Added research into balancing lobbies and pickup games
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Signed Up | March 1, 2014 |
Last Posted | October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM |
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thesupremecommanderI just hope that they come out with an SDK with full source code access, especially if they do port TF2 over. Otherwise, developing will be extremely painful.
They're changing their official description of us from community contributors to Flagellants and the SDK will be renamed the Masochist Kit.
KanecoThis goes much deeper than "You guys only hear the fast food of music, find some really obscure indie shit no one knows and use that on your streams/videos".
I didn't say this, but if you don't want obscure then a big company somewhere is paying the marketing budget that means you've heard of it. If you don't want indie then you're asking for a big label. If you don't want shit then pick something you like. If you want a big label to market music directly to you for your enjoyment then they want something back for it. They apparently aren't satisfied with you doing a bit more marketing for them.
If you don't like the way a service implements it's copyright control then your only choice is to vote with your feet and move. If they are a monopoly or you feel there's no alternative then your only recourse is to find legal means. If they still fuck up then you have no choice but to put it down to experience (and maybe re-make the video with a different soundtrack).
The forces involved are massive, I really can't get across how insignificant this is. It's their world.
If you don't want to eat junk food then find an indie eatery, or cook yourself. Does EXTV still use music from one of their brother's bands?
WARHURYEAHA very interesting take on the situation:
tldr; The Google deal fell through and twitch are preparing to cut costs without the massive cash injection as twitch is becoming a lot more popular.
To be honest I'm not sure he understands. It's not Twitch that's getting a billion dollar cash injection, it's the investors who are taking that money away in their back pockets. Twitch get a change in management.
There are rational reasons for Google to demand Twitch do it before a full takeover, i.e. Google is actually worth suing while Twitch makes nothing, and for a takeover company to come in and cut costs by slashing and burning low value assets (videos older than 60 days + for example) is standard practice in any industry.
Google are probably one of the few companies that know more than Twitch about the economics of mass storage and hi def videos are not analogous to emails. Also from a PR perspective it puts the old management on the hook for doing all the bad stuff and Google's reputation remains snow white when they actually take over.
On the plus side Google might sort out Twitch's dire HTML 5 player.
It's just a minor troll (OK, some streamers do play intolerable crap), but really if people don't like it then look for stuff licensed under creative commons that's outside the official scope of copyright industry enforcement. There's a lot of music out there that's free, and promoting it helps the creators on their way. There are probably people on this forum producing it.
The recognised music industry really is the fast food outlet of music culture, but people are addicted to it because it's easy and familiar. If they're making it hard then fuck them, break the cycle and prove their model is out dated.
It wouldn't solve the false positive problem but there's not much anyone can do about that except appeal to Twitch when you know you're in the right.
I think this is marvellous, collectively your taste in music is absolute shit* and I can barely watch any streams at all because of it.
*Except for War
Valve made some changes that caused the team number of players to stop being reported properly which was causing all health bars to appear blue and made red team members impossible to select.
This has been updated to work in version
Download here or in the OP.
There is code refactoring going in the background so it's possible that bugs may have been introduced as part of that. Please report any new problems here/PM me/msg me on steam.
You might want to address games that are likely to be very one sided and therefore likely to attract fewer bets by offering a score based bet, such as Froyotech to win by 3 rounds or more rather than just Froyotech to win. The downside is that this isn't automatic and is a bit more difficult to understand for the punter.
One thing to consider with bets being moved or retracted as suggested above is that people will (if they're thinking) place bets on one team on the strength of bets on the other team as much as who they think will win, so bets being retracted will potentially cause an undesirable knock on effect of lots of bets being removed/moved.
It leaves the system open to collusion, two players could make bets, one small and the other very big, and other punters would pile on the other side at the sight of all the loot available. Just before the match or bet retraction time limit the big gambler of the colluding pair retracts their bet. This leaves all the punters on the other side standing to gain much less while the small bettor stands to win a huge amount at very little risk. Obviously there will be more players involved than just a handful, but the potential effect is there.
RIP mashed potato
GetawhaleI fuckin love you.
I should have added that if Jon or the casters were on the same STV as everybody else then an STV attack should have affected everyone and the same with mumble but I don't know the details of the setup in terms of who was using exactly what.
Makatf2hey so -insecure keeps causing me to crash whenever I load up a demo. any fix?
I hadn't noticed any crashing problems from the update yesterday (although the map is pretty messed up, but no one uses that it seems), if you've changed hud recently and had a custom font defined anywhere that is no longer in your hud that might cause crashes. Does removing spec tools from your custom folder help? If you have other plugins there, does removing those fix it? Are your plugins on the latest versions?
AdmirableI think this happens a lot even before this recent lag issue. Always little cut outs sprinkled though the audio, not sure why?
I mean in conjunction with the visual action also lagging so you got a break in movement and audio which wouldn't just be STV, at a minimum it's STV and mumble. The moment I linked to was a particularly clear moment, the audio and visual freeze at the same time and the cap point animations showing obvious disruptions in communication with the STV (but they still move so it's not the upload to twitch) which indicates an acute moment in whatever it was, but at the same time the connection to Twitch was still working.
If testing is all OK then it's hard to see how it could be the PC setup. The number of Twitch viewers can't possibly make a difference. It could be the STV and mumble being attacked at the same time, or it could be Jon's connection being attacked, or there were too many people on the mumble/stv (not likely on mumble surely?), or the attacker could be Jon's anime porn torrents or his ISP could be worse at busy times in the evening.
It might be worth testing those times on a night off. Was a world cup match on? Wimbledon? Maybe try testing to coincide with a match and Andy Murray day as well so all those posh middle class tennis loving bastards are hurrying to their iplayer apps flooding your ISP locally while the knuckle dragging proletariat make do with the opiate of the people, it does happen and would melt away a couple of hours later.
I know what you mean about audio cutouts, they're annoying on fully charged but it normally seems to be when War is pouring his heart out so I presumed that was some kind of emo filter. Or maybe his mic being around his knees.
If the moving cap point animations are taken as proof that the connection to Twitch was OK then STV/Mumble attack could be possible, might be worth checking with Arie (it was Fakkelbrigade right?), but it seems like that wouldn't account for all the types of glitching because some of it seemed to be purely audio/video as well. Something that switched targets around a bit?
Lots of bollocks talked, some of it might be true.
On Snakewater when AWS were capping last for the first time the capture animation nearly completes then suddenly switches back to being halfway capped which suggests a brief loss of connection to the STV during which the capture was blocked, but then it jumps forward to cap again.
At other times though the caster voices also lagged which wouldn't be affected by STV connection. DOS attack maybe?
The other option is to build on the stats system Arie published a little while ago, that should provide everything included in the logs. There's still the pause problem with those as well though.
Regarding pauses they're probably detectable with an indirect approach rather than looking for a switch. No players moving or turning and projectile model positions not moving from frame to frame would be hard to explain by any other circumstance.