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Signed Up August 6, 2016
Last Posted December 31, 2018 at 1:18 PM
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#1 Active EU dmix groups in TF2 General Discussion

Are there any active EU dmix groups? I just came back after a break and want to play video games.

I am of Open skill.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Internet Issues in Hardware

Do you have other people using your connection?

Flashing a router to LEDE and using Cake traffic shaping like suggested in this thread made my internet considerably less awful when my flatmates are using it.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 Essentials.TF Labs: 133 Tickrate training servers in TF2 General Discussion
mastercomsWith such high rates being used anyway for this server, I don't think compression even has any sort of case to be used.

I'm not sure what your logic is here. If compression reduces the average packet size to X% of what it was originally, only X% of the original bandwidth will be used. This saving will apply regardless of the rate packets are being sent at.

mastercomsFreudmastercomsOn clients:
cl_updaterate 132
cl_cmdrate 132


I don't know, but that's the update/cmdrate they chose
TwiiKuuClient cvars updaterate and cmdrate are forced to 133



mastercomsI don't know, but that's the update/cmdrate they chose, so I decided not to mess with that.mastercomsI prefer cl_interp 0, but since they recommended it and there isn't any difference (besides servers rules), I just put it again.

Can't think of a good way of phrasing this, but I don't think you should be giving out advice based on justification this weak.

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Essentials.TF Labs: 133 Tickrate training servers in TF2 General Discussion
TwiiKuu133 TickrateWolfMachina, mastercomscl_updaterate 132
cl_cmdrate 132


WolfMachina, mastercomscl_interp 0.0001

Why not just cl_interp 0? I don't see anything special about the value 0.0001, so it'll just clamp to 1/cl_updaterate either way.

mastercomsI would recommend setting this on clients and on the server:
net_compresspackets 0

This sounds like it will increase network usage, which will presumably already be pretty high seeing as the server is 133 tick. Can't speak for everyone but my internet isn't great so I'd prefer if this were avoided.

posted about 7 years ago
#917 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsFreudWhat is the logic in setting net_splitpacket_maxrate exactly 1 higher than rate?It's how the rate is calculated for splitpackets.

Could you elaborate on this?

mastercomsFreudWhat effect does nb_shadow_dist have on gameplay and performance? Does it have any effect if you set r_shadows 0? Also, the Valve developer wiki article on NextBot states that it is an AI system - how does it relate to shadows?Presumably it's for MvM and TFBots, but I'm not entirely sure.

What is the logic in setting it to 200 in comfig.cfg and 0 in maxperformance.cfg?

Also, I'll just comment that I always saw the bug where cl_particle_batch_mode 2 doesn't draw flames as a positive, as it means that I can actually see when being attacked by pyros.

posted about 7 years ago
#912 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Does cl_particle_batch_mode 2 improve performance? What are the bugs with it?

Does mat_reducefillrate 1 use more CPU? Does it reduce performance for good graphics cards? Trying to work out why it was moved to igpu.cfg.

What is the logic in setting net_splitpacket_maxrate exactly 1 higher than rate?

What effect does nb_shadow_dist have on gameplay and performance? Does it have any effect if you set r_shadows 0?
Also, the Valve developer wiki article on NextBot states that it is an AI system - how does it relate to shadows?

comfig.cfgcl_fasttempentcollision 20 // Check every 20 frames for collisions on syringes, shell ejection, blood,
// and some other effects

Could this be set to some extremely large value (ie cl_fasttempentcollision 10000) to effectively disable checking for such collisions? Would this improve performance?

comfig.cfgrope_solid_minwidth 0.1 // Skip drawing ropes if they are not large enough on screen

Could this be set to some extremely large value (ie rope_solid_minwidth 10000) to effectively disable drawing ropes? Would this improve performance? Would this have any effect if you set rope_rendersolid 0?

Finally, does snd_cull_duplicates 1 improve performance on good CPUs? Does it have a large effect on sound quality? Interested in why it was moved to stripped.cfg.

posted about 7 years ago
#863 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsFreudtf_enable_glows_after_respawn 0Already disabled with glow_outline_effect_enable 0.

Just checked this - the outline around players is disabled with glow_outline_effect_enable 0, but the game still draws teammates health and name above their head's unless you set tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 0. Don't know how much of a performance benefit you get from this but it seems like it might do something.

posted about 7 years ago
#847 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsSnapshot rate can't be a decimal

Why can server tickrate be a decimal but snapshot rate can't?

posted about 7 years ago
#845 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsYou can only send a max of 66 snapshots every second

Though you may be right about this,

mastercomssince it's impossible to send 2/3 of a snapshot

This seems like weak justification. If the game did networking at a rate of 66.7 then it wouldn't send 66 whole packets and a single 2/3 of a packet every second, it would send 200 whole packets every 3 seconds. You could use the same logic to say that it's impossible for the server to have tickrate 66.7, as it can't do 2/3 of a tick - this reasoning is clearly invalid, as the sever does have tickrate 66.7.

