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Last Posted March 30, 2017 at 10:30 AM
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#883 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

We could also just move to 5v5.

posted about 10 years ago
#880 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

One change that was suggested about 15 pages ago and wasn't sufficiently responded to was that Valve could change it from damage to blast radius (possibly with a damage nerf).
This makes it so that sticky sniping is more challenging but is just as rewarding.

What are people's thoughts on that?

posted about 10 years ago
#785 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
Handcuffedi think seagull's idea of unlocking everything (even class limits) makes sense with this change.RikachuYes multiple demos running around

Everything. All items. Short circuit is a thing.

posted about 10 years ago
#708 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
sky_SirPatAfter playing a scrim with this I'm quitting tf2. Its been funTwitchI just played a scrim and a match like this with my team. How the fuck can anyone think this is not a complete destruction of 6s?
adjust your playstyle. I actually had more fun last night as pocket with this nerf. It's just annoying that kritz plays aren't gonna be used as much in the game's current state.

You might be having more fun as pocket because you're getting more heals because the demo isn't doing anything.

posted about 10 years ago
#626 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

Just to be clear, what is the status of the new items in ESEA? CEVO?

posted about 10 years ago
#478 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

You have to run the sticky launcher to mid because it's so good. Then, once mid is capped and you're holding 2, teams are more hesitant to push since they lack the offensive capability of before to push through the enemy defenses. Instead, since the sticky launcher can't be used offensively, it has to be used defensively. Therefore, we just sit there and stare at each other.

Now replace sticky launcher with quick-fix.

posted about 10 years ago
#125 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

Congratu-fucking-lations, this is actually the worst update in the history of the game.


posted about 10 years ago
#50 New weapons in TF2 General Discussion

The classic can headshot while unscoped...

oh god the incoming shitlord fragmovies

360 noscope wheee

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Every Map Is A Soldier Map in Videos
Linked VideoWall pogo is boring
posted about 10 years ago
#8 Love and War Update Day 1 in TF2 General Discussion
SchyligeKairuPosted this in the other thread yesterday, can't guarantee validity or anything, but someone digging through files found a back_headshot command which works only for tf_weapon_scout_pistol_secondary (the Scout pistol unlocks): shots from behind that hit the head are crits. So its possible it may be some sort of pseudo-amby for the scout.

Source of the claims.

Interested in seeing how this will play out, considering the random spray of the pistol besides the first shot..

Probably just going to be similar to the ambassador: can only crit on the first shot in a burst, shorter time for it to go back to normal accuracy. They might also turn down the fire rate as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 L F T I M S C O U T in Recruitment (looking for team)

I think this has a million -frags because the title looks dumb and the post contains little to no info about the player.

(Never played with or against supreme, no comment on his abilities.)

posted about 10 years ago
#6 TFTV/Twitch Invitational - Group Stage - Round 1 in Events
hanbroloxalox demo for mixup for this?

I think plat's demoing at lan with seagull roaming, but seagull has exams so he can't play yet.

I might be totally off on that though. Just what I recall from all the older drama threads.

posted about 10 years ago
#35 Runescape in Other Games

Tf2 players getting interested in runescape?
Panic sell Seismic Wand.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Runescape in Other Games
sky_Didn't rs go to shit like 6-7 years ago.

I think the issue was that one CEO who was described as saying "blah blah members blah members members blah".
AFAIK his replacement places much less emphasis on membership, plus there have been a bunch of good updates.
Don't quote me on anything here because I haven't played in years.

posted about 10 years ago
#131 TF2 Legacy videos in Videos

No clip of numlocked getting facestabbed by an ubered spy for the last clip of his video? I am disappoint.

In all seriousness though, keep up the good work.

posted about 10 years ago
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