Having done some further measurements, I'm pretty sure zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.793471 is correct.
According to the link trippa posted, in CS:GO at zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1 (equivalent to zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 in TF2) the distance the mouse needs to be moved to move the crosshair from the middle to the left or right edge of the screen at 4:3 is the same when scoped and unscoped.
Having just checked this, the same is true in TF2 at zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.
This is only true at 4:3 - the game does not compensate for different aspect ratios.
With this information, the following formula can be derived:
zoom_sensitivity_ratio = (unscoped FOV / scoped FOV) * tan (scoped FOV / 2) * cot (unscoped FOV / 2)
At fov_desired 90 and with a scoped FOV of 20 (the value used in TF2), this gives zoom_sensitivity_ratio = 0.793471.
This formula is the same as the one used in the CS:GO thread, the final answer is different because the zoomed FOV for the CS:GO AWP (40 and 10 degrees depending on zoom level, according to the internet) is not the same as for the TF2 sniper rifle (20 degrees).
Additionally, with the scope overlay removed, scoped FOV scales with aspect ratio in the same way as unscoped FOV (vertical FOV is constant, horizontal FOV increases as aspect ratio increases). A combination of this and TF2 ignoring aspect ratio when calculating scoped sensitivity means that the correct value of zoom_sensitivity_ratio is independent of aspect ratio.