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SteamID64 76561197999613846
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Country Australia
Signed Up April 12, 2013
Last Posted November 25, 2020 at 5:06 PM
Posts 17 (0 per day)
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Mouse Razer Deathadder 2013
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Monitor BenQ XL2410T
1 2
#1 OZF 29 GF: soirée vs. happy feet in Events

Go Elmo! :D

posted about 4 years ago
#1 OZF 28 SF: Head Cavers vs. Jasmine Beef in Events

Go Elmo!

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Got bored and made this in TF2 General Discussion

I was wondering if you could add Raymon's cock size to the card too. Length and girth measurements please, thanks.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 which region's tf2 community has the best memes/se in Off Topic

What was with the 'lol' for Australia. Aye cunt? You talkin' shit mate, you wanna fucken go mate????

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Esports Arena Rewind announced in News


posted about 8 years ago
#26 Help I need a name for my dog in Off Topic
malwelp, the answer to this one is too obvious


posted about 8 years ago
#15 Get Jasmine Tea to Rewind LAN in TF2 General Discussion
colboltIs mike a old school player? Never seen him before following the aus scene.

He was a former top Scout, used to play in teams such as Uprising and Spadebox back in the day. He's a gr8 bloke and a great medic, and the cunt can hit his arrows.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 OZF 15 Premier Recap in News
CorsaHow do you take 45% heals while using gunboats

Literally on one map, did you even watch the rest of the game m8?

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Brutalix leaves core Jasmine Tea roster in News
yukiI mean I get quitting when losing a final, but losing an UPPER BRACKET final? :/

This was p disappointing to hear as the games the other night were the most fun I'd had in a while.

I 100% agree man, it was pretty weird that night we lost, I was in such a good mood which is probably a weird thing to say after a loss (and losing your medic) but that was honestly the most fun game I have played in seasons, I'm sure the rest of my team could agree with me on that. Hoping to get a repeat of that in the grand final on a 5 map series :)

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Brutalix leaves core Jasmine Tea roster in News

also i guess it wasn't just the team 'ego' they lost to, but also their own

Please don't assume that our whole team was just as egotistical as Brutalix. He acted by himself and the rest of our team were not really in any way part of that.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 ego undergoes major shuffle in News
ThalashBrutalixHey at least there is now someone else for yuki to blame I guesslow tier aus bm

Yeah fucking hell Brut, where's your quality banter you shit cunt

posted about 8 years ago
#88 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

triggerbot / aimbotter from australia

Queued up against this bitch today and all you need to do is shit talk her so hard that she tilts in to oblivion and eventually turns off her aimbot and tries to play against you legitimately, and you just end up winning because shes shit anyways. I honestly don't understand that, like why would you get so tilt that you turn off your aimbot? Wouldn't tilting make you want to use it even more lol. I don't understand this idiot.

And fuck that Chase That Feeling faggot who is always pocketing him/her, that's just absolutely gross.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 UGC S16 AUS/NZ Platinum Grand Final: SAS vs. nKH! in Events
nobelharvardsElmo specifically stated they did not know the pickup was not allowed. This means they did not read the rules.

Name one other instance where a team that made it to grand finals would not be the subject of ridicule and outrage for not reading the rules.

I can also tell you from personal experience that Elmo is a narcissistic, misogynist person who, in my eyes, does not deserve any of the titles of any tournament he has won. I am deeply insulted that a small proportion of my income taxes went towards supporting scum like him.

Who the fuck cares, why is everyone making a big deal about? We didn't argue about it at all, we just accepted the fact that we broke the rules, like fair enough we will play the grand finals on Thursday - so can we just leave it at that?? or do you need to keep making nonsense complaints that no body gives a shit about.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 OWL 13 Premier Division: Cash Money vs. Masif Saturdays in Events
CHERRYMASIF forfeited mid game lol.
All bets are returned, though I'm still surprised why would you do that when many viewers were rooting for you especially afer you've won Via, way to go.

Yeah really unfortunate guys, we will ensure next time that we can stay the full game. There was literally nothing we could have done. Fucking suckkkksssssss we're all so gutted but it was still a really fun game.

Cheers for everyone who watched though, and hope we can bring you a really good game again next time!

posted about 9 years ago
#11 OWL 13 Premier Division: Cash Money vs. Masif Saturdays in Events
rhK7 hours from now for non-aussie viewers :)
edit: and I forgot has a counter already..... my bad

and you call yourself an ozfortress admin.......

posted about 9 years ago
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