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Last Posted March 30, 2017 at 10:30 AM
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#79 TF2 Legacy videos in Videos
Jarrett000I'd really recommend alfa since he's played (almost?) every class in Invite, could get a lot of variety in a video of him.

IIRC he only played soldier during and before S9, which is before what is available, but I think he's played everything else.

posted about 10 years ago
#159 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowPeople use Chargin' Targe in 6s, so the reason for banning Splendid Screen is because it is a stronger Chargin' Targe, used in a different way.

The targe is good because of the damage resistances.

The actual charging part is just gravy and lets you get to mid at a time that isn't unreasonable.

posted about 10 years ago
#156 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


I agree with you on almost every unbanning. Only exceptions are conch and FJ, and somewhat the phlog. (As was pointed out earlier, you can use the mmmph to have absurd damage resistance on gully last and survive all the sticks on point. The bazaar bargain should also remain banned because apparently that's glitched. If you hit a headshot, any subsequent bodyshots up the counter).

However, I disagree with you on every banning (save maybe MtM, where I don't have a preference).

The splendid screen is fine. You're losing stickies. Sure, you can use it for a gimmicky play, but your team will be worse off.

As you pointed out, pyro with the axtinguisher is allowed, so there's no reason to ban the bushwacka.

RTR is almost entirely irrelevant. I actually think it might be a downgrade to regular sapper, since in the extremely rare scenario that it matters, the extra damage from the sapper is usually enough to kill a gun with 2 rockets.

YER is fine being legal. How are you going to get a pick with it? DR? People will call you out. It's 6s. Regular watch? You're even easier to spot than a regular player.

posted about 10 years ago
#33 we have a new player in the game in TF2 General Discussion
nickplusyo im actually confused
in the second pastebin hes talkin about dodging lan and making them take 4th place
Whats that about and where'd that spark up?

See lines 26 and 27 of the first pastebin (

posted about 10 years ago
#147 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
4812622mage24365Spycicle: Straight upgrade and silent back kill. Why?Comms are a thing. I'd actually say it's worse because most of the time you'd run a spy is when pushing last, which means there's a decent chance of them having a pyro. If they do have one, I'd rather have stock knife so I don't randomly lose it when going for a pick. If not, the abilities are literally irrelevant.
Eh. Pyros are run when one team has huge uber advantage and the other needs to stall uber. Spies are run when both teams are even ubers and someone sacs and goes spy. I don't think that melting knives will be a factor in 6s.

You sometimes see pyro on even ubers on gully and badlands, simply because it's so good on those two lasts.

posted about 10 years ago
#135 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
clorgPersian Persuader: This weapon is amazing. All demos will switch to it while holding last because there's no reason not to, you get a free health pickup+the resupply gives you your ammo back. Also rewards demos being roamer crazy and diving for picks without dying cause of the amount of health you can pick back up from dropped weapons etc.

The reason not to is that you have to go back to spawn on the push-out. You also only get 20(?) health from a weapon drop. It's not much.

Eureka Effect: Engineer puts himself out of position to set up a dumb sentry/teleporter spot then goes back to spawn by pressing right-click. Yeah, no thanks.

Then you destroy the sentry/teleporter. That, or you kill the engineer since the taunt takes time. It'd be unused except for granary (and maybe metalworks but there are multiple viable spots for a gun there so probably not), and even then it wouldn't be that much of an upgrade.

Diamondback: Already discussed, getting kills and turning them into 102 crits is stupid strong.

It's strong, sure, but you need to be literally point-blank to 3-shot a med without crits, and you need to get a kill on spy and not instantly die for the ability to be relevant at all.

Enforcer: Everyone would be using this and run around with spy kritz because it's amazing.

It's not a kritz thing, it's more of a "this gun just gives you bonus damage for no reason" thing. Also, it's so stupid it's banned in HL, so take that how you will.

Spycicle: Straight upgrade and silent back kill. Why?

Comms are a thing. I'd actually say it's worse because most of the time you'd run a spy is when pushing last, which means there's a decent chance of them having a pyro. If they do have one, I'd rather have stock knife so I don't randomly lose it when going for a pick. If not, the abilities are literally irrelevant.

Powerjack: Promotes annoying pyros to be even more annoying! Get to mid as medic and a pyro is air blasting you into a wall while the enemy demo stickies you and roamer jumps you. Who wouldn't run this weapon anyways, for axtinguisher or what? Terrible idea.

If you're running pyro to mid, you're gonna get destroyed by scouts. Not a whole lot to say here. How is this hypothetical pyro teleporting in front of the medic?

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I would like to point out that the Holiday Punch is currently unbanned in UGC HL because if you manage to flank their uber as heavy then you deserve to stun them. Also, the radius for the holiday punch stun is about 90 degrees, rather than the full 180 for a spy backstab.

Say the HP does get unbanned. Does the viability of heavy increase at all? No. Will you try to go for HP stuns when they push in with uber? No, unless they're complete morons and turn their backs to the heavy that they should be focusing. If by some miracle you manage to stun an uber, you deserve it and have a great moment. In other words, worst case scenario, it doesn't hurt the game at all.

On a somewhat related note, what exactly is causing the phlogistinator to be banned? Where would it be used? You're still a pyro and have all the weaknesses, except now you just die to soldiers and demos because you lack airblast. You can't stop an uber. Please, give me a map and a scenario where you should run the phlog.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 b-ball in TF2 General Discussion
StevokenivoHardingoWhen do you plan on starting this B-ball tourney?
ideally the 28-30 of this month

Just saying, LAN's that weekend; might want to pick another one so you actually get viewers.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Pyro/sniper LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)
LazarusI am familiar with the competitive scene of tf2 as I have scrimmaged against other team.
There's nothing wrong with starting competitive early...

maybe so, but its going to be hard for him to find a team with only 135 hours over all on tf2

but maybe hes the best ever and i am squandering the beginning of his career as a professional e sport athlete

You can make a low div6/iron HL team with a bunch of people with little to no experience, and it still helps you improve a lot.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 koth_maple_ridge in Map Discussion

To go with the ridiculous abundance of metal, this is a spot:

It can only really be spammed from close to house. Just add nobuild to the stem or remove the pumpkin, preferably the latter out of symmetry.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Pyro/sniper LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Try there.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Help with bots on new servers in Q/A Help

Try tf_bot_kick all.

EDIT: Also try looking through listenserver.cfg for anything strange.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Is the Loose Cannon worth the practice? in TF2 General Discussion
TheFragileI'm not sure what the max possible damage is on a double donk, but I've definitely went from 150 to less than 5 from just a double donk. Sad times for medics.

It's 153, for the record.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 the legend of darn in Videos

That's all I ever think of when I think of Darn.

Disrespect and drunkenness.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 triggerbotter streaming right now in TF2 General Discussion
MuselkOk, so I havnt really seen a triggerbot before, but from what I understand it just automatically shoots the gun when you swipe over someone yeah?

Dont take this as me defending him, because I 100% agree he is hacking, and clearly a bunch of people who know more about it think so too, but there are some parts where he swipes over someone and it doesnt shoot (usually when he was at a decent distance). So does that mean its just toggleable? So you dont get it randomly spraying scattergun shots across the map?

Often, there's a key that says "If I'm pressing this and am over a target, fire", specifically for that reason.

posted about 10 years ago
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