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Signed Up November 16, 2015
Last Posted June 2, 2016 at 4:37 PM
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#36 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
liasGasolliasI try to stay optimistic about getting shit on. Say in CS:GO the other team has a smurf. I try my best against the player that is ultimately better than me. I find that playing better and more challenging opposition makes me better faster than playing people my own skill level. Same thing in TF2, I learn more by getting shit on in than playing low open inhouse pugs. It sucks but it's worth it.

Yeah sandbaggers suck but make the most out of it when you can =)

Sniper to mid isn't helping anyone though.
That doesn't have to necessarily be true, it makes you think about how to approach the mid differently. For example it can make you think how do I get my med from point a to b without being in sniper sights. Anyway sniper to mid is used (rarely) but definitely utilized in higher divisions.

Sniper to mid makes me cry but I guess you are right. Do people actually do sniper to mid in esea?

posted about 9 years ago
#33 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
arcadiaGasol, my sandbagging team beat your team and you never made a thread about it 0.o

I don't remember you at all. Unless you're a dan squad guy?

posted about 9 years ago
#30 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
liasI try to stay optimistic about getting shit on. Say in CS:GO the other team has a smurf. I try my best against the player that is ultimately better than me. I find that playing better and more challenging opposition makes me better faster than playing people my own skill level. Same thing in TF2, I learn more by getting shit on in than playing low open inhouse pugs. It sucks but it's worth it.

Yeah sandbaggers suck but make the most out of it when you can =)

Sniper to mid isn't helping anyone. I like the optimism though.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
SteveCmarmadukeGRYLLSGasolWhat do you guys think? I just need to get good fast and get on an open team.
question answered.

It's not what you want to hear but this is completely spot on. That's why it's called open. Anyone can join, you get pwned then get better from learning why you got pwned. Yeah losing sucks but its better to play 16 matches with teams consistently closer to your level and learn from all of them. Or you can play in UGC against inconsistent "joke" teams with 6 silver players one day and then have their "A team" come in to wipe you in playoffs. You find out your skill level and then work from there. Plus the added financial burden of paying for premium and league fees WILL make you want to get better rather than jerking off your fellow forever steel friends to keep up appearances.

Starting in UGC just gives the illusion that you're not good enough and its your place to play in that div. You turn sour and bitter and realized you could've reached a higher potential. Don't be another sdogg2m.

That is pretty well put actually. I don't want to get into open yet though because of school and all or I would've by now.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
trashthe actual argument here should be related to whether or not this team actually is sandbagging (and not just, as other ppl mentioned, HL players trying to get into 6s), which is kind of the shaky bit right now

"well other leagues do it" isn't really a good argument, because sandbagging to lower divs for an easy season sort of misses the point of why leagues have divisions in the first place

There were 2-3 players with plat 6s experience on the team as well.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
SkyeWhy not post this on the UGC forums instead?

I didn't know people posted there besides LF scrims/teams.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
Jarrett000That doesn't change my statement at all. Would you have honestly made this thread about "sandbaggers" if you beat them?

No, I would make a thread bragging about beating sandbagger instead.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
Jarrett000It honestly just sounds like you lost to a team that was better than you immediately looked for excuses to reassure yourself.

If you read the OP I said that I brought this up with the admins before the match even happened.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster
arekk_12looking at their record, its not really a sandbag if theyre losing matches to silver teams

Well they very clearly threw 2 rounds against us. I think they're just dicking around in silver and throwing to stay mid silver. They also ran sniper a lot and were just goofing off and still beat our ass.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster

This team's roster has a combined total of 35 platinum seasons and they're playing in silver 6s. I played them today and they pretty much rolled us and very obviously threw 2 rounds to make it look at little close probably? I asked the admins beforehand how this was even allowed and come to find out they're buddy with an admin, surprise right?

This is really dumb I don't think any player with platinum experience should be allowed in silver let alone every single player on the roster. What do you guys think? I just need to get good fast and get on an open team.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Dumbass of the year award goes to: in The Dumpster
-fish-gasol are we infesting tftv with our cuteness now?


posted about 9 years ago
#5 Dumbass of the year award goes to: in The Dumpster

I'm always rooting for the underdog but lets be real here.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Dumbass of the year award goes to: in The Dumpster


accidentally bet on the wrong team.

EDIT: OH shit you can swap teams? thank you jesus

posted about 9 years ago
#47 what did you have for lunch tf2g? in Off Topic

today I had half a poptart I found behind my TV and also a packet of mild sauce from taco bell.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 LF Roamer mentor in Mentoring

I'm currently a UGC silver roamer looking to play open after the upcoming season. Looking for a long-term dedicated mentor, I'm definitely willing to learn. Add me if you want to mentor, I am excited to get better at roamer.

posted about 9 years ago
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