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Signed Up March 13, 2015
Last Posted April 25, 2020 at 6:17 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ⋅⋅ 38
#2 do y'all ever comm in real life in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#54 i58 mvps in TF2 General Discussion

my pup who would bark every time the sticky det sound played

that's a good pupper

posted about 8 years ago
#81 Everyone thank the production team ITT in TF2 General Discussion

Couldn't be happier with the way production played our ads. I think there was a bit too much irrelevant esports thrown inbetween our finely crafted advertisements, but in the end, sometimes you need a light distraction between some intense adding.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Insomnia58 memes and Twitch Spam Thread in LAN Discussion
zheepwtf was that sellout ad

posted about 8 years ago
#147 Muma/FROYO i58 AMA in TF2 General Discussion

wanna wrestle??

posted about 8 years ago
#38 Dashner not attending i58 in TF2 General Discussion

dashner is old af fam

posted about 8 years ago
#265 Vent your anger in Off Topic
Viperi bought some items off of and they were all delivered, but there's one item in the order that's labeled as still being sent, even though i already got it

now the bot that delivered the item is adding me to friends list non-stop, messaging me non-stop, and trying to send me trade offers non-stop

i blocked the bot on steam, but it can still message me through steam mobile and has been blowing up my phone for 36 hours straight

i tried to trade it in hopes to fix it and it just readies up the trade, unreadies it, then goes offline, and back online, starting the whole cycle over again


which bot is it fam

posted about 8 years ago
#6 New VAC wave? in TF2 General Discussion

his alt banned lmfao
hacker profileLost main account to a phish on 6/2/16


posted about 8 years ago
#19 stranger things in Music, Movies, TV

The second half of the season was meh compared to the first half, but overall, very good.

posted about 8 years ago
#196 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic
loocorijnathey're for a transition to 100% renewable energy
i dunno what's wrong with that

they're against nuclear, which, for all intents and purposes, is just as good as renewable.

Like fuck, I can't vote for or respect someone who honestly buys into all that anti-nuclear bullshit

posted about 8 years ago
#193 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic
loocorijnaGeel9loocorijnaGeel9loocorijnaGeel9fade-are you legitimately saying that hillary is a better option than trump?

or gary johnson? or jill stein?

you cannot legitimately convince me that any of those would be better than trump, especially taking into account hillary's corruption and past, gary johnson's support of the TPP, and the fact that jill stein is straight up nuts

lol dude

you can point out how stupid the conservative platform is without promoting hillary

that said Trump would be worse than Hillary, but Hillary is also a godawful option for the presidency. I'm just not voting. Fuck it.
instead of not voting, consider supporting a third party! while they may not win this election cycle, they will get equal funding in the next cycle if they receive 5% of the vote!

the problem is neither of the main third parties deserve my vote either. Gary Johnson is for privatizing way too many things, and Jill Stein has a dubious record regarding vaccinations.
Jill Stein is completely in support of vaccinations. the entire idea that she was anti-vax came from people who misconstrued something she said about keeping big pharma away from regulatory agencies.

That's definitely encouraging. Can you provide me with a clear, concise list of her major policies and what she wants to do as president?
Very concise list here:
A bit more detail here:

they're against nuclear power

i can't vote for imbeciles

posted about 8 years ago
#190 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic
loocorijnaGeel9loocorijnaGeel9fade-are you legitimately saying that hillary is a better option than trump?

or gary johnson? or jill stein?

you cannot legitimately convince me that any of those would be better than trump, especially taking into account hillary's corruption and past, gary johnson's support of the TPP, and the fact that jill stein is straight up nuts

lol dude

you can point out how stupid the conservative platform is without promoting hillary

that said Trump would be worse than Hillary, but Hillary is also a godawful option for the presidency. I'm just not voting. Fuck it.
instead of not voting, consider supporting a third party! while they may not win this election cycle, they will get equal funding in the next cycle if they receive 5% of the vote!

the problem is neither of the main third parties deserve my vote either. Gary Johnson is for privatizing way too many things, and Jill Stein has a dubious record regarding vaccinations.
Jill Stein is completely in support of vaccinations. the entire idea that she was anti-vax came from people who misconstrued something she said about keeping big pharma away from regulatory agencies.

That's definitely encouraging. Can you provide me with a clear, concise list of her major policies and what she wants to do as president?

posted about 8 years ago
#232 Vent your anger in Off Topic
PankeymanI have had an ex-friend of mine on two separate occasions cancel on a big group trip to visit an amusement park and watch a horror movie on the basis of it being 'too scary' (this person is also older than I which makes this more embarrassing and pathetic). As a result we were unable to do these fun things and it was all his fault.

Person who will rename unnamed, you are a fucking pussy ass pathetic bitch loser for not wanting to hang out and do cool activities. The Conjuring 2 kicks ass and is a million times better than amy gay ass anime convention. Grow up and start acting appropriately to your age, you're too old to be into this garbage. If I ever see you in person I will be openly hateful towards you for still liking anime and I will probably knock you out without warning if you pull another stunt like cancelling our big trips at the last minute.

bro anime is dumb but maybe the reason he didn't want to hang out with you is because you sound like a horrible person to hang out with

posted about 8 years ago
#188 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic
loocorijnaGeel9fade-are you legitimately saying that hillary is a better option than trump?

or gary johnson? or jill stein?

you cannot legitimately convince me that any of those would be better than trump, especially taking into account hillary's corruption and past, gary johnson's support of the TPP, and the fact that jill stein is straight up nuts

lol dude

you can point out how stupid the conservative platform is without promoting hillary

that said Trump would be worse than Hillary, but Hillary is also a godawful option for the presidency. I'm just not voting. Fuck it.
instead of not voting, consider supporting a third party! while they may not win this election cycle, they will get equal funding in the next cycle if they receive 5% of the vote!

the problem is neither of the main third parties deserve my vote either. Gary Johnson is for privatizing way too many things, and Jill Stein has a dubious record regarding vaccinations.

posted about 8 years ago
#151 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic
fade-are you legitimately saying that hillary is a better option than trump?

or gary johnson? or jill stein?

you cannot legitimately convince me that any of those would be better than trump, especially taking into account hillary's corruption and past, gary johnson's support of the TPP, and the fact that jill stein is straight up nuts

lol dude

you can point out how stupid the conservative platform is without promoting hillary

that said Trump would be worse than Hillary, but Hillary is also a godawful option for the presidency. I'm just not voting. Fuck it.

posted about 8 years ago
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