I'm an open scout who wants to play some vidya for S14.
Preferably a mid open team who can scrim from 8 or 9 all the way to 11. If will have to decline if it's after 11 due to schoolwork and the fact that I have to get up early in the morning.
Also, I would prefer to join a team that will stay together.
For the convenience of adding me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Geknaiir
I don't take up heals. And if I do, I usually ask when I have crit heals or on the verge of death.
Can offclass as pyro, spy, and heavy. I can play sniper a bit now but I will only bodyshot meds.
I can be your team's build bitch. I even have a Three Runed Blade named "Geknaiir//Build."
I'm sometimes pessimistic so I would need someone to tell me to stop if they're bothered.
I'm also goofy as fuck and can be random in mumble sometimes if I'm not scrimming.
EDIT: I would like a high open team now :D I've improved a lot over the off season and I think my body is ready.