MaxHaxRickwho the fuck has $30k in unusual hats and wont just sell that shit? even 1k in hats is ridiculous4 of the newest effect Team Captains aren't even added to that total because they haven't been priced. You are looking closer to 40 k. Be mad, be very very mad.
Btw mine is over 3k, it's digital art. People just don't understand. When an abstract painting by Jackson Polluck can go for over 30 million dollars and is not much more than paint thrown on a canvas, you can see how people value things that aren't much more than something to look at in such high value amounts.
Mattie is just a collector. And if he enjoys it while being able to financially support the thing he loves(which are TCs), then let him collect TCs. Also, Max, you forgot to mention that his wife has the Hearts TC so it would be over 40k.