Also, just to be totally clear, what should I set net_compresspackets to to minimise network usage?

Edit: Comments in comfig.cfg seem to suggest that net_compresspackets_minsize 0 would also reduce network usage. Is this the case? It would also be good to know if there are other settings I could use to reduce network usage further.

posted about 7 years ago
#836 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsFreudAlso, is the tickrate in TF2 66 or 66.66...? (ie, is the minimum interp I should use 0.01515... or 0.015?) Again, I recall reading differing advice on this.
TF2's tickrate is 66. So, if you have cl_interp_ratio set to 1, and cl_updaterate set to the max of 66, you'll get a cl_interp of 0.01515151515.

From console when creating local server:

SV_ActivateServer: setting tickrate to 66.7

Are you sure the tickrate is 66? This seems strange if that is the case.

comfig.cfgnet_compresspackets 0 // Remove CPU load from network packet compression
//net_compresspackets 1 // Compress packets on weaker CPUs or on <2.4Mbps stable upload

Two things:

  • The comments here seem unclear. net_compresspackets 0 removes CPU load from packet compression, yet you recommend net_compresspackets 1 for weaker CPUs?
  • You seem to be using settings that reduce CPU load at the cost of increasing network usage? (Again, the comments are a bit unclear.) Are there settings that could be used to do the opposite - reduce network usage possibly at the cost of increased CPU load?
posted about 7 years ago
#7 how do i bind all jumps to be crouchjumps? in Customization

Just for the sake of discussion:

Mirelin2) Using a jump/crouch script. Is a mandatory. Since you are a medic, you have to move and jump all the time. If you jump and move, it’s harder to kill you. If you want to do a rocket jump, you have to crouch while in the jump in order to fly away for a good range. If you press only space instead of space+ctrl, that means you have more time to focus on better things during healing; which is very helpful. 1 finger = less effort, more time to pressure on other things. 2 fingers = more effort, less time to pressure on other things.

Some people claim that they don’t even need to think in order to press space + ctrl for a solid rocket or sticky jump. Never listen to them; they are nerds. (Mainly talking about medics) Imagine, you are just going somewhere and you don’t have crouch + jump script. You are safe and nothing is about to jump on you. You are jumping, but it will be very lazy for you to spam that ‘’ctrl’’ button on your keyboard several times, in order to make your hitbox change in the air. And now, BANG. A solly comes out behind you, trying to get over your sexy butt. If you just jump, you won’t fly away too far, because you only jumped, without crouching. But if you have jump/crouch script, you will fly very far away. Something like that :D.

From this thread

posted about 7 years ago
#760 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Should any of these be in maxperformance.cfg? Comments in comfig.cfg seem to suggest they might improve fps

r_renderoverlayfragment 0
r_maxmodeldecal 0
cl_phys_props_max 0

Also, you don't mention whether these commands would help, but intuition suggests they might

r_shadowmaxrendered 0
tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 0
tf_playergib 0
posted about 7 years ago
#648 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Should interp always be an exact multiple of (1 / rate)? I remember reading (I think in Felik's config?) that 0.02 was a good value, which seems to contradict your and Comanglia's configs.

Also, is the tickrate in TF2 66 or 66.66...? (ie, is the minimum interp I should use 0.01515... or 0.015?) Again, I recall reading differing advice on this.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 How to Choose Modem in Hardware

I'm planning on getting a TP-Link AC1750 router and flashing it to LEDE to do traffic shaping as suggested in this thread. However, the router my ISP (Sky) provided is rubbish / locked down and doesn't support bridge mode, so I'll need to buy a new modem.

I've been struggling to find information on modems, so I'm unsure how to choose one that is good and works with my connection.

Does anyone have any advice / recommendations? Speed is about 15 Mb/s down, 0.6 Mb/s up (shared between five people :/) and ISP is Sky.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Shared home internet without lag and ping spikes in Off Topic
ArieCorrect. Or you could buy a wifi router that's flashable to LEDE like thee TP-Link Archer C7. You'll still need a modem though.

Would you recommend any particular modem? Connection is about 15 Mb/s down, 0.6 Mb/s up; ISP is Sky.

Sorry for sidetracking thread, am pretty clueless about this stuff.

posted about 7 years ago
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