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Last Posted June 9, 2014 at 4:37 AM
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#43 What shall we do with in TF2 General Discussion
death to tf2mix
the whole alternating captain/fatkid pug system is dumb because scrambled teams end up imbalanced like 90% of the time.

If it wasn't for the fatkid pugs I'd have given up trying to get picked. It lets people who aren't well known get games in so they are know and eventually get picked in captain mode.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 jaake lft mid open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Not bad for a kid, could do with some work on his DM and capitalization.

Do people even read these posts? I guess you should try him out or something and see if he can click on gamers to your satisfaction.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 trip LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Is good at clicking on gamers.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Evaluating good play from stats/logs in TF2 General Discussion
synchroI'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me, but I think there's one stat that is completely objective and doesn't need context to show someone is a good player (medic excluded): damage per minute.

Outside of the demo, DPM is mostly meaningless without context.

Usually when I look at stats I'm comparing somebody's K/A/D and DPM against both others on their team and the opposition, but it doesn't give the full story.

For example some hypothetical games from a scout perspective:

1) The demo was doing a bad job of putting out damage, so most kills were 1v1s; result is a mostly a low number of kills, even K/D ratio, and high DPM (loss)
2) Demo and pocket were putting out a lot of damage, so most kills were cleanup; result is a high number of kills, K/D ratio >2, however relatively low DPM (win)
3) Our medic kept dying, had to go for medic/demo picks and forces; result is low kills, a terrible K/D ratio, low DPM (win)
4) Enemy team didn't guard the point well, back-caps and suicides for cap-time; again low kills, terrible K/D ratio, low DPM (win)

posted about 10 years ago
#31 Do you PUG? Why/Why Not? in TF2 General Discussion

I'd say that at least 75% of the games I've played on #tf2mix have been fun, it's been a good way for me to get into 6s, and games generally get going pretty quickly.

kevno one adds med aside from the usual medics

As somebody that has played a lot of pug medic (both in 6s and HL) this is caused by:
#1 people prefer to play other classes
#2 there's a significant amount of people who are just simply a dick to their medic and this discourages people from adding up

#1 isn't something that's fixable, but everyone can work on #2; if there's a scout on your team that runs around say "HEAL ME I NEVER GET ANY HEALS HEAL ME I AM IMPORTANT" or there's somebody that pours on the abuse if they die, step in and say something.

Think of a pug as a way to play with a different group of people and give a little constructive criticism to new players instead of a way to stomp some nerds and everyone will be happier.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Gavin LFT Medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

I know it's partway into the season, but on the off chance your medic rage quit or you are thinking about kicking them for being terribad, I'm LFT.

I've played 4 seasons of HL, with the last as a medic in Gold. I was in one of the worst teams in UGC Gold 6s and kept showing up while getting rolled, which shows character I guess.

+ East Coast (NYC)
+ Can play most nights
+ In my 30s so no screaming and being an idiot in mumble
+ Accent
+ Can main call if needed (mostly about holding down "w")
+ Makes a concerted effort to be better
+ Nearly at 150 medic games in #tf2mix
+ Not bad
- Hasn't played 6s a huge amount
- Former engineer main

Add me:


posted about 10 years ago
#3 Announcing: The Official UGC Plat HL Q+A Session! in TF2 General Discussion

What is your favorite kind of mustard?

In HL, after facing yet another wrangled sentry or being airblasted ad infinitum, have you ever thought "fuck this I'm playing 6s"?

Platinum is down to just 9 teams this season, is it going to be possible to revitalize HL at the highest level?

What do you have to say to your detractors who hate you for your shit-talking ways?

posted about 10 years ago
#18 UGC Season 12 Map List Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think anyone plays Borneo really. Its inclusion is somewhat baffling.

posted about 11 years ago
#222 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion

Here's my 2 cents; sorry for being so late to the party.

If your only interactions with the community are negative, that is if you just think that being a good admin involves handing out bans and such, people will perceive you to be a petty dictator even if you are in the right.

In ~325 mix games I've only seen Elena play once or twice and she barely says a word in IRC, as far as I can tell she mainly logs on to hand out bans. The latter is aggravating as without talking to the parties involved, you are simply doling out punishment, you are making no effort to correct anyone's behavior.

If you are too busy to interact with the community that you created (and a lot of us are thankful for its creation), then you can best serve everyone's interests by appointing admins that can carry out your wishes by proxy. I personally think Blindsight deserves a medal for the work he does.

As somebody with nearly 150 games captained, here's the things Elena has seen fit to c-restrict me for:
- Calling somebody autistic on mumble, when they were acting like a little kid (2 days)
- Picking somebody as sniper instead of soldier [then letting them play soldier anyway, lol] (2 days)
- Telling some kid that he shouldn't add as Jordan because he's not AG-Jordan (30 days)

Mix could definitely do with a few new admins, I'm sure out of the influx of plat players from the death of pug, there's a couple Elena could pick.

posted about 11 years ago