier be granted a pick for swinging once? If you have a soldier flying right towards your med, there is not much to do unless you have scouts. It is either hitting a nut airshot or watching your med get picked.

Shit is fucked.

Well there's your problem, its the same as a normal soldier bomb but it has even less chance of working.

Based on playing the no xbow cup, I think it should be banned next season. I'm just a scout though, did any sollies/demos/medics have any problem with it?

This should have never worked, but it did. A soldier who's life should have been worthless on the mid after he shot his fourth rocket got a very favorable early pick.

posted about 7 years ago
#235 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help

Can we step back from the crossbow for a second and look at how stupid the market gardener is?

Why should a soldier be granted a pick for swinging once? If you have a soldier flying right towards your med, there is not much to do unless you have scouts. It is either hitting a nut airshot or watching your med get picked.

Shit is fucked.

posted about 7 years ago
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