Biggest possible thanks to bluee for his work on AdvSpec that helped me realise what was possible, and for his help with this one
Admirable (chief tester <3), CX, getawhale, Warhuryeah & Byte for ideas and feedback, and general encouraging noises from many others.
Oh yeah, it works together with the AdvSpec plugin fine, I've had no problems.
New Stuff added 22nd April 2014
Bugs Fixed (hopefully)
Fixed map proportions bug on some resolutions
Fixed health bar appearing in first person for the spectated player. This isn't perfect, it may flicker on briefly every now and then and sometimes causes very occasional flicker amongst other players health bars, but barely noticeable in my testing. I will continue to try to improve it.
Fixed some special characters not displaying properly in player names
Health bar width and height commands
spec_player_health_bar_width <1-x> - sets the maximum width of the health bar in pixels
spec_player_health_bar_height <1-x> - set the height of the health bar in pixels. Note that health bars are still scaled horizontally as they become more distant so making this very high can produce odd visual effects
Floating Text Commands
spec_player_show_text_background <1/0> - shows or hides a dark rectangle behind player overlay text
spec_player_text_border <1/0> - shows/hides a rectangular border around player overlay text
spec_player_text_shadow <1/0> - shows/hides a drop shadow on player overlay text to improve legibility in the absence of a background
New Stuff added 23rd April 2014
Filter effects by player class
This allows a spectator to only see the overlay effects on a specific class or set of classes. By default filtering is off and must be activated as well as have the individual class filters defined.
Activation Command: spec_player_use_class_filters <1/0>
1 or 0 turns the effects filter on or off respectively
Filter Command: spec_player_class_filter <1-9> <1/0>
The first parameter is the class, this follows the same class selection criteria as the player switcher: 3 = soldier, 5 = medic, 1 = scout, 2 = sniper, 4 = demo, 9 = engie, 7 = pyro, 8 = spy, 6 = heavy
The second parameter sets whether effects are shown for a player of the selected class or not. 0, which is the default, means they're not shown. 1 means they are shown.
New Stuff 26th April 2014
Show player stickies - renders a small team coloured circle where a sticky bomb is placed (also highlights rollers I think but they only last a few seconds).
Command spec_player_show_stickies <1/0>
Team Health Bars - shows configurable total team health bars. Requires activation then further configuration commands to show up properly.
Command: spec_player_team_health <1/0> - activates bar
spec_player_team_bar_format [r|b] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [t|b] [0-x] [l|r] [0-x] [0-x] [0-x]
[r|b] sets which team bar these settings apply to, r for red and b for blu
[0-255] for the next 3 parameters are the colour of the bar in RGB values
[t|b] is which side the vertical position will be measured from, t for top and b for bottom
[0-x] is how far from the selected side the top of the bar will appear
[l|r] is which side the horizontal position will be measured from, l for left and r for right
[0-x] is how far from the selected side the bar will appear
[0-x] width of bar
[0-x] height of bar
If the bar is positioned relative to the left side it's right side will move as health changes, if positioned relative to the right side it's left side will move (this makes sense when you see it). It only changes in a horizontal direction.
Layout examples:
Big and simple:
Opposite sides:
Centrally aligned:
Player Health Shown on Damage - a pair of commands to configure player health bars only appearing when they suffer damage (not including overheal decay). There's no way to filter out self-damage so you get them appearing on rollout and rocket jumps. This completely overrides normal health bar behaviour so has to be deactivated to get that back.
Command: spec_player_health_on_hit <1/0> - turns the effect on or off
spec_player_health_on_hit_decay <0-x> - how long the health bar fades in terms of RGB alpha channel values per game frame. Will accept fractional amount such as 0.5. Default is 1.
New Stuff - Added 27th April 2014
Show Medic Uber Info - shows the medic's medigun and charge percentage on floating text to the player's right. It looks like this:
Command: spec_player_medic_info <1/0>
Show medic changed medigun type message - shows a message when a medic selects a different type of medigun. The colour and position can be customised to enhance visibility. This is bright green in the middle:
Commmand: spec_player_uber_change_alert <1/0>
spec_player_uber_change_alert_format <0-255> <0-255> <0-255> <0-x> <0-x>
The first 3 values are the RGB colour commponents, 4th is the left position and 5th is the vertical position. It defaults to white text top left.
New Stuff - May 23rd 2014
New Maps - turbine, upwards, steel, gravel pit
File names - included the version number in the file name so it's a bit clearer what you're downloading. Also moved the download location to webspace with no ads.
Choose fonts - allows you to choose fonts based on entries in the Fonts section of the clientscheme.res file in the hud.
Commands: spec_player_name_font <font name>
spec_player_health_numbers_font <font name>
spec_player_medic_info_font <font name>
spec_player_uber_change_alert_font <font name>
So if the font entry in clientscheme.res looks like this:
"name" "AvenirLTStd-Medium"
"tall" "19"
"additive" "0"
"antialias" "1"
The result looks (slightly ridiculously) like this:
You can obviously choose a more sensible font, although this might suit the uber alert. If you use a font that doesn't exist in the clientscheme.res it may cause crashes or may just not appear. My mileage has varied.
Health bar customisation - outline and overheal colour are configurable by team
Commands: spec_player_health_overheal_color <r|b> <0-255> <0-255> <0-255> <0-x> <0-x>
spec_player_health_outline_color <r|b> <0-255> <0-255> <0-255>
Low health flash - makes the health bar or health text flash when a player's health goes below a configurable threshold between the health bar colour and a team configurable colour
Commands: spec_player_health_flash <1|0> - turns the effect on or off
spec_player_health_flash_speed <0-x> - interval in milliseconds between flashes, default 125
spec_player_health_flash_threshold <0-x> - the health threshold below which the health bar will flash. Default 50
spec_player_health_flash_color <r|b> <0-255> <0-255> <0-255> - the colour the health bar flashes to, configured for each team
Download links in original post updated